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Rainbow Hawk Matthew, you are so off-base about Occupy it either shows your own ignorance to the facts

s and the will of the people, or you speak for the NWO trying to destroy a movement that will help bring them down. I personally have been involved with Occupy since April of 2011, long before the first Occupy encampment even happened. The NWO could not have scripted your above statement(s) any better in order to divert and divide the people. They dread their own downfall and see Occupy as one of, if not thee, major threats those power mad tyants are aware of. The threat of a leaderless movement which they cannot corrupt is thee greatest threat they face and they obviously know that. So do tell, how many pieces of silver are they paying you to try to destroy a movement genuinely grounded in the grassroots of We The People? No leaders to nail to the cross this time around. Just free people (millions of them around the world) calling for an end to the plots of the NWO which seeks total domination and who will use any dirty trick they can to maintain their illusions of power. OCCUPY MOTHER EARTH, it's all of ours common home and the destruction of our home must stop. P.S. Your posting will be deleted and exposed for what it really is anywhere within the Rainbow Network(s) that I see it posted.

I honestly am not connected to them in any way nor was I commissioned, nor was there any communication. The only way I got paid for this was by constantly looking behind my back and wondering if the car that just pulled up to where I'm sitting is going to abduct me. The Jesuits are powerful people and have killed presidents in broad daylight before. I'm honestly a little scared for my life because of certain things I mentioned. I've been in the hacker community for years so I took note when weird things and public outings began to happen with the Anonymous regime change. I've been in the conspiracy community for years, so I was able to watch all the propaganda arise from Occupy. I don't make such strong claims without complete conviction first. Occupy is not what you think it is. I've been at some of the rallies of righteous anger, I've been in the middle of protests that have seen unnecessary police force. I've been at the Occupy Chicago headquarters and I know many of the leaders there personally and have talked with the rest. I know it's a grassroots program. It is 99% run by real non-'powers that be' human beings, but the framework and the spark that lit the fuse was given by higher powers. You're ignorant if you think that they are any threat at all to the global control grid. It's too vast and complex for a couple protesters to do anything. Any real revolution is being distracted by Ron Paul propaganda, all the "revolutionaries" are preoccupied with learning about the Fed instead of learning how to make molotov cocktails. RP is a pressure release valve meant to keep promising intellectual kids distracted before the 21Dec12 event. You're ignorant if you think that the "NEW World Order" will be the exact same as the "Old World Order." This capitalist system won't last forever, and there will be a staged overthrow with

a promised utopia. Alex Jones is spearheading Occupy Bilderberg 2012, is that not enough to raise a few warning bells? All of this comes from years of hardcore conspiracy theorizing and the search to find out what is legit or not. If I was really part of the NWO, I wouldn't tell people to primarily focus on internal spiritual refinement. Have you seen Hollywood and the music industry lately? They are actively working against all forms of legitimate spiritual evolution and they attempt to hijack the awakenings of those who do. Say what you want about me and my synthesis of all available information, I don't care. You're wrong but you think you're doing the right thing, which is sometimes more honorable than being right and doing nothing. I did what I thought was right, even though it put my physical and spiritual life on the line (I've already received a few unwanted astral visitors recently.)

Rainbow Hawk Matthew, I am one of the originators of Occupy and know each of the others personally. NOBODY TOLD US WHAT TO DO, OR HOW TO DO IT. You apparently are equating Alex Jones with everything and fact of the matter is he just jumps on the band wagon, as he did when the LEOs attacked the Rainbow Gathering in Montana and he airs his views. Yep, he has a loud mouth and often as not I tend to disagree with a lot of what he says, but Occupy has no leaders and he just does his part as he thinks it should be done, same as everybody else in the Occupy movement. He just happens to have a lot of air time to say things on. Oh please bro "If I was really part of the NWO, I wouldn't tell people to primarily focus on internal spiritual refinement." The use of the so called spiritual movement (under a myriad of religious pretexts), where people only look to find themselves within, sit on their butts or kneel on their knees, meditating/praying has been going on as long as the NWO has existed and has led the world to where it is today. The NWO loves it because people don't do anything real and tangible which can stop their trips. You sound more and more like their shill with every statement you make bro. And you seem to think that millions around the world are wrong and that you are right!!! Forget that ego trip bro. We all are whom we are and we are all active in whatever ways we see our parts to be. Do you really think we're stupid and your oh so smart? Time to get the wading boots and shovel out as the shit is getting deeper and deeper. Next thing you'll likely tell me is that Rainbow is a NWO plot as well!!! And Greenpeace and every other movement inaugurated and founded by the peoples themselves.

