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1.MY BEST FRIEND There is a difference between being an acquaintance and being a FRIEND.

First, an acquaintance was one whose name you know, you see many times, by which you may have in common, and that you feel comfortable surrounding. He is a person who can you invite to your house and share with you. But they are people with whom you will not be for life, whose actions sometimes you do not understand because you do not know enough about them. Conversely, a friend is someone who you love .. Not because you fall in love with him, but you care about that person, and you think about it when they do not exist. The friends are the people where you are reminded when you see something that maybe they like, and you know it because you know them well. They are the ones that you have his picture and his face was always there in your head. They are the ones you see in your mind They are the people whom you feel safe because you know they care about you. They call just to find out what are you, because real friends do not need a alasanpun. They are telling the truth and you do the same. You know that if you have a problem, they would be willing to listen. They are the ones who will not laugh at you or hurt you, and if they really hurt you, they will strive to improve it. They are the ones you love consciously or not. They are the people with whom you crying when you are not accepted in public universities and the people who cry because of the weight to part with you in class farewell party. They are the ones who at the time you hug, you would not think how long hug and who must first finish.

Maybe they are the ones that hold your wedding ring, or the person who brought / mengiringmu at the time of your wedding, or maybe he was the person who you marry.

Having a true friend is the most valuable price, because together with friend we can be ourselves, he was able to make us happy with ourselves our own and give motivation to live. But sometimes there is a difference of opinion, understand the difference or problem to test our friendship. How to get around the 'tests' that would always arise for the ties of friendship remain durable? Psychologist Alexander Sriewijono share tips. 1. Ask yourself, do we also have benefits for our friends? 2. Always be sincere and honest, no word had in doing something for a friend. 3. Friendship is not separated by distance and time. Although can not always get to see, check with each passing news telephone, SMS or email. 4. Avoid borrowing money from friends. If you can not pay the debt, the fate of friendship could be at stake. 5. Respect the choice of his life. Although you do not always agree with the choice taken by a friend, does not mean you have the right to intervene his life. Your task is to provide input, all decisions remain in his hand.

PUISINYA,,,, The existence of a true friend is so important in life. Once the significance and meaning of a friendship. And very, very not easy to find someone who is worthy and deserve to be a friend of so many friends that we have. For me personally, a friend is like morning dew when the sun will be shining on this earth

2.Sahabat Sejati How beautiful a friendship if there is inside each other advice about faith, the importance of remembering dead certainty the final day and everything about the ultimate truth, including all good. Self feels comforted and also digentarkan. Entertained with stories about the good rewards of heaven, berlipatnya Allah SWT reward for a good that is done in the world and digentarkan by the enormity of the punishment of hell stories, not just for people who refuse to Allah SWT and His Prophet, but also for those who do good with intentions that have been in kotori.

How beautiful a friend, that when we do wrong he was reprimanded and advised, not because of hatred, but because he was so love toward us, so do not get enough of a reminder of a truth. Sometimes we forgot, consumed by selfishness themselves, feel better, eat more salt acid, thus denying a truth that actually comes from Allah SWT and His Prophet through his tongue. How beautiful a friend, who want to come cry together, when I saw another friend fell in the puddle insult and a sin, feel pity, not hatred to quivering lips back tears and sadness, wounded soul that disposition by the sharp knives passions. How beautiful the Messenger SAW instructions regarding choosing a friend. He is suppose to perfume seller and a blacksmith. If you make friends with the perfume seller, at least will get and smell the fragrance. Make friends with a blacksmith, might spark the flame of the body and also caught the stench. What a lucky person who gets a real friend, who praised behind it and correct the front.

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