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This is one of the first things you see in the video and really helps to set the setting. I personally connote it back to an old cartoon such as Tom & Jerry. I think this helps to lead us into the video and the childish theme which completely counteracts the lyrics of the video.


This again, helps to set the genre of the music video and also helps to introduce us to the narrative. I feel that the cartoon is a really clever way to juxtapose the song and what its about.


From the opening screen they add a circle transition. These are typical of old cartoons and help to keep the theme running into the live action shots.


This is the first time we see a picture of Lily Allen. The first thing I noticed is her costume. When I noticed the white dress, I instantly thought it was to show her as innocent. This is backed up by the way she is performing the song as she is usually doing housework or caring after her younger brother. Also, there is nothing provocative about her clothing or image which helps to juxtapose the song even more and particularly her usual image as her record label and songs usually make her seem like a rebel as she swears a lot in her lyrics and sings about controversial topics such as drugs & sex.


This is the first time we see her puppet little brother. The frame is instantly darkened and he seems to have an artificial light from the television. This is a huge difference from the bright primary colors that we saw with Lily a few seconds ago.


Here we see another part of her house. It seems to be that the whole house is painted in bright primary colours such as sky blue and bright green. This could connote that Lily is still very nave and innocent as well as keeping the theme of childish nature with the video I.e. puppets, bright colour, cartoon opening.


Here we can see the rest of the puppets bedroom. Even though his wall is primary colours aswell, its a lot darker. Hes still wearing a bright red hoody, has a bright blue duvet but the whole room seems a lot less happier. This is also, a huge juxtaposition. If they used a real person, I dont think the video wouldve worked as well as they wouldve been following the lyrics exactly.


During the video, Lily is always shown to be smiling and giving direct address to the camera. She doesnt have too much make up on, therefore giving us the sense that she is a young, innocent women who is just looking after her brother. She is singing the lyrics to the camera, it seems as if shes talking to the little brother to try and make him understand.


Here you can see the puppet rifling around the kitchen. However, these drawers look like theyve been illustrated and dont look real at all again helping to carry the childish, cartoon theme through the video.


This kitchen is the main setting of the video, and I think its based on a typical 1950s style kitchen. Also, the way Lily is dressed and the things shes doing (e.g ironing, making cups of tea, cleaning) are very typical 1950s housewife things. I think this helps to build her character in the video, very different to her usual bad girl image.


The newspaper and big red pens also helps to add to the wacky, cartoon feel of the video and carries the narrative along.


The little door helps to add to the comedy of the video and helps to show that the video isnt completely serious. This is typical of a pop video to include comedy and humour as the songs are usually very light hearted, yet still about dark issues the same as this video!


This effect helps us, as the audience, to realize this is the main focus of the puppets mission, which is the main narrative as well. This also relates back to the song as Lily is trying to get her brother to clean up his act.

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