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Lesson 3: Transient Conduction Here the method for obtaining a transient temperature solution is illustrated.

T his time we have a homogeneous slab with a hole in it. The boundary conditions o n this slab are illustrated in the figure shown below. We want to perform calcul ations for the first 50 seconds after the boundary conditions have been suddenly applied to the slab. To obtain a transient solution follow the procedure shown below. I am not going to show you how to build the model again because the basic procedure is essentia lly identical to the one used for the steady state model. I will begin from the point where we enter the solution mode after completing the preprocessing stage. ANSYS Commands for the Transient Problem The model creation and element generation stage is very similar to that illustra ted in the steady state slab problem. The application of the various loads is al so done in a manner similar to that demonstrated in the steady state problem. Th e following commands will therefore only focus on the specifics of the transient solution method. To obtain a FEM solution New Analysis \click (green box on left under Analysis type) Transient \click OK \click Time/Frequency \click (green box on left) Time and Time step \click Fill in the particulars as desired OK \click Output Ctrls \click Solu Printout \click Print Frequency (Every substep) Output Ctrls \click DB/Results File \click File write Frequency (Every substep) Other \click Reference Temperature \click Enter reference temperature Loads - Apply \click On nodes \click Uniform Temperature \click Enter Initial temperature OK \click Current LS \click (green box on left in the Solve area) OK \click Wait for solution Finish \click (green box on left)

This finishes the solution phase of the problem Postprocessing This is where you get all the nice colored plots !!! General Postproc \click (top of screen) By Load Step \click (in the Read Results area) Enter the Load step and sub step number OK \click Nodal solution \click (in the contour plot area) OK \click This should give you a nice contour plot of the temperature field in the composi te slab. Notice how the contour lines are perpendicular to the edge of the hole and the top and bottom edge of the model indicating zero temperature gradient an d hence a zero heat flux on those surface. Next step \click (to get plots for next time step) Now repeat plotting procedure. You can even do cool animations PlotCtrls \click (blue menu on top) Animate \click Contours over time \click Make sure to click on Temp in the Val1 area \click OK \click Finish \click File \click (blue menu top) Exit \click Save Everything \click OK \click THIS CONCLUDES THE TRANSIENT SLAB PROBLEM Lesson 2, Steady State Conduction Tutorial Index Lesson 4, Thermal-Structural Analysis

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