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Characters bangkit as Mr. Grigory S.Smirnov, maria as mrs. Popov clara as luka christina as garderner suryani as coachman corry as hired men

SCENE The drawing room of a country house. Mrs popov, in deep mourning, is staring hard at a photograph. Luka is with her


: its not right , maam youre killing yourself. The ccok has gone off with the maid to pick berries. The cats having a high old time in the yard catching birds. Every living thing is happy. But you stay moping here in house like it was a convent, taking no pleasure in nothing. I mean it, maam! It must be a full year since you set out doors. : I must never st foot out doors again, luka. Never I have nothing to set foot out of doors for. My life is done. He is in his grave. I have burried myself alive in this house. We arw both in ourgraves. : youre off again maam. I just wont listen to you no more. Mr. popov is dead, but what can we do about that? Its God doing. Gods will be done. As for the neighbors, youve forgotten all about them, maam. You dont visit them and you dont let them visit you. You and I are like a pair of spiders- excuse the expression, maam-here we are in this house like was no nice people around either. Youre young, youre pretty, you could enjoy youself! Then years from now may want to strut and show your feathers to the officers, and itll be too late. : you must never bring this subject up again, luka. Since popov died, life has been an empty dream to me, you know that. You may think I am alive. Poor ignorant luka? You are wrong, I am dead. Im in my grave. Never more shall I see the light of day, never strip from my body this. Raintment of death! Are you listening luka?

Mrs. Popov


Mrs. Popov


: Instead of carrying on this way, maam , you should go out in the garden and take a bit of a walk, maam. Or why not harness Toby and take a drive? Call or a couple of the neighbours, maam? : Oh, luka! : yes , maam? What what have I said, amam? Oh, dear ! : Toby! You said Toby! He adored that horse. When he drove me out to the korchagins and the vlasovs, it was always with Toby! He was a wonderful driver, do you remember, luka? So graceful! So strong! I can see him now, pulling at those reins with all his might and main! Luka, tell them to give Toby an extra portion of oats today. : yes, maam

Mrs. Popov Luka Mrs popov


A bell rings.

Mrs.popov Luka Mrs.popov

: who is that? Tell them Im not at home. : very good, maam : ( gazing again at the photograph) you shall see, my popov, how a wife can love and forgive. Till death do us part. Longer than that. Till daet re-unite us forever! ( suddenly a titer breaks through her tears) arent you ashmed of yoursef, popov? Heres your little wife, being good, being faithful, so faithful she locked up here waiting her own funural, while you- doesnt it make you ashmed, you naughty boy? You were terrible, you know. You were unfaithful, and you made those awful scenes about it, you stormed out and left me alone for weeksEnter luka

Luka Mrs. Popov Luka Mrs.popov Luka

: (upset) Theres someone askling for you, ma,am. Says he must : I suppose you told him that since my husband s death I see no one? : yes, maam. I did maam. But he wouldnt listen, maam. He say its urgent. : (shrillly) I see no one! : he wont take no for an answer maam. He just curses and swears and comes in any way. Hes a perfect monster, maam. Hes in the dinning room right now. : in the dinning room, is he? Ill give him his come uppance. Bring him in here this minute.

Mrs. Popov

Exit luka ( suddenly sad again) why do they do this to me? Why? Insulting my grief, intruding on my solitude? ( she sigh) Im afraid Ill have to enter a convent. I will, I must enter a convent! Enter smirnov and luka Smirnov : ( to luka) Dolt! Idiot! You alk too much! (seeing mrs.popov. with dignity) may I have the honor of inducing my self, madam? Grirory S. smirnov, landowner and lieutenant of artillery, retired. Forgive me, madam, if I disturb your face and quiet, but my business is both urgent and weighty. : ( declining to offer him her hand) what is it you wish, sir? : at the time of his death, your late husband with whom I had the honor to be acquainted, maam-was in my debt to the tune of twelve hundred rubles. I have therefore no alternative, maam, but ask you to pay me the money today. : twelve hundred rubles? But what did my husband owe it to you for? : he used to buy his oats from me, madam : ( to luka, with a sigh ) Remember what I said, luka : tell them to give Toby an extra portion of oats today.

Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

Exit luka My dear mr-what was the name again? Smirnov Mrs.popov : smirnov, maam : my dear Mr.smirnov, if mr. popov owed you money, you shall be paid- to the last ruble, to the last kopeck. But today- you must excuse me, mr- what was it? : Smirnov, maam : today, mr. smirnov , I have no ready cash in the house. ( smirnov starts to speak) Tomorrow, mr. sirnov, no today after tomorrow, all will be well . my steward will be back from town. I shall see that he pays what is exactly seven months from mr.popovs death. On such a day you will understand that I am in no mood to think of money. : madam, if uou dont pay up now, you can carry me out feet foremost. Theyll seize my estate. : you can have your money. ( he starts to thank her.) tomorrow. ( he again starts to start.) that is : the day after tomorrow.

Smirnov Mrs.popov



Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnove Mrs.popov Smirnov

: I dont need the money the day after tomorrow. I need it today. : Im sorry, mr: (shouting) smirnov! : (sweetly) yes, of course. But you cant have it today. : but I cant wait for it any longer! : be sensible, mr smirnov. How can I pay you if I dont have it? : you dont have it? : I dont have it : sure? : positive : very well. Ill make a note to that effect. (shrugging) and then they want me to keep cool. I meet the tax commissioner on the street, and he says, why are you always in such a bad humor, smirnov? bad perately : I thought Id made it clear, mrs. Smirnov, that youll get your money the minute my steward is back from town? : what the hell do I care about your steward? Pardon the expression, maam. But It was you I came to see. : what language! What a tone to take to lady! I refuse to hear another word . (quickly, exit) : not in the mood, huh? Exactly seven months since popovs death , huh? How about me? ( shouting after her.) Im asking you a question : is there this interest to pay , or isnt there? So, your husband died, and youre not in mood, and your stewards gone off some place, and so forth and so on, but what can do about all that, huh? Ill stay right here till she pays up. Ugh! (he shudders with rage.) I feel ill, I think Im going to faint, hey, you there!

Mrs. Popov


Mrs. Popov


Enter luka Luka Smirnov Exit luka Consider the logic of it. I fellow creature is desperately in need of cash, so desperately in need hat has to seriously contemplate hanging himself, and this woman, this mere chit of : yes, sir? Is there anything you wish sir? : Water! Water! No, make it vodka.

a girl, wont pay up, and why not? Because, forsooth, she isnt in the mood! Oh , the logic of women!. I feel like yelling for help. Luka Smirnov Exit luka indisposed, is he? Seeing no one, huh? Well, she can see more or not, but Ill be right here till she pays up. If youre sick for a week, Ill be here for a week. My head aches, wheres that( he drinks from the glass) Water, ugh! You there! Enter luka Luka Smirnov Exit luka ( smirnov sits and looks himself over.) Oof! A fine figure of a man I am! Unwashed, uncombed, unshaven, straw on my vest, dust all over me. The little mowan mustve taken me for a highwayman.( yawns). Im a creditor- most unwelcome of guess, second only to death. Enter luka Luka Smirnov Luka Smirnov Luka Smirnov : ( handing him the vodka) if may say so, sir you take too many liberties, sir. : what? : Oh, nothing, sir, nothing : who in the hell do you think youre talking to? Shut your mouth! : ( aside) theres an evil spirit aboard. The devil must have sent him. Oh! ( exit luka) : what the rage Im in! Ill grind the whole world to powder. Oh, I feel ill again. You t here! : yes, sir. You wish for something, sir? : wheres that confounded vodka I ask for? : mrs.popov is indisposed, sir. She is seeing no one. : Get out.

Enter mrs.popov Mrs.popov : ( looking at the floor ) in the solitude of my rural retreat, mr smirnov, Ive long since grown unaccustomed to the sound of the human voice. Above all, I cannot bear shouting. I must beg you not to break the silence. : very well. Pay me my money and Ill go.



