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: . +
usL Tuesduy, CIIeI JusLIce RenuLo
Coronu uppeured beIore LIe SenuLe
ImpeucImenL LrIbunuI Lo Iuce noL onIy
IIs uccusers und IIs judges, buL LIe enLIre
nuLIon us weII. By LIIs ucL oI submIssIon Lo
eIecLed Ieuders und LIe cILzenry, Ie ruIsed
LIe sLundurd oI pubIIc uccounLubIIILy Ior
governmenL oIhcIuIs Lo u new IeveI. No
oLIer Lop oIhcIuI oI LIe nuLIon Iud ever
presenLed IImseII In open courL.
Two duys IuLer, uILer un uppurenL uLLempL
Lo evude cross-exumInuLIon und q8
Iours In u IospILuI InLensIve cure unIL
Ior IypogIycemIu und u possIbIe IeurL
uLLuck, CIIeI JusLIce Coronu IIILed LIe
uccounLubIIILy und Lrunspurency bur even
IIgIer wILI IIs bIunkeL wuIver oI usseL
secrecy und IIs hnuncIuI dIscIosures
openIng IIs weuILI Ior uII Lo see.
TIIs drumuLIc cIImux Lo LIe SenuLe IeurIngs
hve monLIs und Lwo weeks sInce 188
congressmen voLed Lo ImpeucI Coronu on
December 1z, Ieuves LIe SenuLe wILI LIe
unenvIubIe, even unseemIy Lusk oI judgIng
u mun wIo Look sLeps In uccounLubIIILy
und Lrunspurency LIuL LIe z senuLor-
judges were cIuIIenged Lo muLcI. BuL judge
IIm LIey musL. So Loo LIe nuLIon, und
LIIs recupILuIuLIon oI LIe ImpeucImenL
Judging the Chief Justice
At its climax, the trial of Renato Corona
sets a high standard in public
accountability and transparency
By Atty. John Carlo Gil M. Sadian
The Chief Justice's testimony focused the
Senate on one issue: Should he be removed for
not declaring $2.4 million in deposits?
Corona's appearance before the nation and his
waiver opening his nances to scrutiny has set
a new standard for accountability
The Senate verdict will have immense impact on
the Judiciary, our constitutional democracy, and
the political landscape
The highest-ranking ofciaI to face the nation in pubIic triaI and
open his nances to scrutiny: 'We're aII on triaI here' GMA News
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
proceedIngs und surroundIng evenLs by The
CenSEI Report provIdes LIe IuII buckground
Ior judgIng LIe CIIeI JusLIce.
or uII LIe reveIuLIons, conLroversy und
drumu oI LIe precedIng q duys oI LrIuI
sessIons, LIe qoLI und qznd, wILI Coronu
IImseII LesLIIyIng, provIded wIuL wus
urguubIy LIe mosL ImporLunL LesLImonIes In
LIe hve-monLI IILIguLIon. NoL onIy dId Ie
presenL IIs perspecLIve on LIe evenLs und
Issues oI IIs ImpeucImenL, IIs hnuI gumbIL
oI gIvIng permIssIon Ior IIs hnunces Lo be
IuIIy dIscIosed, LIen dIrecLIy unswerIng
quesLIons ubouL IIs undecIured Iunds,
Iuve uIso presenLed LIe SenuLe wILI uII LIe
InIormuLIon Lo decIde IIs IuLe.
OI LIe eIgIL orIgInuI ArLIcIes oI
mpeucImenL,LIe Coronu LrIuI Iud boIIed
down Lo jusL one: LIe Second ArLIcIe uIIegIng
cuIpubIe vIoIuLIon oI LIe ConsLILuLIon und
breucI oI pubIIc LrusL Ior IuIIIng Lo IuIIy
decIure IIs weuILI In LIe requIred unnuuI
SLuLemenL oI AsseLs, IubIIILIes und NeL
WorLI (SAN).
No evIdence wus presenLed In hve oI LIe
eIgIL mujor cIurges, wIIIe Lwo oI LIe
remuInIng LIree ure consIdered weuk,
muInIy becuuse LIey InvoIve coIIegIuI
decIsIons oI LIe Supreme CourL noL subjecL
Lo revIew by LIe SenuLe und Ior wIIcI
LIe CIIeI JusLIce uIone couId noL be IeId
responsIbIe (see page 16).
TIe SAN Issue seemed Lo be IurgeIy
seLLIed wILI prosecuLIon cIuIms oI q
properLIes debunked by deIense evIdence,
und ubouL o mIIIIon In undecIured peso
deposILs expIuIned by Iund suIe proceeds
IeId In LrusL Ior Busu-GuIdoLe EnLerprIses
nc. (BGE), LIe IumIIy hrm oI Coronu`s
wIIe CrIsLInu.
Dollars on center stage. However,
In LIe week beIore LIe CJ`s LesLImony,
LIe Issue oI IIs doIIur uccounLs Look cenLer
sLuge wIen IeudIIne news oI u probe by
Ombudsmun ConcIILu CurpIo MoruIes
Ied LIe deIense Lo cuII Ier us IosLIIe wILness,
brIngIng Ier uIIeguLIons oI some $1o mIIIIon
In deposILs smuck InLo LIe crux oI LIe
LrIuI (see page 8).
