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Question 2..

AIGs new CEO Sullivan was labeled a micromanager, but with a more pleasant personality. Can he as a micromanager, develop a more participative leadership style?

A boss or manager who gives excessive supervision to employees. A micro manager, will watch

the employee's actions closely and provide rapid criticism if the manager
thinks it's necessary.

A micro manager may also avoid the delegation process when assigning duties and exaggerate the importance of minor details to subordinates.

an employee may feel that the micro manager is being

towards them, due to a perceived lack of faith in the employee's competency.

Participative Leadership..
having things done by involving his subordinates in the process of goals setting and decision making
the manager works with the team and not over the team

Participative Leadership..
So it is like.. 'let

us do it!

rather than 'I want

you to do! '

CEO Sullivan can develop more participative style leadership by..

CEO Sullivan can develop more participative style leadership by..

(1) segregating the works to his subordinates

enabling his subordinate to play their role in the organizations

CEO Sullivan can develop more participative style leadership by..


indirectly developing the trust between himself with his subordinate

enable the workers especially his subordinate to create a feeling of self-belonging towards the company

CEO Sullivan can develop more participative style leadership by..

he should implement group discussion or brainstorming

- helps his subordinate to accept and thus implement the action with full enthusiasm - improves the sharing of ideas and experiences within the business

CEO Sullivan can develop more participative style leadership by..

(4) he should often communicate with his workers

he can easily delegate the works that suit the workers best and as the result the company performance increases

More Benefits of Participative Leadership..

Hidden Talents





More Benefits of Participative Leadership..

Since this style of leadership and management

requires all the team members to participate

together for a common purpose, the management can determine which employees can be

future leaders in the same organization.



More Benefits of Participative Leadership..

The staff morale remains at a high level because there is

an appreciation for the chance

to be part of the company

decision-making process.


More Benefits of Participative Leadership..

When you encourage employees to give their opinions on company

issues, you will get a

variety of solutions
to choose from.


More Benefits of Participative Leadership..

Allowing employees to be active in the growth of the organization encourages those

employees to stay with the company to

see their plans result in success.


Nelson Mandela says..

It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership.

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