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Religion UNIT Vocabulary

1. Religion- specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of

2. Polytheism- is the belief in many gods (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greek Mythology, Roman Mythology,
and Ancient Americas).

3. Monotheism- is the belief in one God (Judaism, Christianity and Islam)

4. Hinduism- originated in India and can be viewed as both monotheistic and polytheistic; religious
beliefs and cultural practices are characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being of
many forms and natures.

5. Buddhism -a religious teaching by Buddha and his followers, which declares that by destroying greed
and hatred, which are the causes of all suffering, man can attain perfect enlightenment.

6. Four Noble Truths- The basic concepts in Buddhism can be summed up by the Four Noble Truths.
The first noble truth is, that life contains suffering. The second truth is, we suffer due to craving and
wanting. The third truth is, that suffering can be overcome and happiness can be attained. The
fourth truth is the way/path to end suffering; as it is ourselves that create this suffering, it is up to us
to release it.

7. Myth- a folktale that tries to explain the way the world is or how things came to be; usually involving
a god or goddess, hero, and/or human.

8. Mythology- a collection of traditional stories that express the beliefs or values of a group of people.

9. Siddhartha Gautama- Founder of Buddhism (Buddha).

10. Bible—the sacred book of Christianity, a collection of ancient writings including the books of both
the Old Testament and the New Testament.

11. Christianity—the Christian religion, based on the life and teachings of Jesus and on the Christian
holy book, the Bible.

12. Disciple—a follower of a person or belief.

13. Jesus—founder of Christianity; believed by Christians to be the Messiah; executed by the Roman
government; followers said He spoke to them after the death and rose bodily to heaven.

14. Confucianism— The way of life propagated by a Chinese philosopher named K'ung Fu-tzu or
Confucius, the Westernized version, believed that a society could become perfect, if the people who
lived in it exhibited "beautiful conduct." High value given to learning and to devotion to family
(including ancestors).

15. Reincarnation- When a soul begins life anew after the body dies.
16. Karma- The effects that good or bad actions have on person’s soul.

17. Dharma- Religious and moral duties of each person.

18. Fasting- To go without food.

19. Meditation- Focusing the mind on spiritual things.

20. Nirvana- State of perfect peace.

21. Vedas- the oldest and most authoritative Hindu sacred texts, composed in Sanskrit.

22. Proverbs- Short saying of wisdom or truth

23. Torah- Early Israelites came to believe that God was taking part in their history. They recorded
events and laws in their most sacred test, the Torah. The Torah is made up of five books. They are
called Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Christians adopted these books as
the first five books of the Old Testament.

24. Judaism- The religion of the Israelites of the Bible and of the Jews of today, based on the teachings
of the Torah. Judaism involves the belief in one God, whose Chosen People are the Jews. Abraham is
considered the founder of Judaism, although Moses, who delivered the laws of God to the Israelites,
is also an important figure. It is the world’s oldest monotheistic religion.

25. Prophets- Religious leaders.

26. Islam- a religion based on the messages that Muhammad is believed to have received from God. In
Arabic, the word Islam means “to submit to God.”

27. Muslims- people who follow Islam, believe that God chose Muhammad to be his messenger to the

28. Qur’an- the holy book of Islam.

29. Muhammad- Muslims believe that God had spoken to Muhammad through the angel and had made
him a prophet, a person who tells messages from God.

30. Five Pillars of Islam- The first duties of a Muslim are known as the Five Pillars of Islam. These are
five acts of worship required of all Muslims. The first pillar is a statement of faith (Shahadah). The
second pillar of Islam is daily prayer (Salah). The third pillar of Islam is a yearly donation to charity
(Zakat). The fourth pillar of Islam is fasting (Saum). The fifth pillar of Islam is a pilgrimage to Mecca

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