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Java Serialization

Serialization basics

Serialization is the process of transforming an in-memory object to a byte stream. Deserialization is the inverse process of reconstructing an object from a byte stream to the same state in which the object was previously serialized. Serializing out and serializing in are also used.

Serialization basics

The requirements for serialization are straightforward:

Only class instances rather than primitive types can be serialized. For an object to be serializable, its class or some ancestor must implement the empty Serializable interface. An empty interface is called a marker interface.

Serialization basics

The syntax for serialization is straightforward:

An object is serialized by writing it to an ObjectOutputStream. An object is deserialized by reading it from an ObjectInputStream.

Serialization code
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( save.ser ); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream( out ); oos.writeObject( new Date() ); oos.close();

Deserialization code
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream( save.ser ); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream( in ); Date d = (Date) ois.readObject(); ois.close();

Object graphs

If an object has references to other objects or arrays, the entire object graph is serialized when the object is serialized.

The object graph consists of the object directly serialized and any other objects or arrays to which the object has direct or indirect references.

Nonserializable superclasses

If a serializable class C has a nonserializable superclass S, instances of C still can be serialized if S has an accessible no-argument constructor.

Ss no-argument constructor is invoked automatically during deserialization to construct the S-part of the deserialized object.

Serialization and primitive types

Technically, primitive types cannot be serialized or deserialized. However, the ObjectOutputStream implements the DataOutput interface, which declares methods such as writeInt to write primitive types to streams. ObjectInputStream implements DataInput for reading primitive types.

transient and static fields

A field marked as transient is not impacted by serialization.

During deserialization, transient fields are restored to their default values (e.g., transient numeric fields are restored to zero).

static fields are not impacted by serialization.



Serialization and deserialization can be customized by providing private callback methods named writeObject and readObject, respectively. The Externalizable interface can be implemented by classes that need to have complete control over serialization and deserialization.


The same object should not be repeatedly serialized to the same stream. A class should not be redefined in between the serialization and deserialization of its instances. Classes that need to disable serialization can throw a NotSerializableException in the private callback writeObject.


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