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***FUN WITH VARIATION*** we are truck drivers Purpose of science 3 Things Description(Describe) Explanation(Explain) Control Description Carefully constructed

tructed assumptions Must describe a fenomena with consideration Explanation. Why does stuff happen? Why did village burn? How do we know if an explanatio is correct? Must be able to explain an event after it happens but also predict an event before it happes. Control We dont want to just marvel over fire. We want to control it. Two important aspects (philisophical inventions) To achavie explanation and control Variable and Hyphotheses Variable. Any phenomeno of nature that can change. Like fire Hypothesis Cause > Effect (cause and effect) (fuel > size of fire) Hypothesis- Expected relationships between two variables. Idependant Variable (fuel) Dependant Variable (heat and size) H1 maybe as the amount of fuel increase the heat and size of the fire increases). H2 (wind icreases the heat and size of fire) Hypothesis must be open to disproof as well as verification. We call this Criterion of Verification Replication. Must be easily replicatable be scientist elsewhere. Had all fires in the world been the same then THAG would have had no interest in fires. Why did some go out? Why did some last longer? Why were some hotter? Science is the systematic studdy of variability. Theory- an abstract notion. maybe all three independent variables must be present to make fire (wind, fuel, heat) Now THAG had helped his village how to control fire. His theory helped them understand how to build a fire or say put one out. CHAPTER TWO

Description. First step, describing variability. We need a precise measure. We need to quantify it! Frequency distribution. A table or graph (with columns) Values, Frequency, % 1 1 11% 2 2 22% 3 3 33% 4 2 22% 5 1 11% Or Histogram. X,Y Graph- X( values) Y (frequency) Normal Distribution Symetric in shape.(Bell) Most scores fall in the center. Extreme scores at both ends. Skewed Distribuion. (Asymetric distribution) Negatively Skewed. (tail points left, negatively) Postively Skewed. (tail points right) Income distribuion is positively skewed. More people make a modest to weak income while few are rich. Measures of Central Tendancy ( a descriptive statistic) SUMMERIZE A DATA SET BY ASSINGING A NUMBER THAT IS TYPICAL OR CENTRAL TO THE DISTRIBUTION Mean Median middle most score of the data set. Mode- most comonly accuring *Mean, Median and Mode, characterize a normal distribution. **Median more approriate for skewed distribution such as income. Measures of central tendancy cant describe a distribution by itself. Variability - a spread outidness. Simplest measure of variability is Range Range = Highest score Lowest score Throws out a lot of information however Pretty crummy measure of variability A better measure preserves all the information. The Mean Absolute Difference (MAD) One fatal flaw- it uses absolute values. A mathmatical cheating! Sum of the squared differences between a set of scores and a mean VARIATION A tangible amount. Variantion answers questions such as Statistical Significane Prediction Strength of Relationships Variability Explained. Varience average squared variability

Standard Deviation A weighted average variablility We need to componsate for the squaring done A byproduct of squaring is to assign a little more weight to extreme scores.

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