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Chapters 89-99 Review Multiple Choice Questions Directions: Circle the correct answer. 1.

What is strange about Frank's speech? a) His voice has become much higher pitched than when he left home. b) He speaks in a kazoo-like voice. c) He stutters. d) His voice has become much deeper than when he left home. b 2. How does Bokonon define maturity? a) As a time of freedom. b) As the time when the toys one desires become more expensive. c) As a time when one realizes ones complete obligation to others. d) As a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. d 3. What does John resolve to do with Bokononism? a) Wipe it completely out of the country. b) Make it legal as soon as possible. c) Make it the only religion allowed on the island. d) Cut out some of the objectionable parts. b 4. What is Mona wearing when John asks her to marry him? a) A simple work dress. b) A diaphanous gown. c) A blue gown, studded with jewels. d) A swim suit. b 5. What job does Frank offer John? a) The vice presidency of his company. b) Superintendant of his buildings. c) The

presidency of San Lorenzo. d) Head sales representative. c Short Answer Questions Directions: Answer the question with a short answer. 1. What does Mona say John must do to gain her hand in marriage? Mona said he must not be a sit-wat and accept that she loves everybody as much she loves him. 2. How does Bokonon define maturity? He defined maturity as a bitter disappointment for which no remedy existsm unless laughter can be said to remedy anything. Short Essay Questions Directions: Answer the questions with a short paragraph. 1. What is Frank's disability? Frank is like his father, he cant connect and communicate with people. 2. What does Mona suggest that she and John do to share souls? Mona suggests that they perform Boko-maru. Boko-maru is the bokonist method of connecting humanity to each other. They literally connect sole-to-sole. Whats creepy for the reader is that John feels a genuine connection. His desription has the same feelings that are in a genuine

connection between people. We humans love to think the world is black and white. We think we have a soul-mate, that there is only one person in the world for us. And if youre not with that person, you dont genuinely feel love. But it is our biggest urge to give and receive love from humanity. There are some exceptions, but if we are in a position of connection, we can love anything and anyone. Thats why most arranged mairrages work out. We have someone who is in the same boat as we are, and ally with them for survival. We know realistically that we probably wont get somebody better. Thats why its so much easier for people to be comfortable in a relationship with people who are below them. We feel safe, and like our love is helping someone who needs it. 3. What does Frank suggest that John ask of Papa Monzano? Frank suggested that he had Papas blessing to be president of San Lorenzo. 4. What is the job that Frank offers to John? Frank offers John the job of being president of San Lorenzo. As he should be, John is suspicious. Who gives up that kind of power unless there is a catch? Frank explained a little bit more by saying that he wasnt good with people. His plan was to use John as a figurehead while he did all the work behind the curtain. Angela talked about how she wanted her father to be appreciated in the bar before. All humans want to be appretiated by each other even if they didnt do anything worth appreciation. Especially if they didnt do anything worth appreciation. So its almost impossible to believe that somebody can be so robotic and toned-out that they dont have

any desire for human connection. In some ways this can be good, we should do things because we want to, not because we will be loved if we do it. Humanity can be terrible, and what we love is most of the time not the right thing. But without that desire to bond with others, youre not human. Essay (Choose one) 1) Imagine that you are Jonah, and Franklin Hoenikker offers you the job of President of San Lorenzo. Would you take it? Why or why not? If you took it, what would your first actions be as president? Why did Jonah take the job? Do you think the novel would be different if Jonah didnt take the job? 2) Imagine you are Franklin Hoenikker, and you need to convince Jonah to become president of San Lorenzo. What would you tell him? What would you do if he refused?

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