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Arachne was a young woman whos famous throughout Greece, inspite of the fact that she was not noble and attractive enough. She lived in a not well-known little village with her humble father, a dyer of wool. She was even more adroit than her father. Shes small and pale,and her fingers are callused from too much labour nevertheless she was quick and graceful. Arachnes fame spread out that people from afar travelled to watch her weave. Praises was all she lives for that when people start to doubt her skill, it annoyed her. She told the people that even a goddess could not compete with her skill. Athena, whos disguise as an old woman, heard this and advised Arachne to beg forgiveness but Arachne didnt take back her words. At these,Athenas patience runs out so she revealed herself. Arachne flushed red from embarassment but didnt still give in so the challenged was accepted by Athena. Without further talk the two began to weave.The audience saw Athenas weaving as a last warning to Arachne. The latter saw this so an evil idea came to her. Thus, as Athena saw Arachnes work as an insult to the gods, she didnt hesitate, she tore arachnes work and struck Arachne across her face. Because of fear, anger and humiliation, Arachne would have hanged but, too late, Athena cursed her to live on and spin, and her descendants. At those words Arachne turned into a dusty little spider ina slender thread. From that,all spiders descend from Arachne


Arachne, the poor maiden from Greece, received extraordinary amounts of praise for her weaving abilities. Because of her gorgeous tapestries, people all over the land believed that such talent could only be taught by the goddess of such skills herself, Athena. Over confident and proud of herself, Arachne alleged that her talent purely originated from herself, that she had never been taught by the great Athena. Athena heard Arachne boasting and even naming herself a better weaver than the goddess, and decided to visit Arachne masquerading as an old woman. Unknowing of Athenas disguise, Arachne told the old woman that she would be pleased to compete against Athena in a weaving competition, because after all, she believed that she was a better weaver than Athena. Shocked by this mortals challenge, Athena comes out of costume to reveal herself to a surprised Arachne. The contest began. The woman who weaved the better tapestry won. Athena chose to weave a picture hinting at the punishment of meager mortals who challenged the gods. Arachnes picture shamed the gods, placing them in unworthy situations. Athena went and examined Arachnes work. Despised at both its beauty and disrespectful depiction of the gods, Athena tore the cloth, which ended the competition. Arachne could not bear the shame of the situation and fled to hang herself. However, Athena felt the need to punish Arachne more greatly than death itself. Athena allowed her to live; however, she transformed her into a hideous spider. Therefore, Arachne would be trapped in her web, and her descendants would also be doomed to live the same life.


(Summary of Arachne)

Submitted by:
Melgrace Onguda

Submitted to:
Ms. Salome Altavano

Subj. Teacher


(Summary of Arachne)

Submitted by:
Renato Carullo

Submitted to:
Ms. Salome Altavano

Subj. Teacher

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