The founder of Greenpeace left the organization because he felt it had been hijacked and become a different movement than what he birthed. Greenpeace got sidetracked and turned by a different agenda. That's what happens to

movements, organizations and countries. Mergings, takeovers, infiltrations. All until everything is under one umbrella. Let's take a look at the Invisible Children organization for a second. I hope that you know by now that the whole PHONY 2012 thing is a fraud used to manufacture consent for the military expansion of Africom. The powers that be used the Invisible Children vehicle to create a deceived grassroots movement that got millions begging for military intervention. Let me repeat that, a legitimate grassroots movement was used to get millions of people demanding a shiny solution to a problem. They were demanding the solution that was being presented to them on the silver platter of a 30-minute movie. However, their begs and their demands are not unjustified. Seriously, Kony has done some horrific things and needed to be stopped. If Joseph Kony had been active recently (he's been out of Uganda for 6+ years) and if we lived in a perfect world without corrupt military power, then intervention is the only logical and moral thing to do. I was a big fan of Invisible Children when the first film hit the screens, and I supported the cause and briefly participated in the events/gatherings. Invisible Children started out as a real cause that was gaining real momentum. And then it got hijacked by higher interests. As they continued to make films (they've made quite a few) they began to take on this creepy NWO undertone and something didn't feel right about what they were presenting. Somewhere along the line, someone saw their potential and recruited them. It was probably the Jesuits or one of the Jesuit controlled subgroups (maybe Knights of Malta, perhaps the Illuminati, but I'm thinking it was probably a form of pseudochristianity) because the founders of IC were bright Christians with a platform. They were seduced by the shiny apple of hidden knowledge and intermingling with the elite and joined, compromising the integrity of their platforms. They pledged their allegiance to the Order and promised to use their microphone if it is required of them. One day they got their assignment, to create a new grassroots movement that will be promoted by key celebrities/assets and will get the people of the semi-thinking world to beg for a solution that they will offer. With a little help of the control network, Kony 2012 became an international sensation that had everyone talking. The story of Occupy, Anonymous and others fall on similar routes. I spent a few years growing up drenched in the online hacker communities and talked with people from all ends of the spectrum and even got to hang out and converse with some big name hackers. Back during my (unfortunate) 4chan days, I became familiar with Anonymous and kept familiar with Project Chanology and everything associated. I kept a loose eye on Anonymous over the years and watched how it turned from an inner core of hackers to an open call for all men and women to become Guy Fawkes. It went from a small group of experienced professionals to a wide-open invitation with a small amount of inner leaders hiding in anonymity behind the hordes of masks in suits. Anyone can do anything in the name of Anonymous, but the only people likely to pull off anything in the mask of this internet icon are those who want to purposefully discredit it. Anonymous will be used to shut down internet freedoms just like Alex Jones will be used to shut down the truth movement. The best way to ensure that things go according to plan is to control the movements. As the CIA uses their internet power to pull of crimes and blame it on Anonymous, they have also infiltrated and hijacked the core of group leaders. Even though the hackers within are very talented at what they do (it

oops, sorry, I meant to hit the ' key. I'll keep typing and finish now, so wait until you get the whole thing. Rainbow Hawk Matthew, Greenpeace was concieved at the same time and place as Rainbow and there was no one founded, but a Council of about 40 or so people. That converted to the Don't Make Waves anti-nuke testing group assuming the Canadian aspect of Greenpeace' operations. Sea Shepard is indeed an offshot of Greenpeace which seeks to bring more direct confrontation/actions than some in Greenpeace prefer. That was/is the reason why the division of the two. Personally I respect both points of view and both are needed as far as I'm concerned. You live in such a world of paranoia it's hard to comprehend how you could have been actively involved in anything. Movements are born and movements grow as they will when there is nobody telling everybody how to do things, when, why and where. That is the nature of the evolution of movements and more so those with no leaders. Quite frankly, I have way to many good things to do than to continue this. You have your own fears to deal with. Personally I don't know what fear is, other than a negative vibration that will get you in more trouble than it' worth. END OF THIS CONVERSATION.

