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Choose the correct answers. Circle A, B, C or D in the answer sheet provided. 1.

The road was congested, ________________the crooks could not escape from the police. A. but B. despite C. therefore D. even though 2. ___________ there are rooms available in that hotel, we will not patronised it. A. B. C. D. 3. Or Unless Though Nevertheless

Our country is full _________ people who are inconsiderate. A. B. C. D. in to of about


You will not be allowed to rent the place unless you pay a two-month deposit. Which word in the sentence above is a conjunction? A. B. C. D. pay again unless allowed


All the sentences below have a preposition except A. It is a cloudy day today B. The children are playing in the rain C. Mother is washing the plates with soap D. The students are organizing a party for their teacher 2 ., Joseph. This is a deserted village! A. Shhh B. Oh no


C. Hello D. Ah 7. The tone of the speaker indicates that he is . Oh dear! This television is not working again. A. B. C. D. 8. calm energetic demanding disappointed

Michaels voice was filled with care and concern. My parents are going for a break. I think they deserve it, he said. He wished he could go with them. How many preposition are there in the above sentence? A. B. C. D. One Two Three Four


Phillip slept like a baby until the break of dawn. The word until refers to preposition of . A. B. C. D. manner direction measure time


Choose the correct sentence. A. B. C. D. I am tired and excited. He speaks neither English or French. Although we seldom meet but I still care for him. We will deal with that problem if and when it arises. 3

SECTION B (10 marks)

Pushing open the office door, she saw Georges head draw away abruptly from Tashas. Both were momentarily taken aback. Morning, Judy. Just helping George with a problem, Tasha recovered sufficiently to say. Thanks for your help, Sha, said George, embarrassed. Then to Judy he stammered, Lunch today? Usual? I suppose, replied Judy shortly. She switched her computer on. George hesitated, opened his mouth as if to speak, and then quietly left the room. Judys mind was in a turmoil. She and George were the office steady. It was not the most outwardly compatible of matches. Judy was western-educated, forward in manner, and the belle of the office, so to speak. George was the office square diffident and bumbling in manner. Square Judy used to unkindly refer to him when he first joined the staff. But she gradually became the Lois Lane to the Clark Kent George. Behind the insouciant faade was a quick mind of utmost intelligence. Buried under the bumbling manner lay a quirky sense of humour. Soon they were the departments Beauty and the Beast, epithets they accepted in good grace. Despite their increasing closeness, the issue of marriage had never been raised. Judy was sure she would have to take the initiative as it was unlikely that George would ever pop the question. So what were George and Tasha doing in her office so early in the morning, and why did they react so guiltily to her unannounced entrance? When she posed these questions to George at lunch, he hedged around, mumbling incoherently, much to her exasperation. Why? Judy adamantly asked Elizabeth later at tea time. Elizabeth was the Agony Aunt in the department. You know, my auntie used to say that the square type is the worst kind under all that goodygoody veneer. People will generalize. But why jump to conclusions? The way I see it, I dont think there is anything between Tasha and George. I wouldnt worry my pretty head about it. Elizabeth patted her hand and left. But Judy was not convinced. Granted that Elizabeth had always been a good judge of character, but what if her perspicacity had failed her just this once? Judy stayed back as usual that evening to finish off some work. While her fingers tapped on the keyboard, her mind was filled with tumultuous forebodings compounded by the fact that George did not come round to say good-bye as was his wont. Impatiently, she brushed away the tears that blurred the words on the monitor screen. On the way home, Judy remembered that she had promised her mother to pick up a prescription from the chemist. And it will be just like her to get her prescription from some out of the way place, she grumbled as she parked the car. Looking up, she saw in the jewellers, next to Pharmacare, George and Tasha at the counter in animated conversation. Tasha was seated, one shaped leg crossed over the other, while George was looking down at her, his face unusually radiant. Judy felt a sudden cold spreading through her body down to her legs. She slumped over the steering wheel, hot tears streaming down her face. Gasping for air, she slowly straightened up and drove home. She told her mother she did not have time to go to the chemist. Seated at her computer the next morning at work, it was all Judy could do to pull herself together. She heard Georges familiar footsteps. Hi, said George. Judy looked at him. He blushed. ErTasha and I erwe went shopping yesterday and erTasha helped me. I got this for you. He handed her a small, blue velvet box. Hands trembling, she opened it. In it nestled a beautiful diamond solitaire. On the inside cover of the box was a little piece of paper with Georges unmistakable scribble. Marry me.

1. (a) After George had given her the ring, how would Judy probably felt?

(2 marks) (b) What does belle in the passage mean?

(2 marks) (c) Why were they known as Beauty and the Beast?

(2 marks) 2. (a) What was Elizabeths advice to Judy? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

(2 marks) (b) Was Judy convinced with Elizabeths saying? Why?

(2 marks) 5

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