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Lizzie Stubley

To get feedback on our tasks, I designed a questionnaire and asked people from our age demographic to fill it in.

1. What were your overall thoughts on the trailer?

Generally for this question, people said they liked the way we used the genre of Romantic Comedy but challenged the conventions of a typical romantic comedy and made it more urban. People also liked the idea of a foreign girl coming to London as it is a whole new way of life for her and they enjoyed watching her personality and priorities change throughout the trailer.

2. What was your favourite part?

Responses to this question varied but for the most part, people said they most enjoyed the London scenes. When asked why they said that it was the first time in the trailer that Amandine seemed to be having real fun being out with her friends and they liked seeing her enjoying herself and not seeming to have any worries. Other peoples favourite parts included the party scene and the flour scenes.

3. Do you think the music fit in well with the trailer?

Everyone I asked said that they liked the music, and also that the changes in music were a good signifier for the change in mood and worked well with what they were seeing on screen.

4. What genre would you say the trailer is?

Everyone understood that the trailer was a romantic comedy, and a lot of people said that they thought it was a more urban romantic comedy which was good. People liked the combination of urban London and romantic Paris and said that the two themes were well combined and looked good on screen.

5. Would you go and see the film on the basis of the trailer?
Most people said they would go and see From Paris if they saw the trailer, and when asked, those that said they wouldnt said it was because they didnt like romantic comedies, not because they didnt like the trailer.

6. If you saw the poster would you associate it to the trailer?

Everyone said they would associate the poster and the trailer and this was primarily due to the main characters appearing on the poster, making it recognisably a poster for From Paris. People also generally said that their favourite thing about the poster was the colour scheme and the choice of background.

7. Was the use of voice over helpful?

People all agreed that the voice over was good because they said they felt as if they were being personally addressed, making them feel more involved with the girl. They also said that the voice over helped with the general understanding of the trailer and made it flow well.

8. Do you think the magazine, poster and trailer all work together well?
Everyone said that the poster and magazine were identifiable as part of the From Paris package. They said that having seen the trailer, they would be able to identify the poster and magazine as advertising the film From Paris. People also said they liked the similarities between the magazine and poster in terms of the background, and the use of the main girl on both. It made it more obvious that they were advertising the same thing and made them more memorable.

9. Do you think the choice of cast was relevant?

People said that the cast choices were good as you dont often get cast made up primarily of teenagers. There was also appropriate diversity in the cast, and using a cast of teenagers would appeal to our demographic.

10. Is there anything about any of the three things you would do differently?
Most people said they wouldnt change anything. Some people said they would put more of a cliff-hanger at the end of the trailer to make people want to see it more, and someone said they would have made the magazine brighter to grab the attention of passers by more. I thought this was good feedback for the evaluation.

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