Even though the hackers are very talented at what they do to remain anonymous online (it's actually quite easy if you have a good mental framework of how things work), almost nothing escapes the sight of the power of our government's grip of surveillance and control on the internet. They knew who the inner core were and their relationships between each other were monitored. Then began the regime change and the takeover, either by buying out the loyalty of the leadership with money or with hidden knowledge, or by replacing members. A number of outings and internal upheaval have happened in the past few years. Even the latest Defcon (biggest hacker conference) had public outings of certain Anonymous member which resulted in ridicule and shouts from the audience. [Fun fact: At that Defcon, the 'Eye of Horus' was found on the badges and their open, yearly public puzzle was a giant pyramid with the same Eye of Providence at the apex. This symbolism doesn't necessarily indicate malicious intent, for there are innocent mystery schools that use the symbols to represent spiritual concepts, but this is relevant data to take into account.] If the CIA can hold the majority of power of the Anonymous movement (and gain the trust of the unknowing/ uninfiltrated members), they can steer the ship however they desire and make sure that nothing happens that they don't allow. Once they have control, they can allow approved actions to happen that will give internet freedom a bad name and will cause things to happen in the name of Anonymous in order to introduce legislation (or internet structures) that restricts what we can say or do. So, the moral of the story is that movements are watched and scanned for potential. Perhaps this is what happened with Occupy, the ptb (powers that be) keep an eye on these rising movements and fuel them if they fulfill a purpose and if they can potentially gain enough momentum. Anonymous gave Occupy a stage, a larger audience and were the real force that made your initiative go

global. Maybe that's where the infiltration ends, at the promoter level. But then again, you can't really honestly know for sure that no one in the core group was compromised by higher interests, especially because if they would choose someone to help spearhead it, then they would probably choose one of their own who does care about it and would honestly push for it wholeheartedly. Occupy is fulfilling a role, Occupy is a large part of the reactionary phase that is prompting people to beg for something offered to them. Just like Konies were begging for a manufactured solution to a real problem, Occupy is being used to get smart people righteously angry about a real problem but is being used to stir the pot before the crap hits the fan. I have more to say, but I won't type anymore than I already have if you don't want to converse about it. Be blessed.

I know the story of Greenpeace, but I was using it as an example of the takeover of a helpful cause by a different agenda that is appetizing.

Rainbow Hawk Takeover? In the NWOs dreams LMAO They will fall as every empire they have created in the past has fallen. The real power will always remain in the hands of the people and when they rise the supposed powers that be had better pay heed to their demands. History is certainly on the peoples side, every time and in every way needed to stop tyranny. Greenpeace, for your information (and I was a member of the founding Council and am still active today) does far more good in this world than all your paranoid rantings that put down good causes instead of supporting them. They will fall in our lifetimes (if we survive the culling that comes before their downfall.) I never put down Greenpeace. You infer way too much from my writings. I said Kony was fueled by righteous anger, I said that Occupy was fueled by righteous anger, Greenpeace too is concerned with legitimate causes and has done a lot of good. Occupy has done a lot of good too, but it is being expanded and supported in order to serve a purpose. It could have easily been squashed in any stage of its formation. I've slept on the streets, I've carried signs, I've been to the general assemblies, I am not ignorant of the influence Occupy has had. It is honestly a blessing because it is waking people up and making people think about issues normally outside of their bounds. So thank you for that. The economic system that will replace the one we have now is already planned and controlled by those who control our current one. They're going to transfer their wealth (read:resources) into the new system to come. They're facilitating the transfer of power and control. They're even in charge of the Islamic uprising in the mideast. Sorry, but they've been 50 chess moves ahead of everyone for the

past few centuries. Also, awesome beard, mine is getting close to the length in your first profile pic.

Rainbow Hawk Well we don't play chess, or any games, as our work is for real and not anybodies game. Come on bro. I work with folks in the Middle East and have since before the so called Arab Spring started in earnest. If you think the NWO is directing that show you have next to zero knowledge of what is really going on. Not that they don't want to get in on it and try to subvert it. but they have to find "leaders?" to corrupt in order to do that and there are none to speak of. You try to make it sound like the NWO is the be all and end all of everything and the people have no power or say in the matter. The more you say the more you sound like their mouthpiece. 50 chess moves is just not even starting to be enough when millions are doing what they see as needed. There is absolutely no way to pre-empt what millions have in each of their own minds. Not even in the realms of possibilities.

