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Since I gave a pal of mine my word that there would be

a truce on the Uncle Barry bashing till at least he took
office, I am forced to keep said word and look around at
society to see if there was anything at all interesting worth
getting someone who disagrees with me irate over. Turns
out, there is, who knew?

Gay marriage: stupid, I am against it for one reason and

one reason only. The words “Gay Marriage” themselves are
oxymoronic. Look up from your desk or wherever it is
you are reading this. See that thing on the wall with 12
numbers, a fat hand, and a long thin hand? That there is a
clock, it’s purpose is to tell us humans what time of day it
is, in other words, it tells time. It is not a light, it is not a
radio, it doesn’t illuminate so we can see in the dark, nor
does it play music so we can dance (and for a Caucasian I
can still cut the rug mind you…) It is a clock, it tells the
time. That’s what clock means.

clock 1
a mechanical or electrical device for measuring time,
indicating hours, minutes, and sometimes seconds,
typically by hands on a round dial or by displayed
Words mean things, and by changing the meaning of a
word like marriage for instance the ramifications inevitably
set a precedence for the changing of other words such as:
Hate, fear, and choice for instance to suit ones needs.

Recently we have seen the good people of California (of

all places) vote to overturn the ruling on gay marriage and
make it illegal once again. This was a great example of our
democracy in action. Of no surprise to anyone this evoked
protest and rage in the gay community. Melissa Etherage
was so infuriated on Oprah that she made it clear that she
intended to withhold her state taxes in April until the
Californian government saw fit to change the law to suit
her and her friend’s ideals.

What did exactly happen out there, and what did it

cause? During the election where Democrats turned out in
record numbers in one of the most socialist states in the
union the people voted fair and square to overturn gay
marriage in a proposition brought to the voters. Here in
Connecticut we saw gay marriage become legal. What
happened in California was some of the churches
organized, got together, raised money, and awareness about
the subject and won a victory for our side. Everything was
done perfectly legally. The people of the churches
organized themselves to fight against something that they
did not believe in nor do they wish to be represented by in
their state, which is of course their right to do so.

So after the election and the reversal of gay marriage

legality in California I began to see report after report on
my state run television showing three or four quotes each
from pro gay marriage activists whatever that is, and one
quote from an anti gay marriage activist whatever that is.

I even saw some guy ranting and raving about how if the
churches didn’t get involved by organizing people, raising
money, and putting out signs this would have never had
happened. I had to chuckle to myself, and say how do you
think elections are won jackass?

Now please before legions of you begin to type the

words “separation of church and state”, do me a favor and
look up in our Constitution where it says those words, then,
and only then can you write them as a defense to your
argument that will undoubtedly include the afore
mentioned words. Trouble finding them, in there, thought
you might, so let me save you the trouble; they aren’t
anywhere to be found in our Constitution…

Again what our Constitution does actually say is “there

shall be no church run sate or state run church”. This was
interpreted by a liberal/socialist in a black robe as
separation of church and state, where surprise, surprise he
changed the meaning of the words to fit his case.

We are not allowed to have a state run religion or

religion run state like we see in Iran today, but we are
allowed to have our faith guide our public policies. The
Constitution was not intended to exclude people from their
faith. It was simply written to ensure we could have it if
we choose to. It never made any provisions for the
overwhelming minority of people who are offended by
God, yet we cater to them and are ruled by them.

“Separation of Church and State” is a perversion of the

Constitution and is perhaps the greatest example of how the
changing of the meaning of words can affect us all… But I

In each and every report I noticed one blaring

similarity. When panning the crowd of protesters whether
it is in, NY, Cali, Fla, Idaho, wherever, in each and every
report the signs read and the interviewed spoke the words

Just because I am against gay marriage does not mean

that I am hateful towards anyone nor am I attempting to
impose fear into anyone. I just disagree. Where have I
heard this before??? I wonder???

It had begun to become very, very clear to me that I had

brothers and sisters out in California whom I now share a
very interesting thing in common with. For those of us
who dare go up against the new establishment in any
fashion, in any argument, we are hate and fear mongering.
Get used to it my brothers and sisters and just laugh at it…

This is the danger, you watch and see as the months and
years go by anytime anyone of us dare speak out against
any liberal/socialist ideal we will be shouted down as
harbingers of hate and fear no matter if we were arguing
over public policy or the color of the sky, we shall be
labeled, it is already happening.

