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Flower of Chivalry What are we, but an extension of our dreams?

Flower of Chivalry is meant to be an alternate history tale where we explore the internal struggles of the Republic of Genoa. To put things into context the recent events that have transpired before the story takes place are listed here: Some hundred years ago the Republic of Genoa began to expand outwards, taking the territories of Pisa and Milan. This happened under the rule of the boys grandfather Doge Alphino de Oria, also known as The Wise. The Doge had a son Martino whom was kinda a loser, and died when conquering Marseilles. However before he did his two sons were born: Christano, the elder and Antonio the younger. However as Alphino had died and Martino died when taking Marseilles the most loyal Lord was named the Lord Steward until such time that Christano would be of age to claim his position. This man Regent-Doge Oderon is a loyal servant of the crown and has been grooming Christiano for his position. However as things are the Council of Nobles is in a conundrum, the Lord Steward while old has heirs a plenty and has proven himself an able ruler. Also given the recklessness of the old Doges sons there is bound to be some civil strife before one or another becomes the ruler. Currently the Republic owns the territories of Milan, Marseilles, Genoa, Corsica, Sardinia, Florence and Bologna. This is someone talking. This is someone thinking. Chapter 1: The City of Lights Genoa, 1100. Christiano de Oria leapt across the scaffolding into the buzzing streets below. Nimbly evading the masses of people moving on the crowded street he did his best to merge into the crowds. All around him the people of Genoa were moving about their day. Merchants and commoners alike were heading for destinations of their choices. Somewhere in the distance a bard was moving about. Egli !1 Deciding that sometimes discretion is the better part of valour, Christiano continued running. Cacare2! Why do I always have to get into this sort of thing?Heir to de Oria and here I am... running from the famiglia whose daughter I love? How do you -always- manage to get yourself into problems, brother? Surprised at his brothers voice Christiano nearly stumbled down, but managed to right himself before falling as the pair kept running, a mass of guards hot on their heels. Whilst the family guards most likely wouldn't really harm the brothers, they weren't willing to risk it. I have no idea Antonio! Christiano shouted back, laughing. Dodging a thrown stone Christiano leapt past a wagon, Antonio just behind him. As the pair managed to take cover in the alley, the guards stopped the chase. Once more the brothers de Oria had managed to sneak out of the vipers nest. And that is what you get for messing with -us-! Antonio shouted behind him, still laughing hard enough to make his ribs hurt. Chuckling Christiano joined his brother in laughter as the pair traipsed on the streets of Genoa. The bustling city always had something new to offer young men with coin in their purse after all. The City of Lights had plenty to do. Especially for young men. You know, sooner or later Oderon's guards will come here to find us right? Antonio laughed. Of course they will! I'm about to come of age... and when I do, well I'll be the Doge! Christiano smirked, Think of the fun we'll have! As the pair traversed the many streets of the City they could only admire its beauty. After their grandfather had taken power some century ago he had begun massive reconstruction projects to make the book into a new Rome. From the rebuilding of the
1 There he is. 2 Vulgarity similar to an expression Shit/Crap in English.

