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A Journey to Mars

The next thing I knew, I was standing in a dry creek bed. The dirt was red, and somehow I knew I was in Arizona. It was night. Everything was illuminated by the moon. I looked around that saw ten or eleven other women. They were all in their nightclothes as I was. No one spoke. We walked around slowly, looking at each other and our surroundings. Suddenly, without sound, a golden ball began to materialize. It was about fifteen to twenty feet high. A door opened, and a man with white hair and blue eyes walked down the steps. It is time to go he said as he motioned us to get on board. I was one of the first inside. I was almost directly across from the door. There was a bench that ran along the edge of the round room. Each woman sat down in front of her own window. There were twelve windows and the door. The man sat on a seat in front of the door. He said that we were going for a short ride. He told us to look out the windows because the view was going to be beautiful. I followed his advice. I don't remember him telling us we were going to Mars, yet I knew that was where we were headed. I could see Mars in the distance. The red planet grew larger and larger, until it filled the entire window. I could see that all the women were now looking out the windows on my side of the Golden Globe. Without sound or warning, the man with the white hair stood up and opened the door. We had come to rest on the red planet. Our trip took about half an hour or less. One by one, the women silently filed out the door of the Globe. Not one of us had spoken to the others. Each woman was met by a man in a gray uniform with yellow piping and patches. I watched the other women as they were led to different areas. The place where we landed looked like a freeway underpass system. There were several large entryways which led down into the red planet. The Golden globe had landed on a flat piece of ground which seemed to set on top the underground passages. There was a fence or guardrail around the landing area. The section where we disembarked was the only place we could exit. (The photo below is an actual photograph of Mars showing the Mexican pyramid region. I pasted a drawing of the time/space machine on top a flat surface above two openings. I did this because the spot in the photo from Mars, looked EXACTLY like the spot where we landed. One of our readers found the photograph and sent it to me AFTER he read my article.) I was the last to leave the golden globe. As I stood at the doorway I saw two of the women who had been in the globe with me. They were walking with their arms around the men who had met them. It appeared as if they knew and loved the men. There was no one there to meet me. I looked at the man with the white hair. He read my mind and sent back the answer. I am your guide. He walked away from the landing area and the underground passages. He headed toward the red rocks that were in front of us. I can remember thinking; "There is an atmosphere on Mars. Why haven't our scientists told us about it?" I heard the man answer me, "If they told you, there would be an overwhelming rush to colonize Mars. We don't want that."

As we walked closer to the red rocks, I could see that there were caves carved in the rocks. The man corrected my thinking. "They aren't caves, and they aren't rocks. These are living structures. On earth we would call them apartments, but these apartments are made from living crystals. The crystals create an energy field that keeps the people who live in these structures in perfect health. When the Martians lived here, there was no sickness, there was no death." I climbed the rocks and walked inside one of the structures. I could feel something touching me. It gave me a shiver. I heard the man tell me, "Don't worry. It will not harm you. It is sensing your energy system. If you spent the night here, you would go home in perfect health." My mind was already thinking, "How can we bring these crystal beings to earth?" The man silently answered, "We already have. We are trying to duplicate the process that the Martians used to make these structures." I quickly discovered that not only could the man communicate with me telepathically, but he could put pictures in my mind. The man showed me the dome-like structures that they had created using the crystal beings in a mixture of concrete like substance. WINDOWS TO THE STARS The man said he had more to show me and started back down the hill. He stopped at a wall that came up to his waist. The wall had hidden a passageway that led down into an underground structure. The man went ahead of me. The light was filtered. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust. When I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw a long hall with picture windows on each side. When I first saw it, I thought that it must be some kind of indoor zoo. The windows appeared to hold different scenes. I don't know why I thought it was a zoo, but that was the first thought that popped into my mind. I could almost hear the man laugh as I thought 'zoo'. He told me to take a look and tell him what I was seeing. As I approached each picture window I saw that there was no glass. I could look into them at scenes I couldn't understand. I didn't know what I was looking at. Some of the scenes appeared to be swirling clouds and fog. Other scenes were of meadows and grass. "Could it be a picture album left by the people who used to live here?" I asked. The man didn't laugh at my question. "That is a very good thought, but no. This was not what Mars looked like." The man read my mind and realized I had no idea what I was seeing. He said, "This is a space-time portal. When the Martians knew they were going to lose their atmosphere, they knew they had to find a new planet on which to live. Earth was their first choice. It was nearby and easily accessible with their spacecraft. But earth was still in the creation process thirteen million years ago." The man told me that the Martians did not have the technology to travel in spaceships outside of this solar system and none of the planets in this solar system were ready to support life. He said the Martian scientists turned their attention to creating space/time machines.

