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Composition 4 Example

Stereotypes on Screen Stereotypes are such a part of our culture that we often dont even recognize them when they are right in front of us. In fact, there are many stereotypes both on television and in movies. One example of a character who can be considered a stereotype is Kelly Bundy from Married with Children. Kelly is a stereotype of a dumb blonde. She has big, hair-sprayed blonde hair, wears a lot of makeup and jewelry, and wears skimpy clothes. She is always confused about what is going on, she gets bad grades, and she doesnt even realize when people are making fun of her. For these reasons, she is a perfect example of how people stereotype blondhaired women. Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy is another example of a stereotype on television. Ricky is a stereotype of the hot-blooded Latin male. He is constantly mad at Lucy for her different stunts, and yells at her in Spanish. Lucy is actually afraid of him because of his temper. Also, it is a running joke that Ricky speaks with an accent. He always tells Lucy she had better splain herself. Ricky Ricardo is portrayed as a typical Latin male. A third example of a character who can be considered a stereotype is Tony Soprano from The Sopranos, a stereotypical Italian man. First, there is a stereotype that Italian men are often involved with the mob, and Tony is a leader in the local mob organization. He speaks with a stereotypical Jersey/New York accent and is obsessed with Italian cooking. Also, he doesnt treat women well but still considers himself a good Catholic, which is another stereotype of Italian men. Tony Soprano fulfills many characteristics of the stereotypical Italian man. In conclusion, stereotypes are present in all types of media. The more you start to pay attention, the more stereotypes you will see. I hope that in the future writers will start to think more creatively and avoid stereotypical characters.

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Stereotypes on Screen Stereotypes are such a part of our culture that we often dont even recognize them when they are right in front of us. In fact, there are many stereotypes both on television and in movies.

First example
One example of a character who can be considered a stereotype is Kelly Bundy from Married with Children. Kelly is a stereotype of a dumb blonde. She has big, hair-sprayed blonde hair, wears a lot of makeup and jewelry, and wears skimpy clothes. She is always confused about what is going on, she gets bad grades, and she doesnt even realize when people are making fun of her. For these reasons, she is a perfect example of how people stereotype blond-haired women.

Second Example
Ricky Ricardo from I Love Lucy is another example of a stereotype on television. Ricky is a stereotype of the hot-blooded Latin male. He is constantly mad at Lucy for her different stunts, and yells at her in Spanish. Lucy is actually afraid of him because of his temper. Also, it is a running joke that Ricky speaks with an accent. He always tells Lucy she had better splain herself. Ricky Ricardo is portrayed as a typical Latin male.

Third Example
A third example of a character who can be considered a stereotype is Tony Soprano from The Sopranos, a stereotypical Italian man. First, there is a stereotype that Italian men are often involved with the mob, and Tony is a leader in the local mob organization. He speaks with a stereotypical Jersey/New York accent and is obsessed with Italian cooking. Also, he doesnt treat women well but still considers himself a good Catholic, which is another stereotype of Italian men. Tony Soprano fulfills many characteristics of the stereotypical Italian man.

In conclusion, stereotypes are present in all types of media. The more you start to pay attention, the more stereotypes you will see. I hope that in the future writers will start to think more creatively and avoid stereotypical characters.

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