To counLer LIose cIuIms, LIe deIense
decIded Lo puL LIe CIIeI JusLIce IImseII
on LIe wILness sLund on Muy zz. TIe CIIeI
JusLIce urrIved uL LIe SenuLe noL onIy
wILI IIs IumIIy und IIs Iuwyers, buL uIso
wILI u LIree-Iour sLuLemenL Lo unswer LIe
LIree remuInIng cIurges oI LIe eIgIL
Articles Iodged uguInsL IIm IusL December,
us weII us LIe IncessunL medIu uLLucks on
IIm und IIs IumIIy.
BeIore LIe CIIeI JusLIce Look LIe wILness
sLund, SenuLe PresIdenL EnrIIe mude LIe
ruIes cIeur Lo IIs coIIeugues In LIe SenuLe:
LreuL LIe mugIsLruLe wILI respecL, IImIL
quesLIons Lo Lwo mInuLes, und sLIck Lo
quesLIons oI IucL. Coronu`s Ieud counseI,
JusLIce Seruhn Cuevus, uIso remInded LIe
SenuLe oI LIe concepL oI poIILIcuI neuLruIILy,
oI IIs cIIenL`s consLILuLIonuI rIgIL uguInsL
seII-IncrImInuLIon, und LIe proceduruI
ruIe LIuL u wILness cun onIy be cross-
exumIned on muLLers dIscussed durIng
LIe dIrecL exumInuLIon.
Corona maintains his conscience is
clear. SIgurudo uko wuIu ukong kusuIunun,
wuIu ukong gInuwung kuLIwuIIun uL uko
uy IIndI nugnukuw su gobyerno | um
Judging the Chief Justice
6 cenSEI
: . +
sure Iuve done no wrong, Iuve noL
commILLed uny corrupL ucLs, und Iuve noL
sLoIen unyLIIng Irom LIe governmenL|.
So decIured LIe CIIeI JusLIce, cIuImIng
Innocence und denyIng corrupLIon, us Ie
sLurLed IIs LesLImony dIspuLIng uII LIe
charges IucIng IIm. He uIso uIIeged LIuL LIe
udmInIsLruLIon oI PresIdenL BenIgno AquIno
orcIesLruLed IIs ImpeucImenL
In reLuIIuLIon Ior LIe Supreme CourL`s
decIsIon orderIng LIe dIsLrIbuLIon oI
HucIendu uIsILu und rejecLIng LIe
demund oI ILs owners, LIe Cojuungco
IumIIy oI LIe PresIdenL, Ior bIIIIons oI
pesos In compensuLIon.
To be sure, reIuLIons beLween LIe
CIIeI ExecuLIve und LIe CIIeI JusLIce
Iuve been sLruIned even beIore LIey Iud
ussumed LIeIr respecLIve posILIons
(see page 12). TIen-presIdenLIuI cundIduLe
AquIno opposed IIs predecessor`s
uppoInLmenL oI Coronu, us uIIowed by LIe
Supreme CourL. And Ior IIs purL, LIe CIIeI
JusLIce suw In LIe ImpeucImenL u desIre
by LIe PresIdenL Lo Luke conLroI oI LIe
JudIcIury - un uIIeged scIeme LIe CJ suId
Ie uImed Lo LIwurL even uL greuL suIIerIng
Ior IIm und IIs IumIIy.
As LIe mugIsLruLe IumenLed ubouL Iow
Iurd LIe ongoIng LrIuI Iud been Ior IIs
IumIIy, LIere were LImes wIen Ie becume
emoLIonuI, even puusIng Lo IoId buck Leurs.
n one oI LIe mosL emoLIonuI purLs oI IIs
sLuLemenL, Coronu usserLed LIuL uII LIe
properLIes IIs IumIIy ucquIred were LIe
resuIL oI Iurd work Ior more LIun qo yeurs
und noL Irom uny wrongdoIng.
Family feud over real estate. As a
buckdrop Ior IIs expIunuLIon oI IIs bunk
uccounLs, Coronu descrIbed LIe Ieud wILIIn
IIs wIIe`s exLended IumIIy over cerLuIn
properLIes In MunIIu. He purLIcuIurIy
menLIoned IIs wIIe`s uncIe, LIe IuLe Jose
MurIu Busu , us LIe reuson wIy Ie und
IIs wIIe becume reIucLunL Lo InvesL In reuI
esLuLe. TIe sud experIence oI LIe Busu
IumIIy Ius mude LIem InvesL LIeIr Iurd-
eurned cusI In doIIur uccounLs so IL couId
eurn InLeresL over LIme.
TIe prosecuLIon objecLed Lo purLs oI
Coronu`s sLuLemenLs Ior beIng eILIer
IrreIevunL or Ieursuy, und Ior cusLIng
uspersIons on IndIvIduuIs noL presenL Lo
deIend LIemseIves. SenuLe PresIdenL EnrIIe
Chief Justice Corona appears before the Senate impeachment court
Ied by Senate President Juan Ponce EnriIe GMA News video
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
noneLIeIess uIIowed Coronu Lo conLInue,
ruIIng LIuL everyLIIng wouId be consIdered
purL oI IIs LesLImony subjecL Lo cross-
exumInuLIon und rebuLLuI.
