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Exploder issue 1 By Josh Calvano

Page 1

Panel 1.1

Description the outside of suburban home on a sunny day. fair sized porch and one car in the driveway a nice home but not the wealthiest probably middle class maybe a little higher bens mother is seen in the kitchen door leading upstairs yelling at her soon it looks like shes about to leave for work a medium shot of his father standing by the door waiting for his wife so they can leave for work





DAD and tell him if he is late again he is grounded for a month that boy needs to get his act together


we see the husband and wife outside walking to there car

MOM dont be so hard him rick he is just at teenager DAD that is still no excuse to be late for class every day

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Panel 2.1

Description we see the close up of an alarm clock that shows the time as 7:30 the clock nows says 8:30 a groggy Ben rolls over in his bed to look at his clock


2.2 2.3

BEN uggh i wonder what time it is


looking at his clock now he has a horrified look on his face

BEN oh god!!!! i have ten minutes to get to class my dad is going to kill me

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Panel 3.1

Description ben starts getting dressed at a break neck speed and get to school on time

Dialog BEN gaaaah where the hell are my pants looks like there wont be time to shower


ben grabbing his pants that he was looking for and looking at them if they are suitable to wear

BEN are these even clean...who cares im going to be late !! no time to be picky


ben runs through his kitchen grabbing his books on the table and quickly heading out the door

BEN if if i take my bike and use the shortcut i can make it i can do this


ben is outside and hopping on his bike and peddling away

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Panel 4.1

Description ben is frantically peddling his way to school

Dialog BEN maybe if i cut throught the warehouses i can get there in time before mrs.Applebomb murders me


an overhead view of been pulling into what looks like a warehouse district ben peddles by some warehouse works who have just dropped a oil drum with some green chemchial it just narrowly misses ben who is oblivious a close up of an odd looking spider that could give one super powers if bitten bens bike crushes the spider as he bikes frantically to school BEN (thought bubble) almost there !!!!! BEN (thought bubble) man mom would kill me if she new i was taking this shortcut




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Panel 5.1

Description ben is now at the school it will be an overhead view of him pulling into the school ben is now is carting his bike to the bike rack



BEN no time to lock this thing i hope that stupid gorilla shamus doesnt steal it


a close up of a school bell that is ringing loudly ben is sprinting down the hall into the class room BEN (thought bubble) no no no no no Im almost there !



ben goes springint by the teacher he is trying to beat to class

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Panel 6.1

Description ben rips open the door to the class room ben is celeberating that he made it to class before his teacher



BEN yesssss!!!! and he does it again folks i am a champion!!


ben looking embarassed when his teacher comes up behind him

MRS.APPLEBOMB go sit down mr.bradly you are just lucky that i forgot my coffee in the teachers lounge


ben is walking towards his sit next to his bestfriend wes who is handing him a five dollar bill

WES damn i almost won that bet i heard the bell ring and i thought i had it


ben is now sitting down with five dollars in his hand

BEN as if you would think to bet against me easiest money i ever made WES settle down there flash you arent that great

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Panel 7.1

Description bens face is pressed up against a sneeze guard at the school caffteria

Dialog BEN score!! they are serving mac and cheese my favourite !!


ben is now paying for his meal with the money get got from wes

BEN (thought bubble ) thank you wes for this delicous meal...i wonder where that guy is


ben is now walking around the cafe with tray in hand looking for wes ben spots wes reading a comic book and goes and sits down next to him BEN well look at this wounderful meal you helped pay for you jealous ?



ben is now sitting facing wes and its like a side profile of them

WES ha! not at all you got so lucky you know that BEN not even i had it all figured out !! WES your so full of it BEN anyways what are you reading there buddy

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Panel 8.1

Description an over the shoulder on ben and wes is holding up a comic

Dialog WES nothing its just the newiest issue of spiderman its no big deal


again back to a profile view of the two

BEN how do you read those things man stop living in a fantasy world WES its not a fantasy this stuff happens like everyday !!! you cant tell me it wouldnt be awesome BEN ehhhh i dont know maybe not for me i can barely get through chem class let alone trying to save the world WES thats true you are pretty useless BEN well that was totally uncalled for! anyways we should probably get to gym class


the boys are seen running laps in gym class

BEN man i gotta start getting more fit my lungs are burning WES geeze you get more fit then me i just read comics and surf the net people like me arent suppose to run this much

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Panel 8.4

Description the boys are now standing infront of there coach with the other students

Dialog COACH listen hear you babies split up and each take a net practice your free throws and lay ups!! BEN ugh i hate this exercise and why does coach larson have to be so mean about it


the boys are shooting some baskets when they hear a scuffle break out

BEN hey you wanna go for pizza tonight maybe hit up the mall would even hit up your nerd fortress that comic book shop you love so much WES hey man dont knock it a lot of cool people work there !!

