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What is the problem? *Children's Rights

Children Around the world do not have access to education, one of UNICEFs rights, due to certain problems. Chaque enfant le droit daller lcole! Alors pourquoi il y a des enfants qui ne vont pas lcole en certains pays.

Design Brief
1. What am I planning to build/make to solve the problem? I am planing to make a project of great resemblance to a museum exhibition which will help others understand why children do not have access to education everywhere.. 2. What need/problem does your presentation solve? Mainly, it solves one of the problems that I have found during my research: Unawareness . It informs people about what is going on. 3. What will it do? How will it work? It will inform inform others what is going on by getting them interested in Childrens Rights 4. What will it look like? A museum exhibition. It will look like a museum exhibition Because it will have stations like science 26 at the Montreal museum. It will have a tiki-toki, art projects, games for little kids and and for adults. 5. Who is this for? Every one who comes to my exhibition.

Resources: "Education & recreation." UNICEF. UNICEF, 2012. Web. 11 May 2012. <> "L'ducation pour tous." Fondation Paul Gerin Lajoie. (accessed May 11, 2012). "If change isn't systemmic, it isn't change at all." Engineers Without Borders. (accessed May 11, 2012). "Central Asia Intitute." Central Asia Intitute. (accessed May 11, 2012). "Children helping Children through education." Free the children. (accessed May 11, 2012). Connolly, Sean. UNICEF. Mankato, Minnesota: Smart Apple Media, 2009. ISBN: 978-1-59920303-4

Coster, Patience. The Struggle Against Apartheid. Mankato, Minnesota: ARCTURUS, 2010. ISBN: 978-1-84837-640-3 Evans, Michael, et Franois Carlier. Afrique Du Sud. 2me. Montral: dition Gamma, 1988. ISBN: 2-7130-0916-2 Questions and its answers here: Q1: How has education improved in South Africa since the start of apartheid? Rponse: There has been drastic change in the education system since the start of apartheid. Due to Apartheid, people of different races had to live in different areas and the children were forced to attend the school of the quality the government wanted for the children of that race. The whites had better schools. The Black schools had no proper buildings, and unqualified teachers. Students knew of the inequalities. The teachers werent allowed to decide what they wanted to teach. Now children can attend any school in any area. All schools are non- racial.

Q2: If you want to help, do you have to donate to an organization? Rponse: No. donating is only half of what the organizations need. they also need the people here in the developed countries to be aware of how bad it is in the other countries. So it is also helping if you make people aware of the situation over there. this is called advocating Q3: Do the organizations decide what will be taught at the school? Rponse: Q4: Why is it so difficult to help all the children go to school? Rponse: It is difficult because you have to cooperate with all the types of people there, like the kids, adults. farmers, helpers, and you have to have a solution that will help them all. Q5:Is the learning quality of those schools the same as ours? Rponse:

Design Specifications 1. List at least 3 Essential and 3 Desirable characteristics of your final solution:
ESSENTIAL (My solution must)DESIRABLE (I hope my solution will)-

Inform others about the problems th Be finished by June 4 2012 Include something from every subject Utiliser une carte qui dmontre o se trouve les pays qui nont pas accs lducation.

Include a play Resemble a museum Interest audiences of all ages Help donate to an organization

Your Design Solution & Specifications: I am going to design and make a very interactive museum exhibit on Childrens rights and education in order to inform the society about the problems and hopefully collect money for an organization. The exhibition will be in the gym of Academie de la Capitale on June 7th . It must include something from every subject.

Design and explain a test you will use in order to evaluate your finished product based on your Design Brief & Specifications. I will ensure that my project will work by making a scavenger hunt for the little kids and a quiz for the older students and adults. I will make them both a contest with a prise.

Design the product/solution:

Create at least 2 completely different designs

(explain your idea in detail and the material


(with measurements) Pros and Cons

Pro (Advantages) 1. It gets the point

Add your sketch here

you are planning to use) Google drawing Idea 1: cardboard, computers, clay, paint etc.

across 2. Con (Disadvantages) 1. 2.

explain your idea in detail and the material you are planning to use) Idea 2: cardboard, computers, clay, paint etc.

Add your sketch here Google drawing

Pro (Advantages) 1.It gets the point across 2. Con (Disadvantages) 1. 2.

Select one design and explain why and how that solution meets the specifications.

Plan the product/solution:

Lists in detail the logical steps necessary to complete your design considering time and resources:

1. Answer Questions 2. Prepare play 3. Make posters 4. Make tiki-toki 5. Make Scavenger hunt
Utiliser une carte qui dmontre o se trouve les pays qui nont pas accs lducation.


Time (hrs.)

6. Make Quiz 7. Make Art projects on fridays 8. Prepare podcasts for interviews 9. Prepare games for little kids 10. Set up 11. Present

Use appropriate techniques and equipment competently follow the plan Create a product/solution of appropriate quality Add photos of your product here

Answer all the questions below in as much detail as you can. You are being assessed on your ability to reflect upon the entire design cycle and your participation and experience in the group invention process.

Evaluate the product/solution - la fin

1. Take a look at the specifications that you wrote in the Investigate stage.

Evaluate what your actual product/solution looks like now by comparing it to your original drawings & plans.

Are you happy with the outcome? Explain in detail


Did anything change? What changed? Why did it change?


Was something left out from the original plan? Why? Is there anything you would change about your final product (invention) if you had more time or could rewind and do things over? What & why?


2. Apply the test defined in the Investigate stage and write the results here:

Evaluate your use of the design cycle

Explain how you did during each stage of the Design cycle. (Apply deep analysis and reflection) Investigate




3. What are 5 things you learned from this project?






4. How would you rate your performance and involvement?

Rare ly I participated fully and contributed to each step of the design cycle INVESTIGATE: Brainstorming Ideas; Asking Questions; Writing the Design Brief DESIGN: Sketching /Drawing out ideas; All according to Design Brief. PLAN: Specifying & preparing materials & tools; Identifying Steps and time CREATE: Working diligently; Use tools appropriately. EVALUATE: Identify parts that need improvement; Come up with solutions to change, make better. I used my time wisely in class. I did not need reminders from the teacher to get to work. I worked cooperatively, helped, communicated and offered ideas and suggestions. I worked safely & responsibly with tools provided, following instructions. I gave the best effort I am capable of in each class. Sometim es Ofte n Alwa ys

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