Only four dollar and three peso
accounts. Coronu LIen wenL on Lo
expIuIn LIuL Ie wus ubIe Lo suve Irom IIs
IucruLIve Iuw prucLIce und IIs IumIIy`s
sImpIe IIIesLyIe. He LIen used u sIIde Irom
Ombudsmun MoruIes` own presenLuLIon Lo
rebuL Ier uIIeguLIon LIuL Ie Iud 8z doIIur
uccounLs wILI uL IeusL $1o mIIIIon worLI oI
LrunsucLIonuI buIunces.AccordIng Lo IIm,
mosL oI LIose uccounLs Iud been cIosed,
purLIcuIurIy LIose In BP AcropoIIs und BP
Tundung Soru. He noneLIeIess udmILLed
ownIng Iour doIIur uccounLs und LIree peso
uccounLs us oI December zo11.
UsIng LIe sume duLu presenLed by
MoruIes, Coronu sIowed Iow LIe money
In IIs uccounLs were LrunsIerred or merged
Irom one uccounL Lo unoLIer. TIIs, us Ie
upLIy expIuIned, wus LypIcuI movemenL
oI money InvesLed In LIme deposILs und
InvesLmenL InsLrumenLs.
Coronu expIuIned LIuL LIese doIIur uccounLs
were noL reecLed In IIs SANs, becuuse
Ie beIIeved LIuL LIey ure covered by LIe
proLecLIon cIuuse oI LIe oreIgn Currency
DeposILs AcL (CDA), LIus exempLed Irom
LIe dIscIosure requIremenL under LIe AnLI-
GruIL und CorrupL PrucLIces AcL (RA o1q).
Commingled family and corporate
funds. Some uccounLs under Coronu`s
nume were uIso noL In IIs SANs, becuuse
LIese were noL excIusIveIy IIs. He LesLIhed
LIuL some oI LIe money beIonged Lo IIs
wIIe, IIs duugILer, IIs moLIer, und BGE.
TIe jusL compensuLIon Ior LIe exproprIuLed
compuny properLy, on wIIcI Iormer MunIIu
Muyor ILo ALIenzu LesLIhed, wus umong LIe
Iunds deposILed In IIs one oI IIs uccounLs.
AIso commIngIed In one oI IIs uccounLs
wus LIe so-cuIIed Coronudo Iund, money
enLrusLed Lo IIm by IIs LIen cuncer-sLrIcken
moLIer, wIose muIden nume Is Coronudo.
He wus InsLrucLed Lo use LIe Iund Ior Ier
medIcuLIon und evenLuuI IuneruI.
ConsIsLenL wILI LIeIr IumIIy`s InvesLmenL
In cusI deposILs, Coronu uIso dIvuIged that
IIs cIIIdren, uII proIessIonuIs wILI IucruLIve
cureers, conLrIbuLed LIeIr own suvIngs Lo
IIs uccounLs: CIurInu Ius 1 mIIIIon, CurIu
has q mIIIIon, und runcIs Ius z mIIIIon.
that his
suvIngs In
a single
the bigger
the bigger
the interest
IL couId
a big if. Towurd LIe end oI IIs LesLImony,
Coronu muInLuIned LIuL noL every omIssIon
or Inuccurucy In LIe SAN consLILuLes u IIgI
crIme or un ImpeucIubIe oIIense wurrunLIng
removuI Irom oIhce. He LIen sIgned u wuIver
uuLIorIzIng LIe Bureuu oI nLernuI Revenue,
LIe AnLI-Money uunderIng CouncII, LIe
SecurILIes und ExcIunge CommIssIon, und
LIe und RegIsLruLIon AuLIorILy Lo dIscIose
Corona used his own PowerPoint presentation
using the same AMLC data to refute MoraIes'
accusation that he has 82 bank accounts. Corona
expIained, 'Each time a time deposit wouId
mature or be roIIed over, a new account wiII be
created or consoIidated to make a new pIacement
to earn higher interest. These funds wouId then
be transferred from one account to another in
order to earn more interest' DZMM video
Judging the Chief Justice
8 cenSEI
: . +
Prompted by news of a probe into Chief Justice Renato
Coronas dollar accounts, the Defense asked the Senate
to subpoena Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales, who
is conducting the investigation, and those who signed the
complaint she is looking into. The result of her probe had, in
fact, already been referred to the House Speaker for another
possible impeachment complaint once the one-year bar
expires in December.
In her testimony, retired High Court magistrate Morales
alleged in a PowerPoint presentation that Corona had at
least $10 million in transactional balances through 82
dollar accounts from April 2003 to February 2012. She also
told the impeachment court that she observed "signifcant
withdrawals on signifcant events" like the 2004 and 2007
elections and the impeachment last December.
The presentation, according to Morales, was based on raw
data furnished to her offce by the Anti-Money Laundering
Council. As of last Friday, the AMLC had yet to offcially
authenticate those documents, although one of its three
members, Insurance Commissioner Emmanuel Dooc,
confrmed the report. The propriety, and even the legality
of the publication of this "confdential" report, had also
been questioned.
