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dYotsuba $ Friend's Adventures

(Book 1) Written and Photographed by: dyoan08

2012 dyoan08; Phography. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission.

Dyotsuba's First Pet Cat

DYotsuba: Hi Mira! Wow, thats a big cat! Mira: You said it! I didnt know stray cats can be this big. Meooow!

DYotsuba: Awwww shes so sweet. I think she likes me Mira. Mira: I bet she does. DYotsuba: Can we keep her? Please! Please! Pretty Pleaseeee!

Mira: Well, I guess you can. DYotsuba: Yes! Mira: Just as long as you feed and bathe her. DYotsuba: Ofcourse, I can do that. Mira: One more thing, you also must clean up her poop ! Big cats always have big poop! DYotsuba: (O.O)

Mira: Ok, were settled then! Bye! DYotsuba: Butbut Mira! You found her first. Meooooow! (Prooooooot!)

Dyotsuba's Bike

Dyotsuba: Hello there! Good day isn't it? Look what dyoan08 just gave me, it's a bike. She said it's too small for her, can you imagine her trying to ride this?

Mira: Hi Dyotsuba! Dyotsuba: Hello Mira! Look I have a new bike! Mira: Oh! I see...but.. but... Dyotsuba: But what?

Dyotsuba: But what? Mira: Ahmm...Do you even know how to ride a bike? Dyotsuba: Ofcourse..not..No, I don't know how to bike.

Dyotsuba: Mira, can you teach me how to bike? Mira: I'm sorry Dyotsuba, I also don't know how to bike Dyotsuba: (T . T)


Dyotsuba's Hula Hoop Tutorial

Hello! Today I'm going to show you the basic and some cool hula hoop tricks. The most basic hula hoop move is the waist spin. First, you just put it in your waist, move your waist in a circular motion just like you're doing hula. Go on take a hoop and try it!


Now I'll show you some of the tricks I know. I call this one Raise-a-Leg. You need to lie down raise your leg, put the hoop and move it in circular motion like this. Twirl! Twirl! Twirl! Fun isn't it?


I saw this move on rhythmic gymnastics before, but I don't what it is called. So I call it Split-and-Swirl. You just need to do a split and swirl the hoop in your hand, although it's doing the split that's the most challenging.


This trick is what I called Color&Twirl, why? Well...ahmm this is my position everytime I draw and color. Lying on my stomach with my legs bended upwards. I just put the hoop on the leg and start coloring... I mean twirling.


And the Best the Hula Hoop Gymnast is none other than..... (drumroll .......) Yotsuba! (the crowd cheers! ) Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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