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Fgopl 7/9/2012

Readings are debatably one of the greatest skills a person can ever learn. A psionics user that knows how to read has a significant advantage over most people. Such a psionics user is capable of breaching a targets privacy entirely. The field of readings is rapidly growing, so all sorts of inaccurate information about the subject will come into play. An aspiring reader has to find a proper source to obtain the truth if they wish to learn correctly. All About Readings is intended to be that proper source. This introductory guide will give a clear-cut explanation of what readings are.

What are Readings?

One security measure taken at modern airports is the use of body scanners. Body scanners examine the body of the person who is stationed within it. The scanner is capable of returning countless information. Airports use body scanners to ensure that no weapons or illegal material are being smuggled onto their planes. In the world of psionics, readers perform the function of the body scanner: reading a target and obtaining information about them. There are several different types of readings. Scanning is a blanket term for most of these (Notice the similarity between scanning and body scanner.). Readers typically find a path to reach the target; from there they begin to analyze them in varying ways. For example, an aura scanner would most likely find the targets aura and obtain information from it. The fundamentals of readings are so straightforward that learning most of them is not hard at all. The actual extracting of information in a reading is the part that stumps many psionics who are new to the field. For this reason, at least an intermediate level in sensing is necessary. There is nothing to reading except noting what you sense. For example, someone performing an aura scan would note what color they felt from the targets aura. The world of readings might seem overwhelming at first, but simplicity is the clear motif.

Common Misconceptions about Readings

In the case of a skill as great as readings, several misguided beliefs have arisen about it. Something of that nature cannot be helped. Readings can be very intimidating at first; however, misconceptions can hinder potential progress. Are readings 100% accurate? Readings are absolutely not 100% accurate. Every reader makes mistakes from time to time. Anyone who guarantees 100% accuracy is lying. Are cloaks the ultimate way to stop readings? The answer to this question depends on the cloak being used. Many cloaks are sloppy; therefore, they are identifiable. If a reader finds a cloak, they can analyze the energy signature of

it and reach the creator. A cloak such as a Matrix Reroute is more challenging to find, but it can still be bypassed. Is it impossible to trace readings? No. According to the controversial Matrix Theory, all ESP is a request sent through the Matrix to reach the intended target. To trace ESP sent through the Matrix, a field should be erected that records the energy signatures of all Matrix requests that pass through it. This can be followed up by multiple, interlacing Matrix Reroutes, but that is another topic which I will not get it into right now.

Benefits of Readings
It is said that knowledge is power. Reading provides a means to gain knowledge. A reader has the chance to learn more easily, while someone else may not. For example, say a mind reader worked for an interrogations unit. Even if a suspect was lying, the mind reader could still find out the truth by looking through the suspects mind. A normal interrogator would have to use further tactics to retrieve the truth. Being prepared is typically a beneficial thing to do. The information obtained through a reading can be used to do so. For example, say a clairvoyant fortuneteller had a test at school the following day and could not study. They could look into the future and record the correct answers. If they memorized them, they could get a 100%, even without studying. Efficiency is another bonus that readers have. For example, say a reader was partaking in an energy spar. Rather than using their own energy, they could analyze the programming of their opponents constructs and edit them to work for their own purposes. A reader has an advantage in all three of the depicted situations.

The field known as readings is rapidly becoming more and more popular. It is important to know the truth about the subject before diving headfirst into it. If the basics are learned correctly, readings will not be as intimidating as they may have previously seemed. Misconceptions about it need to be addressed prior to the practice, so progress will not be restricted. Readings have a myriad of positive effects and uses. Learning readings is definitely one of the best decisions to make when practicing psionics.

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