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French Salon Script Natalie Villacis, Deja Gilmore, Jaelin Kilgore, Gabriella Snow, Cora Evans Page- Alan

*Jaelin stands center stage, the Page is stationed by the door and the guest have yet to arrive.* Jaelin-* faces audience* Ah, page my guests will be arriving soon. *Turns to page* All is ready is it not? Page- It is My Lord.* Page bows from the waist* Jaelin- Good then the evening may proceed. * sighs happily* The marvels that they will see tonight. The portrait I just acquired. Bello. * Looks into the distance and shakes head* My only wish is that nothing go wrong this day. Page- *Looks out door, sees Cora arriving, and sounds trumpet* My Lord, the King Afonso of the Congo. *enter Afonso* Jaelin- Ah! Mio amico, Afonso! * clasps Cora on the shoulder *How nice of you to come, * gestures towards table* please sit down! Cora- My pleasure. *takes seat* I hope your portrait was worth coming to see. Jaelin- * stands looking at the covered portrait* I assure you my friend you will fall in love at the sight. It is mwah molto bello. Now, tell me. How is your Kingdom doing? Cora- Well, the Portuguese have been taking over my Kingdom, and taking my people as slaves. Sadly, I couldnt stop them because the trade is important to our economy. Jaelin- * nods slowly in understanding* Scusa, Im sorry my friend to hear that. Ive never been a business man myself, my talents lean more towards the diplomatic side of life. Cora-* looks up at Jaelin, frowning in question* How so? Jaelin- * folds arms and rests head on head in thought* Well, most of my money was spent on funding the arts. For example I provided the capital needed for Botticelli to Paint the Birth of Venus. *sigh* Unfortunately mia citta, my beloved Florence paid the price for my economic failings.* runs hand through hair in distress* Page- *sounds the trumpet* The Queen Mary Tudor I of England. Jaelin- *walks to meet Natalie* Mary mio amore! Please, please sit down.*Pulls out chair* Dinner may begin now that you are here. Natalie- * takes seat* Grazie, Lorenzo.

Jaelin- Prego. * takes seat next to Mary* Now, friends, tell me how well you are bearing the burdens of life. Cora- Well, things have been a bit depressing. A Portuguese friar tried to kill me on Easter. Jaelin- No! The Pope Sixtus IV tried to kill me on Easter, as well! Tell me mio amico. What reason would he have for doing such sordid thing? Cora- Well, I was interfering with the Portugueses African settlements by not giving them my people as slaves. Jaelin- Hmm, This friar did he seek peace? Cora- No That was the first of many attempts to take my life. Jaelin- I was fortunate enough that in 1480 Sixtus reached out a hand in peace. Though I must admit it was after his plan to ruin me was thwarted by my journey to Naples. Ah, What foolish Catholics to seek the life of a brother for the sake of land. Stolti Natalie- *clears throat* Excuse me; there is nothing wrong with Catholics. We are perfectly fine. Page- *sounds trumpet* Her royal majesty, Mary II of the Stuart family. Jaelin- *stands to meet dj* Oh, Hello there Mary, mia cara! * Draws hand through her arm* You look stunning tonight. *escorts her to vacated seat* Deja- Thank you for noticing, Lorenzo. Now what were you discussing? Cora- We were discussing how crazy Catholics are. Natalie- Well Im still shocked at how you could say such a thing. You both are Catholics, are you not? Jaelin- Perdonami ,Forgive me My Lady * bows to Natalie*, I meant no offense, but you must admit we are a bit extreme at times. Natalie- I disagree. Its obvious that the idiotic ones are the Protestants. Thats why I killed over 300 Protestants. Be careful, Mary. I might just end up killing you. Deja-*gets up to move seats* Well, in that case, I will just sit over here. Page- *trumpet sounds* The Quaker, William Penn. Jaelin- *stands to meet Gabriella and shakes hands* Oh, good! Penn, please sit. * claps hands* Now all we are missing is James II. Gabby- Oh, James was invited? How wonderful!

Jaelin- Yes, he was, but Im sure our friend would have no wish for us to halt the unveiling on his part. Let us go ahead so that you might see the newly acquired jewel of my collection. *takes off sheet* All- Ooohh, Aaahh. Jaelin- I must admit it is an excellent rendition of paintings during my beloved fifteenth century. Ah. Miei amici, my friends, look at the main focus. Such humanist portraits remind me of mi amore per larte, my love for art. Page- *whispers in Jaelins ear* Jaelin- * nods at page and bows* Excuse me, my friends. It seems my attention is wanted elsewhere. *exit page and Jaelin* Natalie- Well, that certainly is a beautiful piece of art. Una pintura mas bonita. But its a shame James isnt here to see it. Mary, do you where he could possibly be at? DejaGabbyDejaGabbyJaelin- *enters* Forgive my absence, my presence was required Page-*quickly runs in* My majesties, I have just found James II dead outside of the manor! All- *gasps, are shocked* Page- The killer must be in this same room. Cora- It was Mary Tudor! She is a killer, why else would they call her Bloody Mary? Natalie- I did no such thing! They may call me Bloody Mary, but I only killed Protestants, that was due to the fact that they plotted against me to dethrone me, and James II was certainly a fellow Catholic. I would not have killed him. It must have been Mary Stuart! She just informed us that her own father exiled her, what not more of a reason to kill him? Deja- *starts to cry* blah blah blah blah blah.. Afonso, why were you so quick to accuse hmm? Were you afraid we would figure out that you killed my father? Cora- How could I have a killed a man I did not even know? The only people I am against and would want revenge upon are the Portuguese. Why do you not question the Lord Lorenzo? Lorenzo, why did you leave earlier? Did you try to cover up the body you killed?

Jaelin- How could you accuse me of something so vulgar? I am a man of peace and art. I would also not invite a man I disliked to a dinner party at my manor to view my portrait. Now everyone please, calm down. If it was not Mary Tudor, or Mary Stuart, or King Afonso, nor Iwho could it have been? Gabby- * breaks down crying* Alright, Alright, Yes I did it! I killed James! I am the murderer! Deja- The quaker? How could a quaker be the one to kill my father? Gabby- James and I were good friends. Until he betrayed me, had me exiled, and led me to be committed for treason. I never forgave him for that and he got what he deserved! Jaelin- Page! Escort her out of the manor and take her to the police! Page- *grabs Gabby by the arms and exits* Natalie- Ay dios..que lastima. Des amis, friends, this is truly a tragic end to a dinner party. Let us go home in peace, with God.

Italian Dictionary (Google Translate)

Stolti- Fools Mio amico- My friend Miei amici- My friends Molto Bello- Very beautiful Mia citta- My city Mio amore- My love Mia cara- My dear Grazie- Thank you Prego- Youre welcome Perdonami- Forgive me Mio amore per larte- My love for art

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