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This articles focuses on different undesired results of outsourcing.

According t o the author,inspite of all the benefits of outsourcing, like every other business strategy even outsourcing has some flaws associated with it.If they are not dealt with properly and timely,these limitations can turn a particular outsoucing idea into a wrong business strategy from a right business strategy. 1)Outsourcing is a great business stratgy esepcially for the first movers.But on ce the first company has outsourced an activity and have been profitable in doing so, the concept is easily replicated by exisitng companies in the indus try or new companies entering the industry. So the real competetive advantage of outsourcing exists as long as all the compa nies of the industry have not yet adapted the specefic outsoucing idea. 2)The other point that the writer comes up with is that outsoucing fragments the supply chain to number of disintergrted activities performed by different outso urced contractors. Although such fragmentation is where outsourcing brings its key advantages, it a lso brings with it increased competetion, shortened prodcut life cycles,reduced ROI and devaluated pricing power of compan ies. 3)Even if the company keeps its core competencies strictly to itself and outsour ce the non-core activities it nurtures corporate complacancy. It's just that when only the non core activities are outsouced and the business is at its peak of profitability, management often misses the big might not have grasp on the all the minute det ials of the non core activites at the end line and thus as market reach sturation and new products emerge as competetion the company statrts to fa ll back in competetion 4)Undermines companies realation with employes,cusotmers and communities.The emp loyee moral break down due to outsoucing activiteis and jobs is not a new story. even if the company does nto eliminate jobs,stil the connection between employees and employers is s omehow hampered. The loss of employee moral and a It degraded employee loaylty to a great extent. Customer company relation may also be hampered. Customers oten do nto like the f act that a company that has a reputable image of doing its services in house, su ddenly starts outsourcing its services to an outsider company. Sometimes customers also do not apreciate talking about hteri important infomariton llike credit card informati on with overseas outsoucrecd employees. And as we have seen that outsourcing has this negative image in the mindsset of many people of US community, this can detach the company fro mthe company itself .customers who do not want tUS jobs to beo utsoucred to foreign countries. the impacts can be huge from suppoting legistlatio afains otusourcing to boycotting products ofa particular comany. According to the author,outsourcing turns the company into and opprotuinistic or gnaizationwihtut a vision which only degrades relation of the company with its p artners. Although it is diiffcult to bear the present competetion without advantages of outsourcing but less outsourcing will take the ocmpany a long way accordingto th e author.

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