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Tim and Tom and the two Bus bandits By: Noah E


Noah E

Noah E

Cast of Characters Noah Ederer: Florian Kutz :

TIM AND TOM AND THE TWO BUS BANDITS SCENE: 1 OUT. LONDON METRO- MORNING NARRATOR: Today I will be telling you a small story about two police officers. So lets get started. It was a cold morning in London. As tow police officers were walking to work discussing very loudly about a very impotent topic. SOUND: LONDON TRAFFIC (THROUGH OUT ALL OF THE SCENE) TOM: No Tim your crazy no way could have Chelsy have won that game yesterday. As you saw they lost 6:0 against Manchester United. TIM: Tom some times sometime have bad day like Chelsy and Manchester United was just lucky yesterday. I bet next time they will play against each other Chelsy will win. TOM: You so sure about that? TIM: Yes! TOM: Okay Ill bet you 10 quid that Manchester United will win again. TIM: Okay deal! NARRATOR: Just as Tom and Tim shuck hands they arrived at the police station. SOUND: OPENING OF OLD WOODEN DOOR SCENE: 2 INT. IN THE POLICE STATION OFFICES (EVERY ONE GETTING TO WORK) SOUND: A DOOR CLOSING NARRATOR: As Tim and Tom walked into the police station their mean boss was walking towards them. The bosses name was Sargent Gorg. When Sargent Gorg enters a room then (MORE) (CONTINUED)



NARRATOR: (contd) shiver runs down everyones spine. No none ever makes eye contact with him because the last guy who did that got fired for no reason. today he seams to be very angry at some one. Sargent Gorg was storming right to Tim and Tom. TOM:WHISPERING Dont make eye contact and do as he tells you. TIM:WHISPERING why? TOM:WHISPERING Just do it! SARGENT GORG: ANGRY Hey you two! SOUND: WALKING / STOMPING SARGENT GORG: ANGRY I got a job for you two. here... take it. I dont want to look at your two ugly faces for much longer so take. TIM: yes sorry Sargent. SARGENT GORG: ANGRY What you waiting for go! TOM: NERVOUS Sorry Sargent bye Sargent have a good day Sargent. NARRATOR: Tim and Tom hurried out of the Sargent sight. SOUND: RUNNING THROUGH DOOR SCENE 3 OUT. ON THE WAY TO THE POLICE CAR () NARRATOR: As Tim and Tom were on their way to the car Tom started look at their task for the day. TIM: Oh no not again.




TOM: what? TIM: Our job of the day is to set up a radar trap. TOM: Thats not too bad. TIM: ACTING LIKE A SMALL CHILLED But it boring.... TOM: Stop moaning and get into the car. SOUND: CAR DOORS OPENING & CLOSING SCENE 4 INT. IN THE CAR (Lunch) () SOUND: CAR DRIVING TIM: Tom could we put on some music? TOM: why you have the sound of the police radio to entertain you. TIM: Ya but the lady on the other side of the police radio creeps me out. SOUND: POLICE RADIO CHECK IN MARGRET POLICE RADIO: vehicle 458 could you restate your radio check in. Over TOM: Here is vehicle 458 that last statement was not a check in. Over MARGRET POLICE RADIO: I was not talking to you Tom I was talking to the guy who thinks I am creepy. over NARRATOR: Tim looked at Tom not knowing what to do. Tims was looking around trying to find a way out. Then Tim spotted a way out. He reached for the radio and turned it on.


COMMERCIAL FOR BUBBLE GUM MUSIC: NORMAL RADIO MUSIC (AFTER MUSIC) VOICE: DONT FORGET TO BUY OUR SUPER DUPER BOBBLE GUM THERE IS NO GUM MORE BUBBLY. SCENE 5 OUT. GETTING TO THE JOB () NARRATOR: After that abnormal conversation over the Police radio Tim and Tom arrived at their destination. Tom was setting up all the equipment and Tim was dude ling around with his hat. TOM: I am finally done. TIM: that took a long time. NARRATOR: Tom threw a deadly glare to Tim. TIM: Okay lets get back to work. NARRATOR: So they did they waited and they waited but no car were driving over the speed limit, until. SOUND: SPEEDING BUS GOES BY TOM: Get into the car and fire up the roof. SOUND: CAR DOORS OPENING & CLOSING SOUND: CAR SPEEDING AWAY (POLICE) TIM: okay get in front of him that we can pull him over. TOM: okay i am on it SOUND: CAR SLOWING DOWN




TIM: MEGA PHONE Here is police pull over. NARRATOR: The bus pulled over closely followed by the police. when both vehicle stopped Tom got out of the car and walked to the bus. SOUND: KNOCKING ON THE WINDOW. TOM: Hello, can i start off with asking for you drivers license and your vehicle papers. DIVER 1: Surly officer.... Tom , here you go. TOM: Thank you, Mr.....Paolo. So could you explain to me why you were driving 100 in a 70 zone. DRIVER 1: I am really sorry but I was late for my Job. TOM: you must be really late because it 4:00pm and all normal jobs start at 9:00am in the morning. DIVER 1: Yes i know that why I am really late and thats why I was speeding. TOM: Okay so here is a fine for speeding and we will just have a quick vehicle check and then you can drive on. NARRATOR: Without letting the man even protest against the check Tom and Tim were in the bus looking around. Then Tim found something suspicious on the floor. TIM: come over here and take a look at this. TOM: What? whats TIM: It seams like the floor is gone here. TOM: Ya your right Tim its a hole. is it?




NARRATOR: As Tom said that He was pushed in to the hole in the floor the same thing happened to Tim. TIM: Ouhhhhh that really hurt! SOUND: THE CAR RACING AWAY Scene 6 OUT. THE CHASE () TOM: HQ we need backup in a highway chase for a wight bus driving down the M3 heading North. TIM: Hey Tom look at this, one of them lost their phone. Do you think we can do something with this. TOM: Ya we surly can. contact the police helicopter and tell them to track the drivers phone through this phone. TIM: Okay I am on it. Heli 87933 police cop can you trace a number for us. VOICE: HELI PILOT No problem give us 1 minute. TOM: Look in the mean time the the backup has come now. VOICE: HELI PILOT We have traced the phone to a brig about 3 miles west from where you are. TIM: Thanks we will find them now. TOM: okay you guys you have heard where they are lets now go and get them. SOUND: A GROUP OF CARS RACING AWAY WITH SIRENS ON


SCENE 7 OUT. FINDING THE BUS () NARRATOR: Tom and Tim were racing to the location of the bus with all of their backup. This time nothing could go wrong. The drivers of the bus felt save hiding under the brig. But then they heard sirens blaring and coming closer to them but then it was to later. TOM: put your and up high where I can see them! and dont even think about running away. TIM: You have the right to remain silent everything you say or do can be held against you in Cort. NARRATOR: as Tom took the two drivers away Tim was thinking about what might happen tomorrow. TIM: THINKING Today was just another day at work for me but sometime i wish i could just got home and watch a movie all day and not be worried about if someone is doing something wrong in the world but I guess that makes me me. NARRATOR: Tim and Tom both had fulfilled lives Tom was promoted to head Sargent and Tim was promoted to SWAT, but they will never forget the days they worked together. THE END

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