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Bascaran National High School Bascaran,Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV


DAY 1 COMPETENCIES I. Appreciate the importance of energy resources and energy use in development

I.OBJECTIVES 1.define physics 2.describe the nature of physics and explain its relationship to other sciences 3.appreciate the connection of physics to technology and society

II.SUBJECT MATTER TOPIC REFERENCES *Requirements 1.PSSLC and grading 2.EASE system for science Module 1 for IV Science IV *Nature of Physics

MATERIALS Class record Student Handout

A.RECALL What are the components of computation of your grades in Science? Can you still remember the percentage of each component?

III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre-activity Discussion What do you Instruction(See the activity on expect to learn the nature of physics in Physics?

DATE:________ IV. Assignment

*Read the selection Physics Connections: Technology and Society & Physics appreciation. *Cut some pictures from newspapers and magazines, which show applications of physics. Discuss each picture briefly.

2. Act. Proper Answer the activity 3.Post-Act Discussion *What are the examples of technology that operates that operates on the principles, laws and theories of physics? *Which of them have practical applications in the following areas: home? Transportation? Industry? Communication and information technology? and amusement? * What is physics? * Why is physics considered the basic science? *What field of study links physics to biology? *How does physics relate to chemistry? 4.Generalization What did you learn from our activity and discussions? 5.Valuing/Application What is the connection of physics to technology and society?


Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

DAY 2 COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES I. Appreciate the importance of energy resources and energy use in development II.SUBJECT MATTER TOPIC REFERENCES 1.Worktext in 1.define scientific Solving problems Science by Joni method 2.enumerate the Scientifically M. Albarico pages steps in solving 2-5 problems 2.Science and scientifically Technology IV 3.demonstrate

DATE:________ III.LEARNING TASKS IV. Assignment MATERIALS A.RECALL B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre-activity Discussion Research at least 10 physicists. Flashlight What is Supposed that you Instruction(See the Write the following information Activity physics? are about to use a activity on Solving a. contribution/invention sheets Why physics is flashlight, but you Problems Scientifically b. brief explanation on his considered found out that it is 2. Act. Proper invention/contribution the basic not working Answer the activity c. the year it is science? properly. What 3.Post-Act Discussion invented/contributed would probably be *How did you find the the cause of this activity? *Were you able problem? What to solve the problem could be done to using the solutions you stated? What have you address this realized in this activity? problem?
*What are the steps you used to solve the problem? What do you call to this orderly way of solving problems? 4.Generalization What is scientific method? What are the steps in scientific method? 5.Application Refer to the activity sheet 6.Valuing Think of an everyday problem where you applied the scientific method. Identify the steps you used in the scientific method to solve the problem.

problem solving skills in science


Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

DAY 3 COMPETENCIES I. Appreciate the importance of energy resources and energy use in development I.OBJECTIVES 1.Name some physicist 2.Cite the contributions of physics to society 3.Describe how physicists contributed to the body of knowledge called science and to technology TOPIC Lesson Title: Physics for Developme nt II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES 1. Pabellon, Josefina Ll. and Genelita B. Tubal. Physics 3rd Edition. Diwa Learning Systems. Pp1-10; 149152 2.http://www.timeline 3.http://timeline.aps.o rg/APS/index.html 4.http://www.psigate. _timeline.html MATERIALS Cartolina cut outs pen A.RECALL What is scientific method? What are the steps in scientific method? III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION Do you want to know who the people behind the development of physics are? What do you think are the different traits these people exhibit while working on their inventions/discoveries ? C.LESSON PROPER
1.Pre-activity Discussion Instruction: Arrange the jigsaw puzzle assigned to your group. Write some information about him/her and his contribution. You can use your assignment from the previous meeting as your reference. 2. Act. Proper Answer the activity 3.Post-Act Discussion *post your output in front and assign reporter to read your answer. *Any additional information about these Physicists? 4.Generalization What are the contributions of these physicists to our society? 5.Application /Valuing Are their contributions affect our present life? How?

Rubrics for the group activity. Refer to the attachment

Answer briefly but concisely: 1. Which do you consider as the greatest physics invention among all the ones mentioned in the activity? Why do you think so? 2. Who among the physicists do you admire the most? Why is this so?


Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIE S I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATI C.LESSON PROPER ON 1.Pre-activity Discussion What does Instruction: Read your a physicist hand out and complete mean by your group activity energy? 2. Act. Proper What is the Answer the activity role of 3.Post-Act Discussion energy in What is the role of the energy in the developme Environment? Home? nt of Transfortation? Economy?Communicatio human n and Information society? Technology? 4.Generalization What is the role of energy in the development of human society? ASSESSMENT Rubrics for the group activity. Refer to the attachment

V. Assignment Fill out the table below. Choose the form of energy from following: chemical energy, mechanical energy (PE or KE), heat energy, electrical energy, light energy, and sound energy. Choose the field/area from the following: transportation, industry, communication and technology, home, and economy.
Technology/ Process Ex. Car 1. geothermal power plant 2. radio 3. guitar 4. fluorescent bulb 5. car battery 6. refrigerator Forms of energy chemical Field/Area Transportation

I. 1.1 Explain the role of energy in the development of human society from the industrial age to the knowledgebased society.

1. Cite the role of energy in the developmen t of human society from the industrial age to the knowledgebased society. 2. Describe applications / uses of Physics and Technology in their daily life.

Energy: Its Role in the Development of Human Society

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV.

Hand out,activity sheet,cartolina

Checking of assignment Who is your favorite physicist?Why?

5.Valuing/Application How is Physics important to my life? What is its role in society? What improvements has it contributed to me and the Filipino society?

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre-activity Discussion What is Instruction: In your group, energy list at least ten ways to conservation? Why conserve conserve energy. 2. Act. Proper energy? Answer the activity 3.Post-Act Discussion Read and explain your group work in front. Coal and Oil are needed for electricity; transportation and industries. We depend so much on oil and its products. But why save oil? Do you think our government is looking for alternative sources of energy? What are the alternative sources of energy? 4.Generalization/Valuing What is the answer to the energy crisis? 5.Application The passage below contains keywords on energy that have been jumbled up and italicized. Can you rearrange these words? Energy cannot be dactree nor reyossetdd, but it can be changed from one form ASSESSMENT Rubrics for the group activity. Refer to the attachment

V. Assignment What is the relationship between Mass and Energy?Who is Albert Einstein?

I. 1.2 Discuss examples of the interaction among energy, technology and society(e.g. effects of energy in the environment, economic growth and energy demand; energy resources and energy crisis 1.3 Infer that the total mass-energy in the universe is constant

a.enumerat e ways to conserve energy b. explain energy resources and their relation to energy crisis c. cite alternative sources of energy

Energy Conservation: An Answer to the Energy Crisis

1.EASE module 2 2. Science and Technology IV.

Manila paperpen

Checking of assignment

to another. The amount of energy during the change may be the same. The type or quality of energy is useful for living organisms but it is not so useful in mechanical processes. Too much heat produced by industrial production and operating equipment contributes to global mwgrain. At the same time, this means energy is lost and usable energy is reduced. We get most of our energy from the sun. This is because billions of nuclear reactions occur at the core. The sun can be thought as a giant nuclear rotacre. The energy it emits will be gone one day, though that will not be for many millions of years at least. It has been estimated that the mass of the sun is being converted to energy at the rate of 4 million tons per second.

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

DAY6 COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre-activity Discussion What is your What is fossil fuel? Is there stand about a shortage of fossil fuel? mining? What should we do to solve Explain. this problem? What are the environmental effects of oil and natural gas? Instruction: Read your hand out and complete your group activity 2. Act. Proper Answer the activity 3.Post-Act Discussion What are the three major fossil fuels? What is the difference between strip mining from underground mining? What are the environmental impacts related to the recovery of oil and gas up to its delivery and use of consumers? 4.Generalization Continue the statement: From our discussions and activity I learned that________ 5.Valuing/Application What is our responsibility to our environment? ASSESSMENT Rubrics for the group activity. Refer to the attachment

DATE:________ V. Assignment What is light?

1.2 Discuss examples of the interaction among energy, technology and society(e.g. effects of energy in the environment, economic growth and energy demand; energy resources and energy crisis

1.enumerat Fossil Fuels e the and the environmen Environment tal effects of the production and use of fossil fuels 2.differenti ate strip mining from undergroun d mining

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV.

