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,' Llcw qt L,oan S rvi c in g tr-Jf. i r:r)'. Bar24?'i7 ,.fr'bst F'ahn Beach trTlorida 334]6 - 473.7 w e x (I)o not sezndc<>nes.pondienceor pa:vncnts to the ahave aaldress.)

coN'r $&uly.ocwtrN



Loan Ntuntrer. hopeQ'Add:ress:

De@Bosowads): Enclosed Ple$e fir}d aFoposed nodificaiion a$aE[Itot (the'Agl!(rEtrf) on yourlosn &f{Enoed above lbryour review and considqation.

ln order to acrcpt this modificatror on your loa.q you nust complete ALL ofthe following stpr on or beforo 12l25l09r fDus Dale'): 1,, iltlt}N the bottom of the Agrwrnr:nt on the lin(s) tf'm llonc,we(s): the

lF,A,.lK th,:rfirlly exa:uted Agrarnent to:

Attention : H ome Retenliio Departnrerrt n (407)737-5693 82,407.77 P lSee rymenl Instructions Attactiedf $2,l1)2.00

3. 4.

FlltY thc full rnitral payment ur lhe amount o.f I\Ii}ry MONTHLY' PA]/II'IEN'[: lturipall and ],ntenxt Fayment: liscrow Ibyrnent: (which nray or m:ry not lniludecscrow): l'c,terl ililll{D F,:roof insuran(Fcovete{,* of (llc:rd proof of insudanceONLY to Escrc,w I}:pt. Dt) NCIT in<;ludethe Agrerrnent.)l

92,407.77 startfng on2ll/10. Atlention: Escrow Deparbnent Fax (888)882-1816 E -rneil :up dateinsurEnelnfo@o<nven.u:nr


'I!)ofofrnsuranceandtlleA,gJeflierrtm&stbSqent.SpFratFJyrorhecorlct(F.ryrrmerlsujrng]hefa4nlr'nbrsprovroertabo Falwt to sendproof of insurance coverage b(,f(rc the DueDatwill constituteaccptarrce forceplaxrl poliry ard agrerneni pay rnecosr. ofa to plarcedoli cy, so long asall otheri tqlrs atEcomplgle. p of suchfcrroe Timels of the$enceon this oller. IfALL ol th itans above&Ertot cotrplded by t]reDue Dat,the Ag$snent shall hsveno forceor efed ad any down palneot Iceivedwill be returnedto yo!. Pleaseteadvisdthat Ocr.,en Loan Srvicirg, L)-C wiU rlot dolay,postpotre otherwise or stop anycollect.otl eforts until ALL ofthe st,.p$ abovshavebee[ cornplEted If you haveany ,questions &quir additional infonrnti oo,please or contactthe HomaRetentionDepdtsn|rrtdirctly al (8?t ) 59G8580 Sinceroly, Ocwtr Loaniharcrng LLC



This,commuthatiohit jrrom a debt colletor .ttternpttngto coll@, a debt ony inlornartotl obtatnedv'ill be uiulfiiiEat ptrpoiifr&lfthe d.6t is i, o?tiv. banlvlptq, ot has beenii$chdrgedthrough banbuptcy, this cotnrnaniearion ,ro, iztended'asand ,iocsno, consri is tute ;n

FrH: [IXl






Loan Servicing LKI P.(t. .B<x ?,473'.7 W'eti,t'P,ahn Beach Florida 3341,6- '1737' fr c w rr rN(flro not'se.nd ca'rrespondrlnce or p,oytnefits to the ttbote address.)

'' ()a+tn



plVl\{r' NT RlrMrTT,r, NCFI I NEORM ATrON L lvfakechecls payable to Ocwen Loan Senricing, LLCi. 2. Al'lrays incl ude yor" I oan number with yoru paynrelt. 3 The down payment must be in the form of certified flrnds. OVERNIGTII"DELTVERY (llloney Order & Cettffled Chocla OnIy) OCWE}.I I,OAN SERVICING" LLC ATTN : CASHIEzuNG DE;PARTMENT l66l Worthingtou:Rm4 Suite 100 West Palm Beach,Florida 33409 MoNEylgllAM BANKWIRE RECEI\rltfi. COIIE: 3iZ37 BANIC JPMorgam ChaseBanl(,NA PA1'A[}L E ltO: CCWTIN L (f,AN SERVICI}-IG.]- L C AllA: 1 tillT Y': tl-tFl t,,AlJDtf ACCOLINT NAME: Ocwen l-oan Siervrcing, l,l-(.) fiTATE: FLORID,A. ACCOIJNT NUMBEK REFEAIENCE;LI)AN NU lvtBER RTIFERENCE: Loan Number; Propefty Address, ,{Gllt\flr I(}CATER (i800)926-94W aid Bon'owsName

