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Setup a standard/BCV device pair?


In order to use the control functions of Solutions Enabler, you must create device groups and add/associate Symmetrix devices with the group. The following example shows how to create a device group, add a standard device to it and associate two BCV devices to the group. The following commands will create a device group using the default type (regular). Next we will add a device to the device group and assign it a logical name. Then we associate two BCV devices with the device group so we can switch back and forth with the BCV devices.

symdg create mygroupsymld -g mygroup add dev 000 STD000 symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 110 BCV000 symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 111 BCV001
NOTE: At this point you have only added/associated devices with a device group. These actions do not in any way describe which devices should actually be paired. This may be confusing as the documentation is not very explicit. The fact is that the symmetrix may already have BCV pair information about these devices depending on how they were used in the past. Now issue the commands to define the STD/BCV pair and actually synchronize the pair with a full establish. symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV dev 110 or symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV ld BCV000 This explicit definition of the STD device and the particular BCV device will cause any existing pair information to be disregarded and will use this new information to create a pair. This is comparable to the older TimeFinder Command Line Interface "bcv -f filename" where the file "filename" consisted on one line entries pairing STD devices with BCV devices. And finally, split this TimeFinder pair and synchronize the STD device with a different BCV device. symmir -g mygroup split symmir -g mygroup -full establish STD000 BCV dev 111 Another method to establish pairs, using the "-exact" option [Available in V3.2-73-06 and higher]The -full -exact options on the symmir command instructs SYMCLI to define the STD/BCV pairs in the same order they were entered into the device group. symdg create mygroupsymld -g mygroup add dev 000 STD000 symld -g mygroup add dev 001 STD001 symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 110 BCV000 symbcv -g mygroup associate dev 111 BCV001 symmir -g mygroup -full -exact establish

This will pair the first STD device (STD000) with the first BCV (BCV000) entered into the device group, and pair the second STD device (STD001) with the second BCV (BCV001) entered into the device group

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