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March 28, 2011

Dear Governor Brewer, We are business owners in Pennsylvania. We have had the opportunity to have met Bobby and Ceci 4 years ago while our oldest son had attended the Second Chance program among many others. They personally along with people within their ministry played a key role in helping us personally to restore our family. It was not only our family that was affected. We have been able to help others here in Pennsylvania with the teachings and counsel we received through the Torres family. Before sending our son to the programs our family was falling apart. We literally had begun to lose touch with our son through a series of events. Through the ministry that they dedicated their lives to we were able to reestablish a relationship with our son. Not only has it strengthened that relationship, but it has made us aware as parents of things we needed to be stronger in to raise healthy children. As for the character of Bobby and Ceci Torres it is one to be honored. We have seen them pour out love and encouragement to people of all ages. We have seen the affects of this ministry in many ways. They have touched lives and families. They have encouraged and brought hope when no one else could or would. They instill qualities of excellence and greatness in the people or children's lives that they come in contact with. They challenge others to be the very best and not settle for what society may bring their way. We personally have been foster parents and can tell you without Jesus Christ and raising the children in this manner it is a disservice to all involved. People adapt and learn how to play the system and the games in the system due to the lack of character upon many other things that are not instilled in them through their own families. These families need to be reached and taught how to deal with themselves and their children in Godly ways. Through this ministry this is provided. Lives are changed and transformed for the good. Jesus is the key to the change an individual, a city, a country or a nation. Each person has their own right to believe what they want but yet you are suggesting the Torres family not be able to do this. To bring charges against any part of this ministry would be a disservice to the community and the families of America. This ministry believes in the vision of our founding fathers and the greatness of what can be. This ministry is to be commended for the contribution it provides to fellow Americans and to the raising of future leaders of this and other countries. This ministry is a needed asset to families of and in America. I have seen them sacrifice their lives to do nothing but better people and help them to do the same for others. We ask that you would reconsider your position towards this ministry and personal lives of all involved. Sincerely,

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