: I told you before, and I tell you again, mr. smirnov. I have no cash, youll have to wait till tomorrow. Can I express my self more plainly? : and I told you before, and I tell you again, that I need the money today, the day after tomorrow is too late, and that if you dont pay, an pay now, Ill hang my self in the morning. : but I have no cash. This is quite a puzzle. : you wont pay, mr. smirnov? : I cant pay , mr. smirnov. : in that case, Im going to sit here and wait. ( sits down.) youll pay up the day after tomorrow? Very good. Till the day after tomorrow, I here I sit. ( pause he jumps up ) now look, do I haveto pay that interest tomorrow, or dont i? or do you think Im joking? : I must ask you not to raise your voice, mr.smirnov. This is not a stable. : what said it was? Do I hae to pay the interest tomorrow or not? : mr.sirnov, do you know how to behave in the presence of a lady? : no, madm, I do not know how to behave in presence of a lady. : just what I thought. I look at you, and I say : ugh! I hear you talk and I say to my self : that man doesnt know how to talk to a lady. : youd like me to come simpering to you in French, I suppose. enchante, madame! Merci beucoup for not paying zee money, madame! How charmante you look in mourning, madamae! : now youre being silly, mr smirnov : (mimicking) now youre being silly, mr smirnov. You dont know how to talk to lady, mr.smirnov. look here, mrs.popov, Ive known more women than youve known pussy cats. Ive fought three duels on their account. Oh, yes, mrs popov, Ive played the fool in my time, whispered sweet nothings, bowed and scraped and endeavored to please. Now, youre a woman, arent you, mrs.popov? you must be an expert on some of this. Youre right : a faithful woman is a freak of nature-like a cat with horns. : who is faithful, then? Who have you cast for the faithful lover? Not man? : right first time, mrs. Popov : man : (going off into a peal of bitter laughter) Man! Man is faithful! Thats a new one! ( fiercely) what right do you have to say this mr.smirnov? men faithful? Of all the men I had ever knwn my late husband popov was the best. I loved him and the best of men was unfaithful to me, mr.smirnov not once in a while.


Mrs.popov smirnov mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov


Mrs popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov


: (laughing scornfully) expect me to believe that?as if I couldnt see through at this hocus-pocus. Buried alive! Till youre called to your enternal rest! : (flaring up) how dare you? How dare you insinuate-? : you may have buried yourself alive, mrs popov, but you havent forgotten to powder your nose. : (inchoherent) how dare you? How-? : whos raising his voice now? Just because I call a spade. Because I shoot straight from the shoulder. Well, dont shout at me, Im not your steward. : Im not shouting , youre shouting ! oh, leave me alone! : pay me the money and I will. : youll get no money out of me! : oh, so thats it! : not a ruble, not a kopeck. Get out! Leave alone! : not being your husband, I must ask you not to make scenes with me. (he sits). I dont like scenes. : (choking with rage) youre sitting down? : correct, Im sitting down. : I asked you to leave! : then give me the money. (aside) oh, what a rage Im in, what a rage! : the impudence of the man! I wont talk to you a moment longer. Get out ( pause) are u going? : no : no?! : no : on head be it. luka

Mrs popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

Smirnov Mrs. Sminov Smirnov Mrs.popov Enter luka

Show the gentle out , luka Luka : (approaching) Im afraid, sir, Ill have to ask you, um, to leave, sir, now, um-


: (jumping up) shut your mouth, you old idiot! Who do you think youre talking to? Ill make mincemeat of you. : (cluthing his heart) mercy on us! Holy saints above! ( he falls into an armchair. Im taken sick! I cant breathe! : then wheres dasha? Dasha! Dasha! Come here at once! (she rings) : they gone picking berries, maam, Im alone here- water, water, Im taken sick! : ( to smirnov) get out , you! : cant you even be polite with me, mrs popov? : (clenching her first and stamping her feet) with you? Youre a wild animal, you were never house-broken! : (advancing upon her) and what right do you have to talk to me like that? : like what? : you have insulted me, madam. : what of it? do you think Im scared of you? : so you think you can get away with it because youre woman. I hereby challenge you to a duel. : mercy on us! Holy saints alive! water : so you think you can get away with it because youre a woman. : mercy on us! Holy saints alive! Water! : I propose we shoot it out : trying to scare me againg? Just because you have big fists and a voice like a bull? Youre a brute. : no one insults Grirory S Smirnov with impunity! And I dont care if are you female. : (trying to outshout him) Brute! Brute! Brute! : the sexes are equal , are they ? fine : then its just prejudice to expect ,men alone to pay for insults. I hereby challenge: (screaming) all right! You want to shoot it out? All right! Lets shoot it out! : and let it be here and now!


