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1. Always Dream Big! - Successful people always see the big picture. It takes the same effort to dream big as it does to dream small. You have to believe its possible. 2. Have Passion its Paramount! - Successful People are passionate about all they do. They jump right in and do what they do with panache and style. They dont do things by halves. Do what you love and love what you do Success is more than just money its being challenged, happy, and passionate about what you do, and the success and money will follow 3. Have Clear Vision and Focus - Keep your Vision clearly focused before you. Live your highest Vision, and affirm it every day with joy and fun 4. Maintain Powerfully Supportive Positive Beliefs - Successful people always see the positive. Its vitally important to your success that you cultivate positive Beliefs. When we try to make changes, our brain and ego goes for a search in our inner filing cabinet of beliefs to support the status quo. When opposing beliefs show up people tend to cave in. 5. Maintain a Deep Conviction that You Will and Deserve to Achieve the Success You Desire True winners know they deserve Dont waver because the Universe will pick up on your equivocation and think youre really not serious about wanting it. 6. Know How To Work with the Law of Attraction to Achieve Success Access and put into practice Law of Attraction principles to help you Get WhatYou Want 7. Are Persistent - Never Give Up Unstoppable people have persistence. Youre not going anywhere without it. If you want it badly enough, youll find a way to get it. Youre in this for the long haul. Winners know how to get beyond problems and obstacles. NO does not exist in the Success Mindset. Successful people find their way around obstacles. They see them as a challenge - it fires them up even more ... 8. Are Quick Decision Makers - Successful people are decisive. They know that Success and money likes speed ... Make your decisions with power and clarity and make more decisions in every day. Each time you make a decision, you become a filter that clarifies what you want and the Universe begins flowing circumstances and people towards its manifestation. 9. Are Risk Takers - Youll never know unless you try ... Go on, give it a try! You'll be pleasantly surprised and feel like a million bucks! ... 10. Bounce Back from Failures Successful people bounce back from failure because they know how to learn from them and see it as a step closer to succeeding. Its a learning experience that also enables them to de-bug what theyre doing.

The quicker you bounce back from adversity, the faster youll get to enjoy Success. Its a numbers game the number of things you try, the number of calls you make 11. Inspire Others in Your Vision - Successful people have a knack for inspiring and leading others in a Vision much bigger than those people can dream on their own. Your enthusiasm will be infectious get other people excited about the possibilities.

Do you have these characteristics? Know that you can cultivate them if you can dream big, have passion, clear vision and focus, are supremely positive and believe that youll succeed, are persistent, think and act decisively, and bounce back easily You will make progress and succeed!... Nature protection. renewable energy An increasing number of people are fitting solar panels to their houses. Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels create electricity from sunlight, which can then be used to power their homes. Solar heating panels make hot water, reducing the need for electricity or gas to heat water or run the central heating system.

Sort it out! Not all of our recycling is taken by helpful dustmen. Unwanted or leftover food such as tea bags and potato peelings can be added straight to a compost heap. Plenty of minibeasts will be on-hand there to help! Little insects help break down food and plant matter and make it into scrumptious soil that plants, trees and other animals love. Many local councils now include compostable waste in their recycling collections. Save trees Save trees by recycling your own paper. Paper with a clean side can be made into notepads with a simple staple or a hole to tie a piece of string. These are great for doodles and notes. If you are buying paper, buy recycled paper. Fashion Statement Give any unwanted clothes to charity shops or to a Salvation Army recycling bank. A lot of our unwanted clothes go to the homeless to keep them warm or alternatively, the clothes are sent to developing countries. Theres always someone who will want that knitted jumper! Would you like a bag? If you can carry your shopping home without a bag then carry it home. If you cant why not take a bag you already have with you. Re-using bags is the cool way to shop!

MUZEJU NAKTS Latvian museums both in the capital city and the regions take part in this event. Museums are joined by other institutions preserving and popularising cultural heritage: theatres, concert halls, libraries, higher educational institutions. During Museum Night no admission is charged.
pharmacy museum

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