Hand out,activity sheet

Checking of assignment Who will state and explain the law of conservation of energy? Can you cite an example

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre-activity Discussion 1. Start the A. Instruction: In your group lesson by discuss about the question, When appreciating the do I see? Write your answers on a scenery around. clean sheet of paper. You can Close your eyes : draw representations if you want. Do you see I will give you 5 minutes to finish it anything? after which you will be made to 2. Open your present and explain your work in eyes: What do front. you see on the B. Read: The Nature of light( Refer to the activity sheet) table? 2. Act. Proper 3. Now I Answer the activity. will block the 3.Post-Act Discussion box : Do you still When do you see?, see the box? What is light? 4. What if theres What are the different theories no light inside about the nature of light? this room, Do 4.Application/Valuing you still see the a. In three sentences, explain the figure below ASSESSMENT 1.Rubrics for the group activity. Refer to the attachment 2.Scores for the individual work

V. Assignment Define the following terms: 1.shadow 2.transparent object 3.translucent object 4.opaque object

II. Understand the principles behind different optical instrument

The Nature 1.Explain when is an of light object seen; and 2.state the different theories about the nature of light

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV.

Box,activity sheet and illustration

What are the environmen tal effects of oil and natural gas? What should we do to avoid these problems?

When do you see?

b. Comment on the statement: Sight is probably the most used and valued sense we have as humans.

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1. Did you watch 1.Pre-activity Discussion A. Instruction (Refer to the activity the performances of sheets) B. Instruction (Refer to the activity the group sheets) ElGammaPenum 2. Act. Proper bra?What Answer the activity. physics concepts 3.Post-Act Discussion did they apply to What did you observe in your first their activity? What is the explanation performances? of your observation? What about your second activity? Who can give me an example of translucent object? transparent object and opaque object? 4.Generalization Complete the statements: 1.Light travels in_______ 2.Mirror is an example of____object. 3.Transparent objects are____ 4.Opaque objects are_____ 5.Application/Valuing Lets go back to my question about the concept applied by the group elgammapenumbra.What particular concept in physics did they use? ASSESSMENT 1.Scores for the individual work

V. Assignment What is reflection? What is reflection of light?

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

a. describe The path of light opaque, transparent and translucent objects b. cite evidences that light travels in straight path c. investigate the working principle of pin hole camera

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV.

Pin hole camera,laser pointer,trans parent ,transl ucent & opaque object

Complete the illustration:

Tell something about: 1.Wave theory 2.Corpuscul ar theory 3.Electroma gnetic theory 4.Quantum theory

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV


IV.ASSESSMENT 1. If a laser beam hits the surface of a plane mirror of 200 above its surface. What is the angle of reflection? 2.What kind of reflection enables us to see through the corners and edges of different objects? V. Assignment Look at your mirrors at home and figure out how images are Formed.

II.1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

How is 1. Explain what happens to light light rays as reflected? they hit a rough or smooth surface. 2. State the law of reflection. 3. Use the law of reflection to understand why some objects are seen from many different orientations.

Science and technology IV pages 27-28

LCD projector

What is the significant of light in seeing things? What will happen to light when it hit opaque objects?

2.Generalization 1._____of light is that which is bent back as it hits a surface. 2.The______,the______ and the____ lie on the same plane of the reflecting surface

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre activity Discussion Examine the different mirrors What did you observe in the different types of mirror? in the different A. Instruction (Refer to the activity stations. Write sheets) your observation B. Instruction (Refer to the activity in clean sheet of sheets) paper. You check 2. Act. Proper your answers as Answer the activity. we go on to our 3.Post-Act Discussion discussions. What are the three types of images according to size? according to the position? Location ? Is your image exactly the same in size as you are? where is it apparently found? What did you notice to your distance in the mirror and the distance of your image in the mirror? 4.Generalization Complete the statement: The mirrors that we use as looking glasses are_______ mirrors. The image formed by a plane mirror is always_______,________,_______ ,________as the object and found to be apparently behind the mirror. 5.Application/Valuing 1.Explain why the word AMBULANCE in an ambulance is written in a reversed manner? 2. ASSESSMENT 1.Scores for the group activity

V. Assignment What is spherical mirror?

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

1.define the Plane following terms mirrors a. enlarged image b.reduced image c.inverted image d.real image e.virtual image 2.describe images formed by plane mirrors 3.locate images formed by plane mirror

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV pages 3840

Mirrors Activity sheets

What is reflection? What will happen to light when it hits a smooth surface?mir ror?

