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In order to bring about improvement in the testing process and help your team members
Come up with guidelines on ( 2 steps each)
a) How to stop testing?
b) When to stop testing?
c) How to test with constraint on resources.

2. You are the project leader for the team and the team members are fresh from colleges. During the reviews
and testing they are finding a lot defects but they are not reporting all of them for the fear that would reflect in
there performance appraisals. How do you handle this type of situations and improve the quality.

3. You as a QC person, what type of test end report will you prepare for the PL of the concerned project? What
will you report and why?

4. Mr. Laloo P. Yadav is the new IS Manager of an investment company. His team needs to develop an online
trading system within 2 months with no increase in team size. An online (buy/sell) transaction has to be
completed within 2 seconds and the online search should not take more than 5 seconds. How should Mr.
Yadav approach this to get the software developed with the best quality and within schedule?

5. A new team member has joined the project and he has to prepare Unit Test plan for the module. He says that
he would prepare UT after completing the code development. As the Project Leader would you agree with
this? Explain.

6. You are passing by the cubicle of Broadcast project manager, Mr.John and you overhead him talking to him
on the phone.

Mr. John was talking to his client “OK, Initially we planned about 25% efforts to be spent in System Testing
but As you know we slipped the Design by 5% so I promise you I would adjust this efforts in System Test by
reducing the System Test efforts- instead of 25% - we will now plan for 20%.By doing so I am still hopeful to
meet delivery deadlines.
You guessed that Mr.John is negotiating the System Test efforts. What would be your action points to
Convince Mr.John.

7. Sara had just finished meeting System Testing people. she seems to be upset. She held a meeting to find
out the status of Testing and basically wanted to know how many Faults were Fixed in the Previous build 3.0.
The Test Team Leader was away, so she could get hold of 4 testers.

- Two Testers said. We have tested the build 3.0 and there are no showstopper Faults.

- The Other Tester said – we Tested 3.0 thoroughly and we could find some problems. Apparently, Sara got
confused and wanted to know what really is happening. She asked the Test Team leader who joined late in
the meeting. She asked him the same question. The Test Team leader said: we have tested the Build 3.0 and
there were many show stopper issues. Sara could not make anything and just came out of the meeting. Sara
feels that there should be some system to get the correct status of Testing.

What kind of approach you will take to eliminate these kinds of problems?

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