Mrs.popov Luka Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov

Luka Smirnov Luka Smirnov Mrs.popov

Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov


: here and now! All right! Ill have popovs pistol here in one minue! (walk away, then turns) putting one of popovs bullets through you silly heard will be pleasue! Au revoir. (exit) : Ill bring her down like a duck, a sitting duck. Im nt one of your little poets, Im not his first moustache. No, sir, theres no weaker sex where Im concerned. : sir! Master! ( he goes down on his knees) take pity on a poor old mad, and do me a favor : go away. It was bad enough before, you nearly scared me to death. But a duel: ( ignoring him) a duel! Thats equality of the sexes for you! Thats womens emantipation! Just as a matter of principle Ill bring her down like a duck. :sir! Master! Please go away! Ill pray for you! : (again ignoring him) what a woman! Phew!! Shes no sour puss, she cry baby! Have to kill her! : (weeping) please, kind sir, please, go away! : (as before) I like her, isnt that funny? I never knew a woman like this before.




Luka Smirnov

Luka Smirnov

Enter mrs.popov with pistols Mrs.popov : (boldly) pistols, mr.smirnov! (mater of fact) but before start, youd better show me how its done. Im not too familiar with these things. In fact I never gave a pistol a second look. : lord, have mercy on us, I must go hunt up the gardener and the coachman. Why has this catasthrope fallen upon us, o lord?( exit) : (examining the pistol) well, its like this. There are several makes : one is the Mortimer, with capsules, especially constructed for dueling. You hold it this way .(aside) : this way? : yes, thats right. The main thing is, keep kool, take slow aim, and dont let your arm jump. : I see. And if its inconveneient to do the job here, we can go out in the garden. : very good. Of course, I should warn you : Ill be firing in the air. : what? This es the end. Why? : oh, well-because-for private reasons. : scared, huh?(she laughs heartily) now dont try to get out of it, mr.smirnov. my bloody is up. Whats the matter? Scared?



Mrs.popov Smirnove

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

: thats right, Im scared. : oh, come on, whats the matter with you? : well, um, mrs.popov, I um, I like you. : (laughing bitterly) good God! He likes me, does he? The gall of man. (showing him the door) you leave me, mr. smirnov : (quietly puts the gun down, take his hat, and walks to the door.) then he stops and pair look at each other without a word. Then approaching gingerly) listen mrs.popov. are u still mad at me? Im in devil of a temper myself, of course. Well, is it my fault, damn it, if I like you? I like you. Know what I mean? I could fall love with you. : I hate you. Get out! : what a woman! Oh, Im lost, Im done before, Im a mouse in a trap. : leave this house, or I shoot! : shoot away! I know : you must decide at once. Think for second, then decide. Because if I leave now, Ill never be back. Decide! Will you marry me? : ( indignant, brandishing the gun) well shoot it out! Get going! Take your pistol! : Im out of my mind, I dont understand anything any more. ( shouting ) you there! That vodka! : no excuses! No delays! Well shoot it out!. : Im out of my mind. Im falling in love. I have fallen in love . (he takes her hand vigorously, she sequals) I love you ( he goes own on his knees) I love you as Ive never loved before. I havent been in love in five years. I offer you my hand, dear lady. Will you or wont you? Then dont! ( he rises and walks toward the door.) : I didnt say anything : (stopping) what? : Oh, nothing, you can go. Well, no, just a minute. Oh, if you knew how furious feel! ( throws the gun on the table) my fingers have gone to sleep holding that horrid thing. And what are you standing around for? Get out of here. : good bye. : go,go,go. (shouting) where are you going> wait a minute! No,no, its all right, just go. Im fighting mad. Dont come near me!


Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov

Mrs.popov Smirnov Mrs.popov

Smirnov Mrs.popov


: ( who is coming near I love you. But it doesnt make sense. I have to that interest, and weve already started mowing. ?( he puts his arm about her waist) I shall never forgive myself for this. : take your hands off me, I hate you! Lets shoot it out!


A long kiss. Enter with an axe, the gardener with a rake, the coachman with a pitchfork, hired med with sticks. Luka Mrs.popov : (seeing the kiss) mercy on us! Holy aint above! : (dropping her eyes) luka, tell them in the stable that Toby is not to have any oats today.

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