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Panel 9.1

Description the boys here some ruckus going on and look to see what it is

Dialog MELVIN hey just leave me alone shamus!!(off page) BEN huh ? whats going on over there WES sounds like that gorilla shamus is hassling kids again


we see further down the court that a bigger mean looking kid and a small nerdy looking kid are getting into it

SHAMUS give me the ball you little shit or ill drop you MELVIN no way just leave me alone why are you always picking on me


the boys are now talking about what they are seeing

BEN that guy is such a prick why does he always have to be like that it pisse me off show much WES i feel you man but what are you going to do about it you are pansy BEN what no way im no pansy youre a pansy !!


back to shamus who has now ripped the ball from melvins hands and is winding up the hurl it at him

SHAMUS on second thought i dont even want this

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Panel 10.1

Description we see shamus drilling the ball into melvins chest and falling over

Dialog SHAMUS here you go ball back! queers hears your


back to ben looks angry the ball he starting to

and wes and ben we can see that is holding is glow

BEN ive had enough of this guy who does he think he WES uh hey man whats going on with that ball in your hand


ben winds up and hurls the now super charged ball at shamus and wes has a look of terror on his face now a view from down court as the ball comes hurling towards shamus and a very unatrually high speed it slams into shamus gut

BEN hey shamus !!! eat this



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Panel 11.1

Description we see ben freaking out cause his hands are smoking slightly and wes has a shocked look on his face

Dialog BEN what just happend !!! and why are my hands smoking !!! WES uhmm dude i think you just super charged that ball like some kind of super hero !!!!!!!!! do you know what this means BEN forget it that didnt happen its just an optical illusion or something i have no super powers now stop thinking like that ! i gotta get out of here


Ben starts running away from the scene of the crime as the coach starts yelling at him

COACH come back here Bradly!!! your going to be in some huge shit!


ben is now walking home and thinking about what just happend

BEN (thought bubble) what happened back there i could feel the ball heating up and i guess it was glowing but here is no way in hell that i shot that thing like a missile


a man with a purse in his hand comes running by and shoves ben

THEIF get out of my way kid! BEN geeze no need to be an ass


a woman comes running up screaming about her purse

WOMAN help help that man has my purse

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Panel 12.1

Description ben notices a garbage can and lifts up the lid to chuck it at the thief

Dialog BEN lets see if i can do it again hey scum bag!!


we see the lid come hurlding towards the theif and hitting him in the back of the leg knocking him down ben retrieve the womans purse from the theif

THEIF what the hell!!


BEN uhh here you go mam WOMAN oh please let me repay you BEN no no i uh i need to get home !

Page 13

Panel 13.1

Description ben makes it home to find wes waiting for him on his porch

Dialog WES hey man ive been waiting for an hour after you split from class i figured you would come right home we need to talk about what happened back there BEN no we dont nothing happened back there ok it was an optical illusion or something leave me alone go read your stupid comic books


wes is now stepping of the porch and heading home

WES no need to be an ass about it im just saying it was weird ok and kinda looked like you had some type of super power its not that uncommon anymore


ben steps pass wes and goes into his house

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Panel 14.1

Description we see ben in his room eagerly looking at his computer screen

Dialog BEN (thought bubble) hmm maybe i should look some of this stuff up and i can find an answer online


we see a close up of his computer screen varies news articles saying how heroes have been appearing for the last 20 years or so we learn now that super heroes do exist in this universe

BEN (thought bubble) this just seems so crazy to me i cant be one of these guys but then again i did launch a basketball like a torpedo so maybe i am


ben is leaning back in his chair thinking

BEN maybe being a super hero wont be so bad you know im sure these guys pick up a lot of girls maybe i can get my own line of action figures BEN but first apologize was right live this i should probably to wes and tell him he god im never going to down

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Panel 15.1

Description ben is at school now in the caf looking for wes and he finaly finds him sitting at a table

Dialog BEN hey man mind if i sit here ? WES whatever BEN ive been thinking maybe your right about these superpower things and i know you know alot about this stuff so i was wondering if you would help me ?


wes kind of has a stunned look in his face

WES i uh of course !!!!! BEN hahaha i knew you would be down for this im going to need some one to be my sidekick


wes looking super excited while he sits with ben

WES ive got so many great idea ! meet me at my house tonight BEN what kind of ideas ? WES dont worry about that now just be there !