Nonetheless, Morales made these signifcant observations
in her presentation, which was produced by Commission
on Audit Commissioner Heidi Mendoza:
Multiple accounts created for similar purpose
Multiple accounts spread over fve banks in various
Circuitous fund movements
Deposit and withdrawal made on the same day
Signifcant movement on signifcant dates
Regarding the "signifcant" movement of funds, the
Ombudsman revealed that two separate deposits of
$500,000 were made to a Bank of the Philippine Islands
(BPI) Acropolis account on May 12 and May 14, 2004. On
May 3, 2007, she added, fve separate deposits amounting
to $293,645.23 were made to a BPI San Francisco del
With Supreme Court seaI between them, Corona and MoraIes stand behind then CJ Artemio Panganiban
The Ombudsmans testimony: The whole truth or a lantern of lies?
By Atty. John Carlo Gil M. Sadian
SIide from Ombudsman presentation aIIeging Corona
doIIar accounts
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
Monte dollar account. Morales also said that on the week
the Chief Justice was impeached, a total of almost $3.4
million were moved from Corona's alleged dollar accounts
in BPI, Philippine Savings Bank (PSBank), and Allied Bank.
Thus, between April 14, 2003 to December 22, 2011, the
total infow of cash in the accounts, according to Morales,
amounted to a staggering $12.15 million. Note that the
presentation itself states that the fgures were "not account
balances but rather they are transaction balances.
Corona quickly disputed the PowerPoint presentation,
calling it a lantern of lies. According to the Chief Justice,
The number of accounts alone is at best ridiculous. Her
PowerPoint diagram is a lantern of lies which only messed
up her presentation, contrary to what some believe now as
damning evidence. He eventually used his own PowerPoint
presentation to rebut Morales allegations when he took
the witness stand.
But before he testifed, Corona also issued a statement
saying, Either she does not know what she is talking
about or is purposely misleading the Impeachment Court
and the public. Is she even privy to how the AMLC arrived
at the bloated numbers?When asked by defense lead
counsel Justice Serafn Cuevas about her certainty on the
accuracy of the data, Morales herself admitted, I would
not have known that because the report was furnished to
me by AMLC."
Checking out a column by Rigoberto Tiglao in the Philippine
Daily Inquirer, the Inquirer reported, in a separate article,
that bankers uniformly said that an estimate of the
Supreme Court chiefs bank account balances made
by adding up all transaction values over time would be
incorrect." An AMLC offcial interviewed by the paper also
said that Tiglaos column was on the correct track.
Besides citing the gross error of summing up transactions
to come up with balances, the columnist had argued that
many of the 82 accounts were probably created for short-
term investments like time deposits and money-market
placements, each of which would require a separate bank
account, to be closed once the investment matured.
In his Senate testimony, Corona disclosed that he had
only four dollar accounts containing $2.4 million. With his
waiver allowing banks and government agencies to reveal
his assets and business connections, probers can now
check who is telling the truth: the Ombudsman or the man
she investigated.
Date Amount in $ Transaction
December 12 470,978.80 trust fund contribution
placement investment
December 12-13 135,359.01 Encashment
December 13 388,771.22 purchase of manager's check
December 13 12,888.67 debit memo
December 15 465,000.00 securities sold
December 15 343,192.62 Withdrawal
December 19 487,998.09 purchase of manager's check
December 19 22,998.09 excess of deposits
December 20 687,648.55 debit memo
source: TCR compilation
TabuIation in Ombudsman report: Transactions, not
baIances PTV
Judging the Chief Justice
10 cenSEI
: . +
Lo LIe pubIIc
uII InIormuLIon
on IIs usseLs,
InLeresLs, und
hnunces, us
weII us LIose
oI IIs wIIe
TIIs wuIver,
Iowever, wus
subjecL Lo
LIe condILIon
LIuL SenuLor
runkIIn DrIIon und LIe 188 congressmen
wIo sIgned LIe ImpeucImenL compIuInL uIso
execuLe LIe sume wuIver. TIe CIIeI JusLIce
LIus cIuIIenged LIem: We ure uII on LrIuI
From court to hospital. n wIuL Is
urguubIy LIe mosL conLroversIuI momenL In
LIe ImpeucImenL proceedIng, Coronu suId:
And now, LIe CIIeI JusLIce oI LIe RepubIIc
oI LIe PIIIIppInes wIsIes Lo be excused.
He LIen sLood up Irom IIs seuL und wuIked
cuImIy Lowurds LIe exIL, IoIIowed by IIs wIIe,
wILIouL wuILIng Ior SenuLe PresIdenL EnrIIe
Lo dIscIurge IIm.
SeeIng Coronu`s ucLIon us u sIgn oI
dIsrespecL Ior LIe SenuLe ImpeucImenL
CourL, un enruged EnrIIe ordered LIe
Iockdown oI LIe SenuLe BuIIdIng Lo prevenL
Coronu und IIs enLouruge Irom IeuvIng.
ReLIred generuI Jose BuIujudIu Jr., LIe
SenuLe SergeunL-uL-Arms, barred the
Coronus Irom IeuvIng, prompLIng Coronu
Lo usk: Are you urresLIng me? TIe coupIe
evenLuuIIy Iud Lo go buck Lo LIe SenuLe
IoIdIng room nexL Lo LIe sessIon IuII, wIere
Coronu wus seen by IIs Iuwyers. He wus
IuLer brougIL Lo LIe SenuLe Inhrmury.
