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The Psychedelic



JAWS Were gonna need a bigger boat

This was a movie made in 1975 starring Famous actor Richard Dreyfuss. The movie was based on a book written some years before about a giant shark haunting the waters of the ocean and the attempt to kill the shark to keep the shore safe.


A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away there was a trilogy created by George Lucas!!! Premiering in 1977, star wars continues to come out with new books, movies, TV shows, and more.


Horror movies began to become popular in the 70s. Movies just kept getting scarier and scarier, but one of the scariest was definitely The Exorcists. It was about a girl who had been possessed by demon and two priests rigorous journey to send the demon back from whence it came.

Charlies Angels Those are some hot spies

Charlies Angels was a television show about three female spies who worked for Charlie. The girls would often have missions from Charlie but he was never seen on scrren. The most famous of the three spies was Farrah Fawcett.


Roots was a television show that was very unique. It was one of the very first popular "miniseries. It premiered on ABC and took place during slavery. Its about the characters roots of history. Get it? ROOTS?


M*A*S*H is not a swear word or a type of drug. It was actually a television show which took place in Korea during the Korean War. It was about a hospital for soldiers and the lives of the people that worked their. It ran from 72-77.

Ladies and Gentleman, heres your host, Johnny Carson!! Johnny Carson is considered to be one the biggest and most hilarious names in late night television. He truly was the original late. No it was not George Lopez! Carson hosted the show from 62 to 92. He truly was the best.

THE TONIGHT SHOW Before Jay and Conan there was Johnny


Clint Eastwood was born in 1930 and is an actor whose highpoint was in the 70s. He would do many western movies at that time. Since then he has appeared in many movies such as Million Dollar Baby and Play Misty for Me.


The Eagles is/was a band which began in the late seventies with such hits as Take it Easy and Desperado. Since then they have broken up and gotten back together and the members have changed through the years. The members have included Don Henley, Glenn Frey, Joe Walsh, Timothy Schmit, Don Felder, Randy Meisner, Bernie Leadon.

Simon and Garfunkel Weird Name- Good Music

Simon and Garfunkel were two men who sang together throughout the 70s. The sang songs such as Wednesday Morning 3 A.M. and The Sound of Silence. They sang under the group name of Tom and Jerry.

Elvis Presley was a hunk of a man who sang and danced. He had such songs as Great Balls of Fire and Hound Dog. He had it all. The woman, the fame, andthe drugs. One night Elvis got out of bed with one his many women to go to the bathroom. He died sitting on the toilet. Not of constipation but of an overdose on drugs. Poor Elvis.

You aint nothin but a dead dog layin on a toliet.


You may have seen John Travoltas crazy dance moves on Saturday Night Fever. Those moves were the moves of Disco which took the world by storm through the 70s and late 60s.


Video games werent heard of until the relase of Pong in 72. It was originally built for companies to use as team building exercises. It caught on quick and then came the Atari system which had multiple games that was released in 77.

Video Games I guess shes an XBOX and Im more Atari

The Sony Walkman A really old IPod

Long before the IPod there was the walkman which was essentially an CD player. It was very popular and sold to 220,000,000 people. It came out in 79.

Eight track Tapes Even before the WALKMAN!!

Stereo 8, commonly known as the eight-track cartridge, eight-track tape, or eight-track, is a magnetic tape sound recording technology. It was created in mid-1960s and was popular until the late 1970s, but was relatively unknown in many European countries. Stereo 8 was created in 1964 by Bill Lear and RCA Victor Records (RCA). It was a further development of the similar Stereo-Pak.

APPLE COMPUTER The IPods great grandfather

Created in 1976 by Steve Jobs and his nerd friends, Apple computers came out with very old dinosaur like machines called Macintosh. Now commonly called Macs these computers became very popular changing the com[any into a 2.2 billion dollar worth goldmine. And, Pray for Steve Jobs- hes very sick

Created by a high school science teacher in 1979, this little cube exploded into popularity and is still the number one puzzle game of all time. However, its true popularity began in the 80s.

Rubik's Cube a 3x3x3 colored cube- how hard could it be???

Current Events

Roe v. Wade Im prolife- so, no funny comment

Roe v. Wade was a court decision starting Texas when a young woman, Jane Roe, found out she was preggers! But she didn't want the Baby; however, the state of Texas said it was illegal to abort it. It went all the way to the Supreme Court and was finally ruled that she could have an abortion and "the government does not hVe the right to tell a woman what to do with her body." This still today is one of THE most controversial topics of our nation's history.

Kent State Shooting Another Serious Slide

On May 4th, 1970, Kent State on Ohio saw nine wounded and four killed. This occurred because the Students were protesting America's Cambodian Invasion. The National Guard came and fired relentlessly for 13 seconds. People were outraged and 4 million young people protested.

Saigon Falls Dang Commies

The war was not going well and people wanted the troops home. As a result, the war was lost. On April 30th 1975 The Capital of Vietnam, Saigon, fell to Communism. During this, American troops had left and the people were left to defend themselves. Vietnam is still in communism today.

Apollo 13 Houston, we have a problem

Apollo 13 was the seventh manned mission in the Apollo space program and the third intended for reaching the moon. Everything was going well until the computer system was damaged by an exploding oxygen tank. An emergency route was taken back to Earth by using a "slingshot" method. Luckily the men survived. The three members of the Apollo 13 were James A Lovell, FredFRED BURGER, and John L 'Jack' Swigert. The command module pilot was originally Thomas 'Ken' Mattingly. However he was exposed to German Measles and so was unable to go on the mission. He was replaced by Jack Swigert.

Bicentennial Happy Birthday America

The bicentennial was the 200th anniversary of America! Hooray!! There were many huge celebrations and parties leading up to it but it had originally started as a minor idea for Boston. Funny how things get out of hand...

Oil Even a problem back then

From 1973. Til 1974 the US and other countries put an embargo on Arab Oil in response to the Yom Kippur war. They gelt that by supporting Israel they should not support it's enemies in any way. This didn't last long as we are so dependent on oil and we still use OPEC today. Manmy believe we should become more dependent on offshore drilling; whereas, some feel interdependency with Arab nations is good.

Jim Jones Kool-Aid Man.. Oohh noooo!

Jim Jones was a crazy man who was born in Indiana and died with 905 other people in Guyana. This was a result of the cult he created called the "people's Temple". The Peoples Temple was based on weird beliefs in aliens, Nike shoes, and kook aid.

But it started in Indianapolis at a communist rally jim had attended. During this time he began to hate His church because of it not coexisting or integrating. So he started his own religion. As it became popular he headquartered it in California. From there it got bigger.he gave speeches about nuclear apocalypse and socialisms demise, but people believed him. In a Guyana he and his followers set up a commune to live on. Soon the people felt his authority was wavering but they were not permitted to exit.

Many around the world saw he was not as great as he once seemed. So they began to question him. One sad day he stabbed a senator and murdered 5 on an airstrip. He then convinced his followers to commit suicide for revolution against the world and fascism! They agreed and all drank kook aid laced with cyanide. 303 children died that day.

Richard Nixon Im not a Crook

His Presidency

The Scandal and Pardon

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