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Anthropology assignment- The Matrix The identityMorpheus believes Neo is the One that the Oracle prophesied.

But Neo himself doesnt know that, we can figure it out when he first meet the oracle, she said that means know thyself, Im going to let you in on a little secret. Being The One is just like being in love. No one can tell you you're in love, you just know it. Through and through. Balls to bones. Thats really what The Oracle is all about. She opens the door but Neo has to choose to believe it for himself. He has to look inside, he has to know there's no spoon, and he has to know he's The One. And it's only through making the choice, once he finds the reason to do so, that he becomes The One. Neo looked inside and he doesn't believe. He's intrigued, he's listened to a very convincing man who believes, but Neo does not believe. And the Oracle's going to let him go with that belief, because as she said earlier, "No one can tell you you're The One, you just know it. Socrates allegory of the Cave has the same meaning, the Cave is about a man who never saw the light and sees it for the first time, and was having problem adjusting to reality. They both have the concept which is, if you take someone out of the dark they are going to have trouble adjusting to the light, and if they dont know better the dark will become there light. Meaning they will become adjusted to the dark because they do not know any better. Understanding oneself is important before one tries to understand its surrounding. One must be aware of oneself to be charge of his emotional and mental state of thinking and acting. That is a trait that helped both, Socrates and Neo, handle the situation and a fairly positive fashion. They were able to take charge of the situation and make the best of it. RealityNeo, the man thought that his life was a reality was awaken to a whole new reality which made him realize that his life, that he has been living up until now, was not real at all. He, also like Socrates, had a hard time adjusting to the "light" - the real world. The only thing worse than a prison for your mind would be a prison for your mind you didn't know you were in, a prison from which, therefore, you would have no urge to escape." that's how the slaves were. Their mind and body have become prisoners in this cave so it would be hard for them to accept any other knowledge of the

outside world. Those of us who come to know reality will be mocked by those who can't open their mind to knowing the reality. There is so much in this world that we don't understand and we sometimes tend to close our eyes so we may not see the real picture as to what it is, or sometimes we choose not to know. Reality is fear and facing reality takes courage and only those brave enough can face it and accept it for what it is. Self knowledgeWhich is the key, and without it we can unlock no other knowledge worth having." Before Neo could save the sleeping minds trapped inside the Matrix, before Socrates could spread his vast wisdom to the unknowing, they both had to "know thyself". Neo and Socrates had to free themselves before they could free anyone. The famous ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates, he defined philosophy as "love of wisdom", an important point of his thinking is that knowing yourself as ignorance, that is to say, to know yourself you have to know that you dont know anything. He said he heard the oracle said that he is the most intelligent person in the world, but he felt he was not smart enough , so he talked with people who are knowledgeable, to overthrow the oracle. Socrates in the end found out these so-called knowledgeable people, they are not knowledgeable, they are not smart, and no wisdom. Then he found out that he himself as a clever person lies on he recognizes his ignorance. After that, Socrates thought that everyone should acknowledge their own ignorance (Neo also has accepted this test). While discussing knowledge and ethical issues, Socrates used to question and answer method, one person ask a question and the other one answer the question, then expose some contradictions through answering each other, so that the other who is into a contradiction, had to admit their own ignorance, that finally leading to the truth. Socrates called this method as "delivery technique" which is one kind of induction. In The Matrix, Morpheus also plays a mentor role to guide Neo that he is the One. There are some interesting points such as the light, number 3, and the number 101. Light appears many times in the movie, when Trinity broke the window, when she was in a telephone booth, light means the symbol of the truth, wisdom and vitality in both

consciousness and real world. Consciousness pierced the unconsciousness. The number 3,the number of Trinitys room is 303, Trinitys name means three in the one, Neo see the 3 agents as green code after he comes back his life, 3 minutes after Neo died, Trinity kissed neo three times then Neo got his new life, this makes me think about Jesus died and revive after three days. The number 101 also appears many times in movie, may have meaning that Neo is the one of one, but no one knows exactly what it means (if anything), the popular explanation is this: 101 is binary for 5 (00101,which to a computer is the sixth number because computers count from 0). The meaning of names in The Matrix: Neo- which means the one is the change of the world one. Neo also means new in Greek language, means Neo will have new life after he revived, and he will bring hopes to people. The one also means anointed one. Trinity- means God divides into the father, the son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit. But they are still a whole. Morpheus- is the god of sleep and dream in the Greek mythology. He plays a role to help Neo wake up from the dream. Zion- is the last base of human, also the last hope of human beings. In the "Old Testament", Zion is a poetic, sincere, emotional call for the holy city of Jerusalem. Nebuchadnezzar- is the ship of Morpheus. In the "Bible" is a name of a king of Babylon, "he did not know he had a dream, he has been looking for answers. To get the answer of the dream, have to go to the dream of God- Morpheus.

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