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre activity Discussion Did you still A.LOOP THE WORDS(Mirrors remember the terminology) three different B. Instruction (Refer to the activity mirrors sheets) yesterday? I 2. Act. Proper want you to Answer the activity. place the correct 3.Post-Act Discussion statement on Discussions of their answer each type of 4.Generalization mirror Are your descriptions in each type of mirrors correct? What are the (Refer to the correct answers? activity sheet) How does a concave mirror differ from a convex mirror? 5.Application/Valuing Where are these mirrors used?

ASSESSMENT 1.Scores for the group activity V. Assignment Bring the following materials:ruler and pencil

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

1.describe the Spherical image formed mirrors by concave and convex mirror 2.give importance/uses of concave and convex mirror active participation in the discussions and activity

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV pages 4142

Mirrors Activity sheets

Describe plane mirror:

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 3.Post-Act Discussion (cont.) a. How would you explain an inverted image using the ray diagram? b. How would you be able to distinguish a virtual image from a real image using the ray diagrams? c. How does the image change in its size and location, as the object comes nearer the mirror? 4.Generalization What is the use of construction of ray diagram? What are the four rays useful for the construction of a ray diagram? What is the other term for concave mirror?convex mirror?Why? 5. Valuing/Application: Accuracy in measuring lengths, proper time management, cooperation and intellectual honesty should be observed among group members.

ASSESSMENT Direction: Answer the questions that follow. 1. Are all real images larger than the object? Explain. 2. When do concave mirrors produce real images and when will it produce virtual images. 3. What kind of mirror is the side car mirror? Why is it used and not something else? V. Assignment Bring calculator

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

Spherical 1. Locate and describe mirrors images formed by curved mirrors through the construction of ray diagrams

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV pages 4142

Activity sheet 2.6, clean sheet of paper, pen/pencil and a foot rule

TRUE OR FALSE Question active participation in the discussions and activity

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1.Pre activity Discussion a. What are the lecture demonstration on the use differences of ray diagrams to locate and between these describe the image formed by two mirrors? curved mirrors. Which of these is A. Instruction: Construct ray a concave diagrams to locate and describe mirror? convex the image formed by the mirror? spherical mirrors ) b. How B. Instruction (Refer to the activity does the image sheets) change in its size 2. Act. Proper Answer the activity. and location, as

ASSESSMENT 1.Scores for the group activity V. Assignment Bring calculator

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

Spherical 1. Locate and describe mirrors images formed by curved mirrors through the construction of ray diagrams

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV pages 4142

Activity sheet 2.6, clean sheet of paper, pen/pencil and a foot rule

What are the things that we were trying to do the other day? active participation in the discussions and activity

the object comes nearer the mirror?

Bascaran National High School Bascaran, Solano Nueva Vizcaya LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IV

COMPETENCIES I.OBJECTIVES TOPIC II.SUBJECT MATTER REFERENCES MATERIALS A.RECALL III.LEARNING TASKS B.MOTIVATION C.LESSON PROPER 1. Discussion Are there other Mathematically, the object methods to distance (do),the image determine the distance(di) and the focal length following: do? (f) of the mirror can be found di? Si?so?f? using the mirror formula: ASSESSMENT Solve the following:

V. Assignment Review your lessons in preparation for st your 1 quiz tom.

II. 1.1 Investigate the reflection and refraction properties of light using simple optical devices(e.g. mirror and pinhole camera).

1.compute Do, Mirror Di, Si, So and Equation m if unknown in the given problem 2.descrive the images formed by curved mirrors using mirror formulae discipline and active participation in the class discussions

1.EASE module 2 2.Science and Technology IV pages 3840

Calculator , activity sheets

Short quiz: 1.The kind of image that is formed by actual ray of light and can be projected on the screen

The size of the object(So) and size of image(Si) are determined using the size formula:

The following conventions are helpful in using the equation for solving formulas:

2.Group Activity


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