Judge EnrIIe
Coronu`s cump
und ordered
LIe deIense Lo
brIng Coronu
buck Lo courL.
eud deIense
counseI Seruhn
Cuevus Look
puIns Lo
uppeuse EnrIIe,
LIuL LIere wus
no InLenLIon uL uII Lo dIsrespecL LIe SenuLe,
und LIuL Coronu suIIered u IypogIycemIc
epIsode, wIIcI mude IIm dIzzy us Ie wus
LesLIIyIng. AILer LIe sessIon wus udjourned,
Coronu wenL Lo LIe MedIcuI CILy, wIere Ie
wus conhned In LIe CU.
BeIore udjournmenL, EnrIIe ordered Coronu
Lo reLurn LIe nexL duy, wILI u sLern wurnIng
LIuL IuIIure Lo do so wouId resuIL In sLrIkIng
ouL IIs LesLImony. TIe nexL duy, Iowever,
Coronu`s deIense Leum upoIogeLIcuIIy usked
EnrIIe Lo gIve Ieewuy Lo LIe CIIeI JusLIce,
wIo wus LIen sLIII conhned In IospILuI.
TIe MedIcuI CILy requIres unyone pIuced
In LIe CU Lo sLuy In IospILuI Ior uL IeusL
q8 Iours. Cuevus noneLIeIess guve un
ussurunce LIuL Coronu wouId uppeur upon
dIscIurge Irom LIe MedIcuI CILy Ior LIe
conLInuuLIon oI IIs LesLImony.
Back in trial with a waiver and no
ifs. WIen Coronu reLurned on Muy z,
he upoIogIzed Lo LIe SenuLe Ior IIs sudden
depurLure on LIe prevIous IeurIng und
expIuIned LIuL IL wus due Lo IIs dIubeLes,
Iuck oI sIeep, und IuIIure Lo euL IuncI. He
denIed uny InLenL Lo dIsrespecL LIe SenuLe or
wuIk ouL oI LIe LrIuI.
Corona chaIIenged senator DriIon and the 188
congressmen who signed the impeachment compIaint
to aIso waive the condentiaIity of their bank deposits
GMA News video
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
To uvoId possIbIe sLress Lo Coronu, JusLIce
Cuevus suId LIe deIense wouId no Ionger
conducL ILs dIrecL exumInuLIon. TIe
ProsecuLIon, Ior ILs purL, uIso wuIved ILs
rIgIL Lo cross-exumIne LIe CIIeI JusLIce us
LIey beIIeved LIuL IIs LesLImony wus IurgeIy
InudmIssIbIe unywuy.
ReversIng IIs prevIous posILIon LIuL Ie wIII
onIy reIeuse IIs wuIver oI conhdenLIuIILy II
SenuLor DrIIon und LIe 188 congressmen-
sIgnuLorIes do LIe sume, Coronu submILLed
LIe wuIver Lo LIe SenuLe Ior openIng IIs
bunk uccounLs und busIness InLeresLs Lo LIe
pubIIc. TIe documenL wus submILLed Lo LIe
SenuLe, wIIcI IeId u q-mInuLe ImprompLu
cuucus on wIuL Lo do wILI LIe wuIver.
WIen LIe prosecuLIon suId LIey no Ionger
InLend Lo use LIe wuIver sIgned by Coronu,
SenuLor runcIs Escudero expressed
dIsmuy, poInLIng ouL LIuL durIng LIe
eurIy purL oI LIe LrIuI, LIe SenuLe und LIe
Supreme CourL uImosL Iud u Ieud-on
coIIIsIon on LIe Issue oI wIeLIer or noL
Coronu`s doIIur uccounLs couId be opened
by LIe courL. n LIeIr subsequenL press
brIehng, LIe prosecuLIon conLended LIuL
LIe wuIver wus u pIoy Lo exLend LIe LrIuI.
TIe SenuLe ILseII decIded noL Lo subpoenu
more wILnesses und records usIng LIe
wuIver. SenuLe PresIdenL EnrIIe
poInLed ouL LIuL IL wus noL LIe courL`s job
Lo guLIer LesLImony und documenLs, buL
sImpIy Lo ponder LIe InIormuLIon und
urgumenLs Irom opposIng sIdes
und render judgmenL: noL
u producer oI evIdence,
buL onIy u Ieurer
oI IucLs. TIus,
EnrIIe udopLed
LIe decIsIon
oI orderIng
prosecuLIon und
deIense Lo submIL LIe cuse Ior resoIuLIon
uILer LIeIr hnuI oruI urgumenLs - und one
IusL round oI quesLIonIng oI Coronu by LIe
How much money does the CJ have?
SenuLor MIrIum DeIensor-SunLIugo
LrIed Lo geL Coronu`s InsIgIL regarding
LIe ImpIIcuLIons oI LIe LrIuI on LIe
sysLem oI cIecks und buIunces In
governmenL, LIe Independence oI LIe
judIcIury, und LIe sub judice prIncIpIe.
Coronu, In LryIng Lo expound on LIe eIIecL
oI IIs ImpeucImenL on IIm und IIs IumIIy,
recounLed Iow IIs q-yeur-oId grundson
IeIL unguIsI becuuse oI LIe uccusuLIons
IurIed uguInsL IIm.