Code CltJr: Ocrren llitate: FL, llleferen,ce: <lan*i L ,t\ttr : lfl onrer lFietenrti Depar'ftnerit on

Errsil: T'ransferfundV0crcwen4pgwirh thr: derkrills the wre. of

LoAN MODIFICATION AGR.OI]MENT (*Agt{rlpnt" L dated12./16/09, Loan Ser'/icitr&LLC ('1f,owen:')s offeringyou tlti s Loan Modificatioa AgrEment i OcwEq which modif,esthe loan obligations asdescribed detail below: !rrns your lLcme of in A. B. th l4ongage DeedofTrust, or Sqxity Deed(the' Mortge") datedandrcorded thepubli "^ in rccordsof RiversideCounty,ard the llol, of the ssn dateand secutd b-yth-Mstage,which oove6 the tlal a&dpqronal propertydescribd the Mortg ald irt defirLed thereinasthe "Property",locrt')d at

Pursusnt olr mrtual agrcfiEntto modiry your Note atd Mortgagesnd in considration the p.o.rliss,oonditions,&ld terErs fcrth to of set below' the parlier sgre follows: ar 1. to you har&rforthe tesrs ofthis modifiation bcoqneeffGativq p!6dse to lrBkear initiat payma ofSZ40??? on or before 12125D9and two (2) cqu8l mootNy paFnetrtsof principal and intrest in the atrount of $2192.00 to Ocwen ('"Trial Period-) bgirning on Z I / I 0, 8ndthereaffer on the sarlFdayofeadr succeeding cluE month ql9_of the Tr,al Psio4 the new principal balance due underyour moclifi.ed Note and th Mortgage witl be Iog qry qat_ at the yc'uiNotewrll becqn Uponmodificatto& $36:i,600.43. cwrentandwill rct bein default. Any p.ryments for txesor rnsurarrce be your responsibility in addition to the paymenbt principal ald inre@st due will of required underthetqrns of this modification- Ifthis lomis cune.ntly ssoweq Ocwenwill continueto colled the rEq[drEd esoowsmounrs with your nnnthly principal andirlt(rcst payment. lfyou rruccssfully complete Trk[ Ferio4 your loaDwill auromatically llpdified pursuaotto the tems of this Agreqrent (the the b ifyou fail ttoserd any full paymot or beforetherespective dateduring the Trial Pe{iod tlrc Tnal on due "Molilioation"). However, Feriodwitl isuncdiatelytecminate the Modiircation ofrer will be nu.ll and void Accptanc application of lale payments andl ad dtnirg the Trisl Prioddoesnot waive Ocwen'sright to tendnatethe Trial Prio4 ndliry tho llodification, or relnne forcclosueor otheIactieitiesrelatedto the delinque cy ofthe loan uodrits odginal terms. After ihe Trial Periode{piratio4 you protlfse lo .!ake payments Fincipal eld intercston thg sane dayof eaci suoceding of month until alJmonnts owodundertlreNote drd Modification dr paid in firll. the to Upon lr,lodifrootiorq rcw anounl poyablunds yolrl Noto andthe Mortgagwill be increcr^sodthe total amountof debtowed ooyoulloall

? 3.


5. 6.

3{5EE22E the debt )s in.ctivc banbltptq) or has been atitchotged through banbaptql thit communication is not i renibd as ani!.loetnot

STT]Pf,EM.5 cohstitutu;n

Thit co mau.arioh isfrom a debt colletor attemptittgto colleata debt anl information obtdined nill be utedtor rtat purponEotewlT

'' ()ct+em ktan

Fror: [IXh

Fax: {ff|{


-*"EC-1dr-l2OO9.-1.7:43 Doc:911 Page:0Ol

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fi:',';,'t;7,,;10;:"7ch,:r34 . ,t7 Ftorr^a i6 si,

,qot cc,rrespondzn<:e paynunts to the abow adidress.) or ; (Llet setnd

\wuy.ocwEN co\'l

l.Jgrrn|,;todillication"thearmualnatecfinterestcharyedontherunpardpnncrpalbalance ofyourloanlvilil be5.222',2491c. Thisratewrll rqnarinineflectuntil 02/Ol/13anrl_txrginningwithr yourfirstpaymentuftqtheTnalPeriodaxpin*io:r 3.tthe en.dofthrsper-rod ltcrturatewill be :;.63382% andwill nxnain fixedrurtil thenranuity ofyourloan

