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From: "Acacia Press, Inc." Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy,alt.conspiracy.jfk Subject: Masons & Kennedy Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 05:56:34 -0400 Organization: Crocker Communciations ( Lines: 115 Message-ID: For all you folks investigating Freemasonry. Here's an update of response to a Freemasons who challenged the notion that Masons were involved in the Kennedy assassination cover-up One need look no further than the Masonic publications to find the Masonic lunatics who might want Kennedy killed. The level of hostility that Freemasons felt toward Kennedy was documented in February 1960 issue of New Age magazine, a Masonic publication, where Luther A. Smith, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, Southern Jurisdiction, told his readers: "whatever bigotry is in evidence in the United States is exhibited solely by the Roman Catholic hierarchy; that the Canon Law of the Roman Church and the directives of the Pope validate the fears of the people that the dual allegiance of American Catholics is a present danger to our free institutions, and lastly that the people in passing upon the qualifications of a Catholic candidate for the Presidency will be guided by their knowledge of history and their great store of plain old-fashioned common horse sense, and their innate caution not to gamble when their LIBERTIES AND THE NATIONAL SECURITY ARE AT STAKE (emphasis added). Among American citizens there should be no question or suspicion of allegiance to any foreign power, but in the case of the Roman Catholic citizen, his church is the guardian of his conscience and asserts that he must obey its laws and decrees even if they are in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States." So we have Masonic crazies asserting NATIONAL SECURITY issues over the potential election of a Catholic, John F. Kennedy. Mind you, this is Masonic leadership. Now add to this the fact, documented by Masonic sources (see below) , that the Masons controlled the investigation into the Kennedy assassination and you have legitimate concerns over the honesty of the investigation. Most Americans believe a conspiracy existed. Comparatively few know that members of a secret society, hostile to a Kennedy presidency, presided over the assassination investigation.
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As for the maintenance of a secret. Freemasons, as demonstrateded by the legend of Hiram Abiff, have always focused on teaching the membership to keep their secrets. Hiram, the Masonic Christ figure, was raised from the grave because he kept his secrets. Those who violate Masonic secrets can expect retaliation, those who keep them, like Hiram, can expect rewards. A longer article on the probable involvement of Freemason's in the Kennedy assassination is available at the WWW site below. As is partial text from a variety of Masonic exposes and the "Proceedings of the US Anti-Masonic Convention", a record of the 1st third party political convention in the US. Critics of Freemasonry include President John Q. Adams. ####################### In his book, Freemasonry in American History, the Masonic scholar, A. E. Roberts identifies some of the Masonic participants in the investigation of the Kennedy assaination, "Johnson had received the Entered Apprentice Degree in Johnson City Lodge No. 561, Texas, on October 30, 1937. Reasons for him going no farther are unclear. Until the 1850s becoming an Entered Apprentice made a man a full member of the lodge conferring the degree. During the 1850s all Grand Lodges adopted laws making the Master Mason (or Third) degree the criteria for a man to be considered a Freemason. Before then, all Masonic business was conducted in the First Degree (and still is in some foreign countries). With the adoption of the new law, business can be considered only in a Master Mason Lodge. One of Johnson's first acts was to order the Federal Bureau of Investigation to check every aspect of the assassination. The FBI was headed by J. EDGAR HOOVER, who had become a member of Federal Lodge No. 1, District of Columbia, on November 9, 1920... But the public wanted more answers concerning the murder of the President than any agency could provide. So, on January 29, 1963, Johnson issued an executive order creating a special commission. It would take the name of the man chosen to head it, Chief Justice EARL WARREN. Warren, a Past Grand Master of Masons in California, was joined on the Commission by two other known Freemasons. They were Senator RICHARD B. RUSSELL, a member of Winder Lodge No. 33, Georgia, and Representative GERALD R. FORD of Michigan. John Sherman Cooper, Hale Boggs, Allen W. Dulles, and John J. McCloy made up the balance of the Commission." (pg 379)

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It is difficult to reliably determine if other members of the Warren Commission were also Freemasons, because no published records of membership exist. Even Mr. A. E. Roberts, who should have excellent access to masonic sources of information, qualifies his list of Masonic participants on the Warren Commision to describe 'known Freemasons'. Acacia Press, Incorporated PO BOX 154, Montague, MA 01351

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