You yourself are a perfect example of a willing an able, yet unknowing asset. You already subscribe to a lot of what they're pushing for with the revolution and you will gladly go along and help with and support any new reasonable initiatives. You are not plagued by the cognitive dissonance of being a servant of two masters, and you have an incredible, believable and quite positive platform and experience that can help such movements gain the necessary organization and momentum. Which is why you remained on the panels. "You try to make it sound like the NWO is the be all and end all of everything and the people have no power or say in the matter." I'm a realist, but not a defeatist. I've studied in earnest for years, and I know what they're capable of and how far their influence spreads. But I'm not going to sit by while political shills call for revolt on a specific day that will cause mass arrests and the crackdown of the truth movement. They need to suppress most alternative forms of free speech by the end of the year, when they facilitate the shift and deception of the 21Dec'12 event. [Not that all of the events or effects of the global shift on that day are negative, but they have their own event to throw into the mix to deceive people and to have them believe that something else is responsible for the paradigm shift and spiritual evolution that accompanies that day.] Again, they need to suppress most alternative forms of free speech before the post-2012 deception. They don't have time to create new movements, they're going to use existing ones that they already have their hands in. Anonymous internet attacks, truther violence/bombings, whatever happens with Alex at Occupy Bilderberg, they will all be used to demonize and restrict these movements. Occupy was like letting a little zit grow larger so that once it got big enough, you could pop it. Occupy was necessary so that the entire movement got large enough to warrant a takedown.

They are 50 moves ahead, they have contingency plans for every possible step out of line. They have countless backup plans to execute on different levels to keep everything on track. Don't underestimate their malicious power, they know the right witchcraft to cast a spell on people. Everyone has back doors introduced by subliminal implantation by different sectors (Hollywood, music industry, education patterns) so everyone can be persuaded when the time comes. These aren't babies playing with legos. Also, respond to this separately (I still want your input on my last message), but how do you respond to the allegations (and proof) that the Occupy movement was helped along by the Lucis Trust foundation? Or do you think that all of those men and their intentions are good, honest and uncompromised too. Also, to add, what some men intend for evil, others intend for good. You're on the latter side, but that does not disprove the existence of the former.

Rainbow Hawk Brother, I am a Keeper/Carrier of the Prophecy of the Warriors of the Rainbow. All the other stuff you wish to imply you are speaking into the mirror. I know my path in life and have lived it for a lifetime. Play your games with some child if you wish to victimize one, but it would serve you well to respect Elders and you'd better believe that I have well earned every one of these white hairs. One is a very poor judge of one who like myself has contributed to the foundation of a great many movements around the world and the results I see inspire me. All the crap you're throwing, without ever have walked a step in my shoes, only shows that you operate from totally uninformed opinions and trying to impose them upon somebody whose lifes achievements, on a global scale, speak well of who and what I am. Now you have the option of either respecting that I have huge amounts of very worthy things to work on to help make this a little better world, or do I have to block you out of everything I am involved with and not get distracted by rediculous statements. and you will be blocked if one more word about your fears for the worse continues> END OF STORY

Wow, you did not read a single thing I said, did you. In my last message, I said that you intent these movements for good, not evil. Before that I said that you had an "incredible, believable and quite positive platform." I said that you support reasonable initiatives. I said that you are not plagued by cognitive dissonance and that you are not compromised by higher interests. I said that Greenpeace has done a lot of good and I thanked you for Occupy and called it a blessing because it is waking people up and getting them concerned with things that (mostly) matter.

I have the utmost respect for you and tried to compliment you and honor you as best I knew how. When I was speaking about you, to you, I was saying that you have been a blessing to those around you, so I hope I am speaking to the mirror as well.Go back and reread the messages, I never spoke a single sentence against you. See? This is a perfect example. You thought that I was speaking negatively of you so no matter what I said, you interpreted it through that lens. You have Light inside of you and you saw the Occupy potential in a positive light and interpreted them through a positive lens. You were so focused on the good things that any doubt about intent was ignored. That's actually commendable even though it misses the truth. Also, it's illogical for you to block me, you are the one who initiated conversation and immediately came at me with insults without getting to know me. I respond with valuable time taken out of my day (which shows respect because I rarely talk to people with such long responses) and I attempted to honor you in multiple places, even though you originally brought negativity and a refusal to understand to the table. You're too quick to block people, if you don't want me to type another word, I'll abide by that, but ask first, be polite, you were the one who started convers intended*

-This is the point at which I was blocked.

-----------------------------Matthew Chojnacki youtube channel: mattqatsi twitter: mattqatsi skype: mattqatsi anything else: probably mattqatsi facebook discussion group: Fractal Eschatology and no holds barred general discussion

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