Page 16

Panel 16.1

Description ben is biking towards wes house

Dialog BEN (thought bubble) i wonder what we are going to be doing here and what crazy plans my friend has in store


he is now in wes backyard with wes where wes has set up some items on a table

BEN what is all this stuff ?? WES this is going to help us figure out how your powers work BEN hows a frisbee going to help with that ?? WES just trust me ok pick up that frisbee


ben is now holding the frisbee in his hand and wes is standing next to him

WES ok now just concentrait and launch that frisbee like you did the ball at shamus BEN ok but i still think this is crazy WES just do it !


ben conentraiting launched the frisbee at a stack of bricks causing them to explode

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Panel 16.5

Description wes is now excited and ben looks stunned

Dialog WES just as i thought you super charged that frisbee making the atoms unstable and ended up turning it into an explosive projectile BEN how do you know that??? WES phhft and you said comice books where a waste WES ok well we know that you can super charge onjects now lets see if you can charge yourself

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Panel 17.1

Description ben and wes are now standing infront of a table with a watermelon on it

Dialog WES ok for this try charging up your fist and you should be able to smash up this water melon BEN wes this is crazy WES come on just do it!!


ben cocks his fit up is now concetraiting hard and his fist is now glowing ben lets his fist down onto the watermelon which has now burst every where ben and wes look totally shocked BEN woah i didnt think that would actually work that was kind of cool WES totally!! ok so you can super charge your fist and projectile things that is so badass !!!




the boys stand beside eachother talking

BEN now what? WES what do you mean now what now we go on patrol! BEN ugh are you sure WES yeah man your a hero now thats what they do BEN ugh fine

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Panel 18.1

Description its night now and the boys are walking around the warehouse district

Dialog BEN wes this is so boring we have been at this for hours and no criminals and this mask is starting to make me itch WES just keep the mask on ok i promise next time ill give you something better its the best i could do on such short notice


the boys are still arguing when they suddenly hear a noise

BEN why do i need a stupid mask anyways ? WES are you serious do you want everyone to know who you are


the boys hear a loud noise and go to investigate

BEN what the hell was that ?? WES i dont know lets go investigate


the boys walk in on a warehouse being raided by some weird looking plant men

BEN those guys look like they are part plant WES yeah sorta this is weird...anyways you gotta go in there this is your time to shine BEN this looks dangerous i dont want to do this !


wes pushed ben attracting the criminals

WES stop being a baby! BEN your such an ass

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Panel 19.1

Description ben stumbles out and is now just being stared at by the criminals

Dialog BEN uh hmm halt in the name of the law ! WES thats really the best you could think of BEN shut up!


the criminal that looks like he is in charge tells the other to attack ben

LEADER CRIMINAL who is this kid ? whatever the doc wont like this so why dont you idiots go and take care of this !!

19.3 19.4

the criminals charge at ben ben takes a super charged swing at the one closest to him the criminal ends up soaring and knocking down all the other criminals BEN eat this !!! cabbage head !!


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Panel 20.1

Description lead criminal looks displeased

Dialog LEADER CRIMINAL fools looks like ill take care of this myself


lead criminal starts swinging at ben

BEN who are these guys and why do they look like plants ? LEADER CRIMINAL shut up kid are im going to tear you apart


ben winds up and kicks the leader criminal sending him flying

BEN take that garden salad !! point for the good guys !


the sounds of sirens and the approaching cops

BEN crap cops we better get out of here or things are going to get worse BEN wes come on stop hiding and lets go! WES i wasnt hiding ok ! you looked like you had things under control


the boys are scene running away from the scene of the crime just as the cops pull up narrowlying missing there exit

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Panel 21.1

Description the boys are now back in bens room sitting and out of breath

Dialog BEN that was nuts man did you see me hit those plant guys WES yeah that was crazy or when you punted that big guy into the truck or when called him garden salad like what does that even mean BEN i have no idea i just thought of it i guess my banter can use some work


stilling sitting and talking in bens room

WES you know your going to need a name right BEN like what explosion man ? exploder fist ?? WES thats it !!! exploder !


ben ponders the name

BEN hmm exploder eh i like it it really rolls off the tongue and sounds super tough maybe being a superhero wont be so bad afterall

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