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Fiqh (Jurisprudence)

Noor-ul-Idha wa Najatul Arwaah

(The light of clarification and the Salvation of Souls)

Liquid Purifiers

Filth is purified from the body and clothes with water or any liquid that removes filth, such as vinegar and rose water.

The footgear and the like are purified by rubbing them on the ground or soil provided the filth is in a solid form even if it is moist.

Swords and the like, such as metal objects are purified by wiping them.

When the traces of filth disappear from the ground, and the ground becomes dry, prayer is permitted on that very ground. However, Tayammum is not permissible from that ground.

Likewise, what is upon the earth such as trees, plants and standing grass become pure from filth upon drying.

Filth is purified when its essence molecularly transforms into something else, such as a pig becoming salt or fire has turned it into ash.

Sperm which has become dry is purified by scratching it off the clothes and body, even if it is the discharge of a female. And wet sperm is purified by washing it.

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