SunLIugo InLerrupLed und repeuLed
LIe quesLIon, Lo wIIcI Coronu responded
by dIscussIng LIe cIIIIIng eIIecL oI IIs
ImpeucImenL on LIe oLIer jusLIces
oI LIe Supreme CourL und LIe enLIre
judIcIury. AccordIng Lo Coronu, once
LIe Independence oI LIe judIcIury Is
compromIsed, dIcLuLorsIIp wouId
sureIy IoIIow.
SenuLor AIun PeLer CuyeLuno usked Iow
mucI money Is deposILed In Coronu`s
doIIur uccounLs. TIe mugIsLruLe dIscIosed
uround $z.q mIIIIon In Iour uccounLs.
TIese umounLs, uccordIng Lo IIm, were
uccumuIuLed over more LIun LIree decudes,
IncIudIng InLeresL. He uIso udmILLed
IuvIng uround 8o mIIIIon In LIree peso
uccounLs, buL reILeruLed IIs
prevIous LesLImony LIuL LIese
IncIude BGE Iunds und
Coronudo Iunds, und
IIs cIIIdren`s suvIngs.
Coronu`s sLuuncI
crILIc, SenuLor
runkIIn DrIIon,
Judging the Chief Justice
12 cenSEI
: . +
March-June 2010: Arroyo appoints CJ Corona
as Aquino protests. The Supreme Court ruled in
De Castro vs. Judicial and Bar Council that then
President Gloria Arroyo could appoint the next Chief
Justice. Two months later CJ Renato Corona was
sworn in. President-elect Benigno Aquino III disputed
the appointment; on June 30 he took his oath before
Associate Justice Morales, who dissented in the
March 17 ruling.

July-December 2010: Aquinos Truth
Commission is ruled unconstitutional. On July
30, President Aquino issued Executive Order No. 1
creating the Truth Commission to investigate alleged
corruption in the past administration. In August, the
House opposition questioned the constitutionality of
the Truth Commission. On December 7, 2010, the
Supreme Court declared EO 1 unconstitutional for
violating the equal protection clause, but suggested
revisions to make it abide by the charter.
September 2010-April 2011: High Court stops,
then clears Gutierrez impeachment. The Supreme
Court issued a status quo ante order stopping
impeachment proceedings against then Ombudsman
Merceditas Gutierrez, but lifts the stay in February
2011. Less than a month later, 212 Congressmen
voted to impeach the Ombudsman. On April 29, ten
days before her Senate trial was to begin, Gutierrez
October 14, 2010: TRO on EO 2 stirs Aquinos
rst open attack on High Court. The Supreme
Court issued a status quo ante order stopping
implementation of Executive Order No. 2 removing
Arroyo appointees who assumed offce after the
election ban on presidential appointments took
effect. Aquino criticized the ruling as blocking his
reforms and warned of chaos and paralysis in
November 15, 2011: Aquino government
disobeys TRO on Arroyo travel ban. The Supreme
Court voted 8-5 to issue a temporary restraining
order (TRO) on the Department of Justice (DOJ)
watch list barring former President Arroyo and her
husband Jose Miguel Arroyo from travel abroad.
Chief Executive vs. Chief Justice: Road to impeachment

The Chief Justice and the Chief Executive are sworn in: At odds right from the start ABS-CBN/YouTube
By Mary Grace V. Pulido
usked wIy Coronu dId noL decIure LIese
umounLs In IIs SAN. TIe CIIeI JusLIce jusL
reILeruLed IIs prevIous unswer: Ie IonesLIy
beIIeved LIuL LIey ure covered
by LIe conhdenLIuIILy cIuuse under LIe
CDA. DrIIon counLered LIuL Iunds IeId
In LrusL sIouId be decIured us IIubIIILIes.
Coronu repIIed LIuL Ie wus noL un
uccounLunL, buL u Iuwyer, wIo beIIeved LIuL
unyLIIng noL beIongIng Lo IIm sIouId noL
be decIured us IIs.
SenuLor runcIs PungIIInun LrIed Lo
remInd Coronu oI LIe consLILuLIonuI
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
But on de Limas orders, airport offcials did not let
them board a fight to Singapore. On Nov. 18, Pasay
judge Jesus Mupas orders Arroyos arrest for alleged
electoral sabotage, an unbailable offense.
November 2011-April 2012: Supreme Court
orders Hacienda Luisita distributed. The Supreme
Court ruled 14-0 to distribute Hacienda Luisita to
its 6,296 agrarian benefciaries. President Aquino
accepts the decision on his Cojuangco familys
estate, citing two objectives: empowerment of the
farmers [and] just compensation for the landowners.
On April 24, 2012, the High Courts fnal ruling
affrmed the land distribution and set payment at
1989 prices, denying the clans 10-billion demand.
December 4, 2011: The Chief Executive lambasts
the Chief Justice to his face. President Aquino
lashed out at CJ Corona at the 1st National Criminal
Justice Summit. In his speech, the Chief Executive
lambasted the Chief Justice as a midnight appointee,
and repeated attacks on High Court rulings against
his EOs. Coronas calm response: Just let it be. Its
almost Christmas. Lets think of peace."
December 12, 2011: House impeaches
Corona, winning kudos from Aquino. Based
on a 20-minute Powerpoint presentation, 188
congressmen signed the 57-page Articles of
Impeachment against Corona. On January 12,
2012, at the Liberal Party anniversary,
President Aquino praises his partymates for the
Corona impeachment.

