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The Time-Machine

33,000 BCE 600 BC 600 AD

Cave paintings Classics and Mythology

1500 1800 AD
1600 1700 AD 1700 AD

Werewolf and Witch Trials

Fables and Fairy-tale Age of Enlightenment

1913 AD
1964 AD


Key Points
Following the werewolves footsteps...
33,000 BCE 600 BC 600 AD

Cave paintings Classics and Mythology

1500 1800 AD
1600 1700 AD 1700 AD

Werewolf and Witch Trials

Fables and Fairy-tale Age of Enlightenment

1913 AD
1964 AD


His vesture separates in shaggy hair, his arms are changed to legs; and as a wolf he has the same grey locks, the same hard face, the same bright eyes, the same ferocious look. (Ovid, 8 AD, Trans: More, Brookes, 1922: Book 1:216)

a rhyming moral at the end warns young women to watch out, because a man can be a wolf, popularizing the use of that term, still common today, to mean a seducer. (Orenstein, 2002:4)

George was this punctilious, house-proud, anal character who with suffered with anger and liked to keep his life compartmentalized. (Whithouse, 2010)

Cultural Context
Cave paintings
Classics and Mythology Werewolf and Witch Trials

Species Distinction
Creators and Demons Change of Belief

Fables and Fairy-tale

Age of Enlightenment Film and TV

Freud and the Id A Culmination

Whos Who
Ovid: 43 BC AD 18 A Roman poet who wrote Metamorphoses which tells the History of the world, over 15 books, from Creation to Julius Caesar. Peter Stump: Died 1589 by execution. He murdered and ate 18 people over 25 years. He confessed to being a werewolf at his trial and consorting with the devil. Sigmund Freud: 1856 1939 An Austrian neurologist who founded the idea of psychoanalysis. He formulated the Structural Model of the Psyche (Super-Ego, Ego and Id). Robert H Busch: Zoologist and Author. Has written many books that form a comprehensive study of animals from their past to their behaviour and anatomy.

Catherine Orenstein: Author and Journalist. She is highly regarded in her field of culture, mythology and power.

Historical Images

Contemporary Images

-The wolf has been ever present in human culture starting from as early as 33,000 BC when man recognises itself and other as species. - There is an idea of maternal wolf figure that disappears in culture. It is overtaken by the idea that wolves are demonic and masculine. -Wolves are often anthropomorphised and given human attributes more so than other species. - The modern Werewolf is a combination of all the many myths, legend, folk-tales and theories from human history culminating in the combined knowledge that exists today.

Bibliography and Illustration List

List of Illustrations
Fig 1: Unknown Artist, found in the Chauvet Cave, France (28,000 BC) Hyena and Leopard [Cave Painting] At: Accessed on 21/03/2012

Fig 2: Hendrik Goltzius (1589) Zeus turning Lycaon into a wolf [Engraving] At: Accessed on 21/03/2012
Fig 3. Odin and Fenris - (1909). By Guerber, H. A. (Hlne Adeline) In: Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas. London : Harrap. This illustration facing page 334 Fig 4: The Wolf (1984) ITC: The Company of Wolves (1984) [Film Still] At: Accessed on 21/03/2012 Fig 5: Georges transformation (2008) Touchpaper Productions and BBC: Being Human (2008) [Film Still] At: Accessed on 21/03/2012

Busch, Robert H. (1998) The Wolf Almanac. England: The Lyons Press Freud, S. (2010) The Ego and the Id. England: Martino Publishing Lenardon, R. J and Morford, M. P. O. (2006) Classical Mythology (8 Edition) USA: OUP Ovid (8 AD) Translated: More, Brookes (1922) Metamorphosis: Book 1. Boston: Cornhill Publishing Co. Orenstein, Catherine. (2002) Red Riding Hood Uncloaked: Sex, Morality and the Evolution of a fairy tale. England: Basic Books: At: Accessed on 14/10/2011 Whithouse, Toby. (2010) Exclusive: Writer Toby Whithouse on Being Human Being Human's Toby Whithouse talks about what's coming up in the second season, the possibility of a Doctor Who crossover, and werewolf nudity. By Alex Zalben At: Accessed on: 15/10/2011

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