Il'yor: sell your property, refinance" or otha-wise pay'off your loan during the 12 months fcrjllowrrrgtlrrsd,ateoi lVlodification, the lr{ocjrification wrl.l be voidable at tlte sole option ol['Ocwen and all snounts owed wrder rtheobligaljors prior to the lr{odtificalion will be due and owing

ulil ormpiy' with all other r:ov'uunls. agreanr:nts, and requirernents of your lrlortgage, indudi:n11 withoul limitaticn, the <n,vena.rtts agreanents to rnake all payrnents of trxes, lnsufirn pruruums, assessrnents, and escr-o\ritenrs, impoulrlg and al1 othq paiyrnrr:rts you re obligate;dtrr nulke under the lv{ortgage,, thirt excpt asotheni/ise provided hei:ein




un,lerstmd and afeetlut: parrments under the Mortgage q'rll als,oapply to detbult in the nraking of the modified pa'pnents hereunder.

ial lr,l.l.ljre, rights and renreclies,slrtrrulations, urdi conditions contarnexlin yor:r M<rtgage rd.atinlt to defarilt ln the making of
(:b) lr.ltl, cpl'enanls, agreIrrrnts, prilirtiotu, zutdoonditions in your Note and Mortgago will r.sru:irrirr full force iurd effect,exrxpt as str h.treinr:rndified,rtdnoneof't.he1'ourobligationriorlialbilitiesunderyourNoteandMorrtgag;evyill bediminishedorreleasedby an,gprovisions hereof, ncr wilil this y'.grecrnontl any r#ay imparr, diminish or affect a:r1'of Oqverr's .rights r,urder rqnedres in or oll y,cut'Note and Mcrtgage, u4rethersuch rights or rernrldiesa:ise there under ol by openrtron o:il;avy. l\lso, all n,ghts of recourse tc whic;hOc'ar,en presently entilled iagFinst is arr)/property or any otherpersonsin iny wirl' obli;gatedfbr, or liabtleorq your Note rved b)' Ocwen arrdMortgage are a\pr$ssly re:ie
r(.c )

,\n'y expen:iesincurre,drn corutection rn'it.hths seryicirrg of yourloarq but not yet chargrxltr) your acxrcunt ol,the date of this as r,\groementnrdy be d*gud t,oyouraccoturt after the &rte of this Agreernent. ){othi:ngin ttus Agreun.urt will be uurderstood construedto be a satisfactionorrelsa-.l3 whole crrin part of your Note and or in \{ortgage. (}crven will take reasonable lrr the event that a foreclosure rs pending, the fcrreclos'ure action will not be dismissed lSc,werver, ru:tionL place it on hc,ld purding y'oix' completron of the Trial Feriod. If the Trial l'enod irsrsrrccessfi:.lly to complete4 any pr:e16tttt foreclosureactron will lbedi.smissed Dunng the Tnal period, yc,ur lcan will contimte to txsr delinquent. As a resuJ.fLatefs* nray be ihrrged arn,J credit reporung 'nrill crrntinuepurswxrt to tlher:nrgrrurl termsofyourNrcts. lfo,u agreeto make and e.xer:uter such other documents or papers as rnay be neccssaryor requiled tr:reffectuatethe terrns and cond:itions of thrs llgeernet:rt wtur:h, if approved zurd aicdpted by 6wen, will bin,J and ir,rureto yortr heirs, exeantors, adrnird strator\ and assigns. r;ndenvtand that th-is ilgTiegrnenrt,legal.l)'binding and that it affectsyc,ur rights. I'ou cotlfiml that ,y,:ru is have had the ,)pportunit;y to obtain, tndeprenclent legal counsel concaning this Agreernent anrl ae s.ippungtlur; A.grwment voluntarily and rmilh tiull turderstanding of its contents and meaning. Ccnrs:rtionsand Onu.ssions: You effe to exrcute such other and fi.rrther do<;tnnents, ,rnayire; reasoftrtrly necessaryto as consurnmate transar;tronscrrnternplatedherem or to pwfect the liens and secrnty int,erestsintend,rd to stnue the payment the c,fthe loan evidencedb'y the lJote. 'l'ou


(. )



{:h )


t)cv,'en Loar:r Se,r:viongLL{J





""^."*t"tto" the debt is n actiw banbvplq, or has beendischargeal throagh banbLp@y, this @mmurication is not htended aJ &t.l d;et'ttot conttirtte;


*'i6to, auentptk


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