President Aquino aIIeges Corona asset anomaIies; CJ Corona cIaims Aquino-Ied conspiracy to oust him RTVM

Corona and Aquino at criminaI justice summit

provIsIon requIrIng every pubIIc oIhcIuI
Lo dIscIose uII IIs usseLs In IIs SAN. To
LIIs, Coronu poInLed ouL Lo LIe senuLor-
Iuwyer LIuL LIe provIsIon reIerred Lo Iud
LIe quuIIhcuLIon In LIe munner provIded
by Iuw, und one oI LIe Iuws LIuL LIe
cIurLer reIers Lo Is LIe CDA. PungIIInun
uIso usked wIy Coronu wILIdrew
Iunds Irom IIs uccounLs on LIe week
Ie wus ImpeucIed, TIe mugIsLruLe suId
Ie wus jusL LryIng Lo proLecL LIe money
Ie suve Ior decudes uILer geLLIng LIps
Irom PuIuce IrIends LIuL IIs uccounLs
wouId be Irozen.
Judging the Chief Justice
14 cenSEI
: . +
Upon InquIry by SenuLor JInggoy EsLrudu
us Lo LIe possIbIe moLIve oI Ombudsmun
MoruIes In uIIegIng Coronu Iud 8z doIIur
uccounLs, Ie cILed IIs sLruIned reIuLIonsIIp
wILI MoruIes und SenIor AssocIuLe JusLIce
AnLonIo CurpIo. AccordIng Lo Coronu,
MoruIes uIIowed IerseII Lo be used by the
AquIno udmInIsLruLIon In dIscredILIng
IIm. AL u press conIerence soon uILer,
Ombudsmun MoruIes muInLuIned: wus
never ever used by MuIucuung. The Palace
deIended Ier, poInLIng ouL LIuL IL wus
Coronu`s deIense LIuL cuIIed MoruIes Lo LIe
wILness sLund.
Issues for oral arguments. As boLI LIe
prosecuLIon und deIense puneIs prepure Ior
the scIeduIed oruI urgumenLs LIIs Monduy,
IL Is expecLed LIuL boLI cumps wIII sIug IL
ouL Lo Ieuve u convIncIng hnuI ImpressIon,
noL onIy In LIe mInds oI LIe senuLors, buL
uIso In LIe mInds oI LIe vIewIng pubIIc. TIIs
proceedIng Is, uILer uII, u poIILIcuI exercIse.
or LIe prosecuLIon, LIe onIy vIubIe cuse
LIuL LIey Iuve Is LIe Second ArLIcIe uIIegIng
LIuL Coronu IuIIed Lo dIscIose Lo LIe pubIIc
IIs SANs. AILIougI LIe SenuLe uIreudy
ruIed LIuL IL wIII noL udmIL uny evIdence
concernIng uccusuLIon oI III-goLLen weuILI,
IL Is expecLed LIuL LIe prosecuLIon wouId
sLIII Lry Lo Impress upon LIe pubIIc LIuL LIe
properLIes noL decIured by Coronu were
IIIeguIIy ucquIred.
n IIne wILI LIIs, LIe prosecuLIon wouId
uIso mosL IIkeIy ImpIy LIuL Coronu couId
noL Iuve IeguIIy ucquIred IIs properLIes,
noLwILIsLundIng SenuLe PresIdenL EnrIIe`s
ruIIng LIuL LIe LrIuI sIouId onIy deuI
wILI Coronu`s SANs und noL wILI oLIer
muLLers sucI us LIe munner Ie ucquIred
IIs properLIes. TIe prosecuLIon wouId uIso
probubIy reIer Lo LIe Bureuu oI nLernuI
Revenue`s IIsL oI under-decIuruLIons in
Coronu`s SANs. MosL ImporLunLIy, LIe
prosecuLIon wouId cerLuInIy reIy u IoL on LIe
subpoenued bunk records In PSBunk und
BP noLwILIsLundIng LIe spurIous munner
by wIIcI LIey were procured.
To pIn down Coronu, LIe prosecuLIon
needs Lo use LIese pIeces oI evIdence
Lo esLubIIsI subsLunLIuI InconsIsLencIes
Corona Iectures Senator PangiIinan that the constitutionaI provision
requiring discIosure of assets is quaIied by the the phrase 'provided
by Iaw.' One such Iaw, according to Corona, is the Foreign Currency
Deposits Act GMA News video
:NKcenSEI8KVUXZ - May 28-June 3, 2012
beLween LIe vuIue oI LIese properLIes und
LIe vuIue sLuLed In IIs SAN. L Is LIus
IncumbenL upon LIem Lo convInce LIe
senuLors LIuL LIe CIIeI JusLIce`s IuIIure Lo
IuILIIuIIy decIure uII IIs usseLs consLILuLes
un ImpeucIubIe oIIense LIuL wurrunLs IIs
removuI Irom oIhce.
ConverseIy, IL Is upon LIe deIense Lo
convInce LIe SenuLe LIuL mInor omIssIons
In LIe SAN do noL quuIIIy us un
ImpeucIubIe oIIense. or LIe prosecuLIon
Lo secure u convIcLIon, LIey musL reIy
on LIeIr evIdence Lo sIow u wIIIIuI InLenL on
LIe purL oI Coronu noL Lo IuILIIuIIy decIure
IIs usseLs.