ancient aqueducts to repairing the walls, he had made the city of lights into a true wonder. Across the Po River another city of the Republic, Milan was in similar shape. The province of Milan was the domain of the Regent-Doge Oderon, though the Regent spent most of his time in Genoa these days. However one thing was clear: the Republic was stronger and wealthier than ever. In the distance the sun was beginning to set and the brothers found a seat on the bridge. They had done this many times and it never stopped amazing them how beautiful the sun set could be. You know Christiano murmured,I get the feeling this is the last night we'll do something like this. Nonsense! Antonio laughed,What could happen that could cause such a horrible event? The Old Oderon is getting... well Old. Sooner or later he'll... Christiano shook his head,And when he does there will be war. War? Yes, brother. War. Oderon told me that the Council does not wish for one of us to retake our place... He is trying to convince them otherwise, but I do not know how successful he will be. After all his own grandson Illario has some designs of his own. Maledetto serpente... Perhaps, but one things clear. What we do during the next few years will decide de Oria lines destiny. The brothers fell into a comfortable silence. Sitting on the bridge and staring out at the sunset they couldn't help, but wonder where they'd be the same time next year. Perhaps ruling the republic? Perhaps dead. Nobody could know. As the pair were in thought they didn't hear the footsteps until they were right behind them. With a polite cough the Captain of the Doge's guard spoke,Signore, the Regent has sent us to find you. There has been... a development. Turning Christiano studied the captain. He had been in the service of the boys father and been responsible for much of their martial training. Yes, Captain Ardito Venesse was a loyal subject and a mentor to boot. Someone the pair could trust with their lives if necessary. With a smile the brothers picked themselves up and began to head for the regents palace. Ah Signores! Welcome home. The Regent-Doge was a large man in every aspect. Standing over six feet tall he had a muscular build that was clearly more attuned to fighting on the field than sitting in the chair he was currently sitting in. Before the death of the brothers father the Regent had been the republics leading general and oldest friend of their grandfather. The brothers bowed in return. One has to respect their foster-father and Regent after all. Thank you for the warm welcome Padre. You must be tired from your day, but there is something that we need to discuss. The Regent motioned for the brothers to come closer and sit on the pair of chairs set out for them. Relaxing a bit the brothers did as they were instructed. Christiano sat ramrod straight whilst Antonio slouched a bit. The Council of Nobles has voted and the results are clear. You are to be swept under the rug, your rights will be erased and your family fortune is to be passed onto mine. As the Regent finished his sentence Antonio began to splutter. What... wait... huh... this is insane! Yes, Antonio it is. And neither of us will take it standing. Please allow me to finish. The Regent leant back and took a deep breath before continuing,To resist this I have come up with a plan... it is risky. You may both easily die in its works, but it is your only chance. What would you have of us, Padre? Christianos quiet voice cut through the ensuing silence like a knife. He had seen this coming. What do you two make of these? Oderon handed them both a piece of parchment. They were news. The one that had been handed to Antonio spoke of the castle of Bari rebelling against the Sicilian rule, whilst the one that had been handed to Christiano spoke of a more... current event. Jerusalem had fallen to the Fatimid caliphate and the pope was calling for a Crusade. Antonio merely looked at his parchment with a curious look whilst Christiano analysed their content quickly enough.

You wish us to make our name on the field and grow strong and then. Christiano leaned closer,Rebel? I do not wish anything the like. Oderon snapped, his weary voice still holding the authority of command easily enough.But it is necessary. I did not fight with your grandfather and father to build up this republic from nothing to see it handed over to a bunch of children that have never even held a proper title. What kind of forces will be available to us? Antonio asked, his voice barely above a whisper. For you Antonio, the Council is willing to spare three hundred men as well as several ships so you can travel to Bari without having to go through all of Italy. The castle is defended by peasant rebels, so it shouldn't be too difficult. Just remember your lessons... as for you Christiano your force is a bit over 1,000 strong as well as a dozen or so ship. That caused a long silence as the brothers stared at the Regent. They except Christiano to take Jerusalem with only a token force!? To face off against the caliphate with a force barely strong enough to defend the city, let alone take it from someone?! Antonio shouted out. His voice crashing through to the walls and bouncing back in an echo. The Regent fell back into his seat looking even more tired. You fail to understand that they do not mean for you two to return... but it is still our best chance. You've been trained by myself and Venesse in the art of war. We can only pray to God that it is enough. Will I have any other support in this task? Christiano spoke. Yes... I've managed to get some from my other contacts. Sir Robert Hewins of the Knights Templar has agreed to bring his force of two hundred or so knights to side with your forces. Templars... at least they'll be useful in a charge. Ardito Venesse marched into the chamber and motioned for the Regent politely,Regent... the Council of Nobles wishes to see you. It seems quite urgent. Very well... you two head off to bed. We'll talk more tomorrow. With that, they were dismissed. As the pair walked upwards towards their rooms Antonio grabbed Christianos arm and stared at him,This is insane brother, you cannot take Jerusalem with a thousand men! Christiano sighed. No, I cannot, but I will try. You don't have to.... come with me to Bari. At least we'll be together. You know I cannot... good night brother. Chapter 2:

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