We see the same thing occur with abortion. Dare to call

it what it is; murder, and you have somehow infringed upon
the woman’s right to abort. As if a woman somehow has
the right to slaughter over 41 million people in this country
since 1972. Ever wonder; why social security is going
broke? There are 41 million earners missing, but that’s
another tale for another day (don’t worry they will blame
Bush for that one too)… Mark my words it will be illegal to
refer to abortion as murder. It too will be labeled a hate
crime to tell a woman who is willfully choosing to end the
life of a child, that she is a murderer. “MURDER” the
word itself will be removed from the argument over the 41
million innocent that have been slaughtered, yet they
protest day and night the Iraq war, I will never ever get

Now the reason I am personally against gay marriage is

because I am 100% against changing the meaning of words.
Why is this seemingly insignificant little thing so import
you ask? Because the more we allow anyone to change
what words mean to suit their needs, the more we loose our
freedom. Again you think I’m nuts, I know, just remember
though, I was the crazy lunatic who warned you and said
socialism is coming and to beware of the state (sure wish I
was wrong on that one).

But the facts are there; they have already tried albeit
unsuccessfully to make it illegal to say that homosexuality
is a sin. Sooner rather then later it will be a hate crime to
call homosexuality a sin. Thereby changing again the
meaning of the word hate to suit their needs, and to keep us
quiet for fear of losing our freedom where once we could
say anything we wanted. Guess we will have to claim
ourselves as artists and proudly exclaim that we are just
expressing ourselves to avoid doing hard time…

As a Christian it is my obligation to tell a homosexual

that the act itself is a sin and hope that they acknowledge it
and then the rest is between them and God.

Now, only the Enemy could intertwine himself so

deeply into the commonplace of our nation that it will
actually become illegal to call almost anything a sin. He
uses the disguise of fear and hatred to successfully paint the
person calling him out as the hypocrite and the enemy. He
thereby successfully projects himself onto those of us who
can see him.

I wish Christians would once and for all simply say to

the public that Christianity itself is of course based on
hypocrisy. We are after all imperfect creatures following a
perfect Man how could we not be hypocrites? I think that
would go a long way towards bridging the gap we see
widening in our society.

Before I get too far off topic the Enemy wants it illegal
for us to tell a sinner that they are committing any sin ever.
Why? Why would this be beneficial to him? Because if
they don’t believe that they are sinning, that they are doing
nothing wrong, then there is nothing to ask forgiveness for
and Satan gets to keep them.

So I see Hate and Fear at every protest to limit our

ability to shed light. You have got to respect Satan’s
brilliance here though. Only the enemy could be so smart
to get a person to change the definition of what it is they
are doing from sin to acceptance, while simultaneously
making the act of even calling it a sin illegal, all under the
guise of tolerance and compromise. Which is why I said
time again and time again I can’t stress it enough. No
compromise, not ever!!!

Let me be perfectly clear, I am a proponent of gay

rights. I believe and approve of the fact that we live in a
secular nation and I believe that they should have absolute
equal protection under the law. I think they should be
recognized by the state as a couple if that is what they wish.
I think legally they should have all the rights of a married
heterosexual couple. I even have no problem with a gay
couple adopting children so long as they are held up to the
same standards for adoption as everyone else.

I just want my freedom of speech protected, I want the

right to say the Word of God says it’s a sin please
acknowledge it same as I have to do with my sins and ask
for forgiveness. I’m not out to end homosexuality, but I am
out to show people that they can be rescued from their
predestined path to Hell through forgiveness from Christ.
If I can’t tell them it is a sin then I cant lead them to ask for
forgiveness, then they remain impure and unable to go
Home. This is unacceptable…
I propose gay couples invent a new word, have it
approved by Webster’s or whomever makes a word a word
and have it define a legal union between two people of the
same sex call it LARRIGE call it whatever you want, just
not marriage… Words mean things for a reason…

marriage |ˈmarij|
1 the formal union of a man and a woman, typically
recognized by law, by which they become husband
and wife.

P.S. Have a Nice Day !! 

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