TIe deIense, on LIe oLIer Iund wouId
mosL IIkeIy IIgIIIgIL LIe LesLImonIes oI
LIe cILy ussessors oI TuguIg, Quezon CILy,
and MukuLI Lo prove LIuL LIere wus no
mIsdecIuruLIon or underdecIuruLIon oI
reuI properLIes In Coronu`s SAN. TIe
LesLImony oI Iormer MunIIu Muyor ILo
Atienza wouId uIso be reIIed upon Lo prove
LIe nuLure oI LIe q mIIIIon pesos deposILed
In one oI LIe mugIsLruLe`s bunk uccounLs.
AIso, Lo supporL LIe vurIous wILnesses wIo
LesLIhed Lo dIsprove Coronu`s ownersIIp
oI uII q properLIes noL reecLed In IIs
SANs, LIe deIense mIgIL uIso IIgIIIgIL LIe
LesLImony oI und RegIsLruLIon AuLIorILy
cIIeI EuIuIIo DIuz Lo Impress upon LIe
senuLors LIe prosecuLIon`s uLLempL Lo
mIsIeud LIem us Lo LIe reuI number oI
Coronu`s reuI properLIes.
MosL sIgnIhcunLIy, LIe deIense Is
expecLed Lo bunk on LIe LesLImony oI
LIe CIIeI JusLIce IImseII, purLIcuIurIy
the expIunuLIon Ie mude debunkIng LIe
Ombudsmun`s presenLuLIon. TIe deIense
muy uIso IIgIIIgIL LIe ProsecuLIon`s
seemIngIy mIsIeudIng uIIeguLIons oI q
reuI properLIes, 8z doIIur uccounLs, und
1 peso uccounLs, wIen In IucL IL Lurns ouL
LIuL Coronu onIy Ius hve properLIes, Iour
doIIur uccounLs und LIree peso uccounLs,
LIe conLenLs oI wIIcI do noL beIong Lo LIe
CIIeI JusLIce uIone.
TIe Lusk oI weIgIIng LIe evIdence uIreudy
presenLed und LIe urgumenLs Lo be
expounded by boLI sIdes now resLs on LIe
Judging the Chief Justice
16 cenSEI
: . +
sIouIders oI z poIILIcIuns specIhcuIIy
cIosen by LIe ConsLILuLIon Lo decIde
LIe IuLe oI LIe IIgIesL-runkIng oIhcIuIs
oI our governmenL. ur more LIun LIe
evIdence und IeguI urgumenLs, LIe SenuLe
wIII necessurIIy ponder noL jusL Coronu`s
Innocence or guIIL, buL LIe ImpucL oI IIs
reLenLIon or removuI on LIe JudIcIury und
LIe nuLIon.
TIe senuLor-judges muy puy Ieed Lo
Coronu`s repeuLed wurnIngs LIuL IIs
ousLer wouId enubIe PresIdenL AquIno
Lo Luke conLroI oI LIe courLs. How LIe
udmInIsLruLIon couId use sucI cIouL
mIgIL weII be seen In LIe wuy IL
Iurnessed u IosL oI ugencIes, IncIudIng
IndependenL consLILuLIonuI bodIes, In LIe
ImpeucImenL LrIuI. or ILs purL, LIe
PuIuce und ILs uIIIes Iuve Iong muInLuIned
LIuL Coronu Is bIockIng governunce
reIorms by sIowIng Iuvor Lo Iormer
presIdenL GIorIu Arroyo.
n LIe end, LIe CIIeI JusLIce wIII be judged
und IeId uccounLubIe In u process LIuL,
Ior LIe mosL purL, sougIL Lo uncover
LruLI, respecL rIgILs, und deIIver IuIrness
und jusLIce. WIuL Iuppens nexL Lo LIe
nuLIon und our consLILuLIonuI democrucy
wIII IInge In Iurge purL on LIe voLes
oI z senuLors und Iow LIe bruncIes
oI governmenL - LIe execuLIve, LIe
IegIsIuLure, LIe judIcIury - und LIe mujor
secLors oI socIeLy respond Lo LIe verdIcL on
RenuLo Coronudo Coronu.
or objecLIve,
perspecLIve on
the eight Articles
oI mpeucImenL
uguInsL CIIeI JusLIce
RenuLo Coronu, The CenSEI Report breuks
down LIe uIIeguLIons In eucI ArLIcIe, LIe
counLer-urgumenLs oI LIe deIense, und LIe
evIdence presenLed by boLI sIdes. NoLubIy,
LIe prosecuLIon presenLed evIdence onIy Ior
ArLIcIes , , und V.
ARTICLE I. Respondent betrayed
the public trust through his track
record marked by partiality and
subservience in cases involving the
Arroyo administration from the
time of his appointment as Supreme
Court Justice which continued to his
dubious appointment as a midnight
Chief Justice and up to the present.
TIe IrsL ArLIcIe uIIeged subservIence
LIuL wus IInked Lo IIs pusL us Arroyo`s
Your Honor: Impeachment
Charges, Responses, and
By Atty. John Carlo Gil M. Sadian

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