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Representative Cherryl Walkers address to the Legislative Assembly Oregon House of Representatives July 4, 2001

On July 4, 1776, 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence. It was a radical document declaring that the power of the government is granted by the consent of the people. They said We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain in alienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness They pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. To some it was an act of treason against Great Britain. To others it was patriotism. For eleven years the war for independence was fought and the price was high. Many lost their fortunes and their lives but honor prevailed in freedoms victory. What is the meaning of this freedom? To each of us it may be different; freedom to be who we want to be, to go where we want to go, or to live and worship as we please. But, the 4th of July Independence Day, reminds us all to celebrate the freedom of our nation from the tyranny of an unjust ruler. July 4th is a reminder of the duty I have to these United States; to preserve the Constitution, to honor the past sacrifices of our patriots, to prepare for the future so Americas Children can share freedoms glory. And, yes, I must be willing to sacrifice if called upon to do so. The price of freedom has not changed since the revolution in 1776; not in the Civil War, the two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, or Desert Storm. Men and women have always secured our nations freedom with their lives. I am humbled by their sacrifice. July 4th is celebrated with parades and fireworks, family and friends. It is cause for celebration because there is no other nation that has endured and prospered like these United States. It has been a beacon of hope to the world for more than 200 years. Today we are here in this beautiful Capitol building in service to our friends and families. Most of us have had to change our plans for a traditional July 4th celebration. I will always remember this 4th of July not for what we do here today but why we are here; we are here exercising our freedom of self-government. I am filled with hope for the future of our nation and Oregon. I want to demonstrate to the children of Oregon that someday they can and will inherit the duty of preserving our freedom. By example, I want them to see self-governance as a worthy endeavor to be carried out with integrity and respect for all people. The 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, were committed to the future of a new nation based on the radical idea of power granted by the people. We have fulfilled their dream and have reaped the rewards of their sacrifice. In closing, please, think about what freedom means to you. To me freedom is reading what I want to read without censure; it is to climb the mountains and canyons of our great nation; it is to see my God in the wonders around me; it is to find the future of freedom in the face of a child turned to the light.

Our Future Belongs In Experienced Hands!

Cherryl Walker for BCC#3 PO Box 167 Murphy, OR 97533

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