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Respondent Respondents General Information * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 5 6 * 7 * 8 * 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 * 14 * Would it help if the refrigerator compartment were on top and the freezer compartment at the bottom? Which part of the refrigerator which you use more frequently the freezer or the refrigerator? Who in the household ends up using most of the time? Describe a typical usage of the refrigerator during the day? What do you like / dislike about refrigerator? How much time it took you to buy your refrigerator? (Period decided and actual purchase). What are the different brands of refrigerator you have heard off? What comes in your mind when you hear the word refrigerator? Typical day during weekend? Favorite activities? What do you like to do? Describe a typical weekday, what does your day look like? Tell us about your FAMILY? What you like most about your Home / Apartment? Tell us about your Home / Apartment. How long have you been living here?

Refrigerator in General

15 * 16 * 17 * 18 * 19 * 20 * 21 * 22 * 23 * 24 * 25 * 26 * 27 * 28

What sort of problem do you face while loading / unloading the goods from refrigerator and what steps you carryout to solve them? Can you tell me different types of refrigerator you are aware of? What benefits you feel because of refrigerator? Where do you keep refrigerator in house and why you keep there? What factor/s influenced you to buy this refrigerator? Do you know the difference between Direct Cool and Frost Free refrigerators? Which one do you prefer direct cooling or frost-free refrigerator? Do you mind spending more money on anti ru0st sheet? What advantages you feel from inbuilt FM radio or INVERTOR in refrigerator? Do you think that deodorizer provided in the refrigerator really reduces the growth rate of bacteria? What advantages do you think of changeable door panels? Can you live without refrigerator now? What were your feelings about refrigerator before you purchased it? Is your refrigerator capable of maintaining the inside temperature if the door is opened frequently?

Daily Refrigerator in Detail * 29 Do you face any problem in loading / unloading goods especially due to the construction of various compartments? What steps you take to solve these problems?

30 * 31 * 32

How often you clean your refrigerator? What are the different sorts of problems you face in the process of cleaning of your refrigerator and how you solve them? From Where did you buy your refrigerator? What kind of store / shop? Why from there?

FUTURE AND CONCLUDING * 33 * 34 * 35 * 36 * 37 * 38 * 39 * 40 * 41 * 42 * 43 * 44 Would you change your decision of buying a new refrigerator if you come to know that company is going to incorporate all features that you want in the refrigerator? Where you see refrigerator 10 years from now? What are the product / appliances do you own of Electrolux brand? Do you recollect any of the Electrolux ads and where you have seen them? What are the other products / appliances of Electrolux you are aware of? What are the different features of which you are aware those are being offered by Electrolux refrigerator? Are you aware about that Electrolux refrigerator are capable of reducing the level of loosing essential nutrients from foodstuff? Which refrigerator you would like to have in near future and why? What an ideal refrigerator should consist of and what would it look like? What you would like to change? What do you miss today? How will it make you feel?


How much it will take you to buy a new refrigerator having all features desired by you at present?

PERSONAL DETAILS * 46 * 47 * 48 49 Gender: Address: Contact: Respondents Name:

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