About half way down the long hall, the man stopped me and pointed to a window. This is the portal to earth. I thought you said that earth was not habitable 13 million years ago. It wasn't, he replied. This portal leads to earth, approximately 50,000 years ago, earth time. From a Martian point of view, it is 13 million . . . minus 50, 000 . . . earth years in the future. Come with me and have a look. The man stepped through the window or portal. He stood there waiting for me to join him. I looked in and tried to figure out what kind of room he was in. It was dark and glowed with a green light. I really couldn't see anything but the man. Once I stepped through the portal, it closed behind me. We were in some kind of underground cave. We stood on a rock platform that was surrounded on all sides by water. It was very dim; I could not see anything very well. From the water I heard a voice. It was irreverent and humorous, "Are the two of you going to stand there all day, or are you going to come with me?" I looked down and saw a creature that looked like a dolphin with the head of a catfish. The man led me to the stairs and we walked down into the water. There were two dolphin-like creatures waiting for us. He grabbed the fin of one and gestured for me to do the same thing. I heard the dolphin creature tell me that the Martians designed the entrance to earth to make sure no one could get through the portals unless they were invited and wanted. The dolphin-like creatures were the guardians of the portals. Without them, no one could ever find their way out of the portal and onto the earth. The two dolphin creatures swam for a very long time. Finally they skidded to a stop up a golden brick ramp. The talking dolphin creature said, "This is where the two of you get off. We will see you on the other side." The man with the white hair was the first to climb to his feet. He offered me his hand and helped me up out of the water. I felt strangely refreshed and alive. Almost like there was something in the water that nurtured me and healed me. As I was thinking the thought I heard the man reply, When earth was younger and nonpolluted, ordinary water was healing water. I walked by his side to the doors at the top of the ramp. He pushed the two doors open. The first thing I saw was beautiful columns and temples. The colors were vibrant turquoises and orange and yellow. The land was lush with trees and grass. I saw the two dolphin creatures swim out from under the temple. There was a canal that surrounded the area. The water was crystal clear. There were many other types of fish swimming in the canal. When the people saw the dolphin creatures, they fell to their knees and seemed to pray before them. I looked at the man, he answered, "The dolphins are sacred to these people. The dolphins take care of them. They don't appear very often. The people haven't noticed us yet. The dolphins are telling them about us. Wait a moment, you are going to be surprised."

After a few moments, a young man came over to us. He kneeled before us. I tried to pull him up but the man with me stopped me. When the young man stood up, he said, in perfect English, "Welcome to Egypt. I am your guide." We followed the young boy down the steps of the temple. The man told me that the dolphins had read our thoughts and instantly taught the boy to speak our language. The young boy led us through their city. There were no cars; none were needed because the area was not large enough for cars to be needed. There appeared to be thousands of people living there. Their skin was medium brown and their facial features were similar to the people of Italy. They were very beautiful. We were taken to the edge of the city where the fields that grew the crops were. I could see fields of green with people working. There were also trees and bushes. Everything was so beautiful it looked like a park. The young boy handed me an orange fruit that looked like an apricot. I looked at the man, "Eat it", he said, "You will never in your life taste anything as sweet." The last thing I remember is the wonderful sweet taste of the fruit. The next thing I remember is floating through space. I was lying horizontally. I could faintly remember being told to keep my eyes closed. I fought to open them. Above me I saw a space ship. I was in some kind of beam that was moving me through the roof of my apartment and putting me back in my bed. I was dressed in a long white night gown, and I could feel the silk fabric flutter against my arms. I fought to stay awake long enough to write myself enough notes so I would remember my trip When I woke up the next morning, there was red dirt in my bed. I wondered where I could have gotten red dirt on my feet. Then I saw my notebook wide open on the bed stand. The first word I saw was MARS followed by Golden Globe. . .and other key words. By the time I had finished reading the code words, I had remembered the entire experience. Four years later, I met the man with the white hair on Offutt Air Force Base. I have wanted to tell the story of my trip to Mars for a long time. Friends who know the story have advised to keep it to myself. They fear it will cause me to lose all credibility. I don't know if I went to Mars. I know there was red dirt in my bed when I woke up. Did I go to Mars or just to Arizona? I can't give you an answer. What I do know is the man in the dream turned out to be my husband Gunther's boss, a four star Admiral who was in Navy Intelligence, and at the time I met him in 1989, on Offutt Air Force Base, he was the Director of Covert Operations for the CIA. If the Admiral did not take me to Mars, then someone went to a lot of trouble to make me think that he did. About a week after I met the Admiral on Offutt, he took me on another journey. He took me to meet the King of the World. The only two times I have gone on unusual journeys in my physical body, it has been with the Admiral. (The King of the World story is included in this anthology.) Q: What did you do after you realized what had happened? Did you lecture about your trip? Did you make it part of your work? How did it affect you, and do you think it had any impact on what you were doing at the time?

A: I don't think it had any impact on what I was doing. In fact, I can only remember telling one friend about it. For some reason, it was very upsetting to me, and I wanted to put it out of my mind.

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