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Persuasive Language

Outline of the article Persuasive Language A Primer On Presuppositions at

How Presuppositions work to influence

Everyone should understand presuppositions because you'll be more effective and not kill your message.

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What are presuppositions

Everything you say has many assumptions built into it. You can't not speak without them these are unconscious When you use presuppositions effectively you're able to get people to believe/do/etc without them knowing When did you stop beating your wife? This assumes you beat your wife at one time You stopped doing it. I knew about both. You have a wife and you're capable of beating her. Often missed assumption

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What are presuppositions (2)

They're the thing said you understand unconsciously AND without questioning

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Why do I need to understand how presuppositions work?

Allow you to influence people without their conscious awareness. slip in ideas they need to believe for your story to be true This influence happens without raising resistance Keep your self from making mistakes and raising doubt. If you're not paying attention, you could be raising doubt in your customer's brain, instead of instilling confidence

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Categories and Examples of Linguistic Presuppositions

Existence These presuppose something exists There's a husband, a wife, and a form of beating that occurred in the example. Adverb/Adjective Adverbs - ly modify a verb I don't know how quickly you'll learn to use these but they're fun. You'll easily notice adverbs after reading this article Adjective Modify a noun This is a fun subject to discuss. Easy to insert. Your listener may question the adjective/adverb but what they modified ends up being believed/acted upon/etc.

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Categories and Examples of Linguistic Presuppositions (2)

Awareness Words like realize, understand, aware. Are you aware of how much easier your life will be when you learn to uses these? When you realize this is only the surface of how these work, you'll notice their elegance in persuasion. Time/Ordinal Slightly different but more similar and get one category because they're used the same. Time relates to time (past, present, future. Ordinal relates to lists. Before, After, During, Next, Later, Soon, first, second, last, etc. After you sign up for e-mail updates you'll be able to download Friction Free Sales & Marketing You can finish reading this before you sign up for updates. The second thing you'll do after registering is confirming your e-mail address

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Categories and Examples of Linguistic Presuppositions (3)

Cause/Effect X causes Y cause, causes, forces, allows, makes, because Using persuasive language in an effective way allow you to sell more easily and confidently Implied cause/effect doesn't use the words but implies a cause/effect relationship. When you're done reading this, you'll feel excited about what's possible here. Complex Equivalence means, equals x=y Signing up for e-mail updates means you'll happily enjoy my book on overcoming resistance. Reading my book Friction Free Sales & Marketing means you're smarter than the average sales pro.

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Categories and Examples of Linguistic Presuppositions (4)

Possibility/Necessity Identified by "Modal operators" possibility might, could, should, couldn't, shouldn't You might not really understand what's here if you don't sign up for updates. necessity need, have to, must Because "necessity" is so strong, it can raise resistance if not softened. You need to understand what's in my book so you can reduce resistance in your customers.

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Categories and Examples of Linguistic Presuppositions (5)

Exclusive/Inclusive 'Or'
The word "or" obviously Will you sign up now or after you read another article? Do you understand how powerful presuppositions can be or are you only beginning to realize their power?

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Write 20 - 30 presuppositions for each category For various parts of your presentation/sales letter Don't worry about being elegant. That comes with practice Next few posts will cover using presuppositions with power and devastating mistakes when not aware of how to use them Sign up for e-mail updates. Get free book.

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