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Charismatic Leadership is one of the modern leadership styles in the changing world.

In this kind of leadership, the leader uses charm to get the admiration of their followers. They show concern for their people and they look after their people's needs. They create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere for their followers by listening to them and making them feel that they have a voice in the decision making.

SAM WALTON ( Founder of Wal-Mart)

Sam Walton is considered by many to have possessed charismatic qualities. He worked hard to explain his vision of retailing and serving the customer. He would visit Wal-Mart stores to continually inform his associates (the employees) that customer service is the first, second, and third priority that must be accomplished in order for the company to become the top retailer. As people responded to his vision and goals, Walton kept up a fast pace to meet people and express his viewpoint. He paid attention to his employees and his customers-the human assets of business. Walton had a giftfor making other people feel good about working for him and buying his products and service.

STEVE JOBS (Co founder of Apple)

Steven Jobs, cofounder of Apple Computer, provides another example of how charisma inspires others. Job's impact, attraction, and inspiration when he was with the firm were described as follows by John Scully following a tour of Apple Computers with Steven Jobs:

When I walked through the Macintosh building with Steve, it became clear that he wasnt just another general manager bringing a visitor along to meet another group of employees. He and many of Apples leaders werent managers at all ; they were impresarios. . . . Not unlike the director of an opera company, the im-presario must cleverly deal with the creative temperaments of artists. . . . His gift is to merge powerful ideas with the performance of his artists.

This kind of leadership is usually seen in corporate settings. Leaders act more like facilitators rather than dictators. They facilitate the ideas and the sharing of information with the end goal of arriving at a decision. The final decision ultimately rests on the leader but all considerations and factors of a decision come from the collective mind of the group under this leadership.

DONALD TRUMP (Founder of trump Organization).

Donald Trump can be characterized as having Participative Leadership skills. He has meetings with his employees to talk about problems they are having and to ask for their input.

CARLOS GHOSN ( CEO of Renault and Nissan)

Carlos Ghosn was very reasonable while dealing with his subordinate. He provided them challenges to perform better and at the same time made them realized that he trusted them and their capabilities. Ghosn believed in empowering his employees to take decisions. He also believed that change in the organizational culture should come from the bottom level and not be forced from the top management

In situational leadership, three factors affect the leader's decisions: the situation, the capability of the followers and the capability of the leader. The leader adjusts to whatever limitation is laid out in front of him by his subordinates and the situation itself. Adaptability is key here. The leaders need to be as dynamic as the different situations they are faced with

Dwight Eisenhower ( 34th President of United States)

A great example of a situational leader is General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II. General Eisenhower had to preside over the egos and rivalries of the Allied staff, including the constant spats between the American general, George Patton, and the British general, Field Marshall Montgomery. Eisenhower successfully managed those conflicts as well as managed the Allied effort to invade Nazi dominated Europe, no easy task. On the eve of D-Day, when the success of the D-Day invasion was still in doubt, Eisenhower wrote a letter to his superior, General George Marshall, taking full responsibility for the decision to launch the invasion and full blame should the effort to create a beachhead on the Normandy coast fail.

In this kind of leadership, a clear chain of command is established. The leader motivates his subordinates by presenting them rewards and punishments. All requirements for a subordinate are clearly stated with corresponding rewards. If they fail to satisfy those requirements, they will receive a corresponding punishment.

JOSEPH McCARTHY ( American politician Who served as a Republican US Senator from the state of Wisconsin from 1947 until death in1957)
A classic example of transactional leadership is former Wisconsin state senator, Joseph McCarthy. His ruthless style of accusing people of being Soviet spies during the Cold War. By punishing for deviation from the rules and rewarding followers for bringing him accused communist infiltrators, McCarthy promoted results among followers.

CHARLES DE GAULE (President of the French Republic 1959-1969 and Co-Prince of Andorr)
Another example of a Transactional leader Was CHARLES DE GAULE who was the president of French republic from 19591969. Through this type of reward and punishment he was able to become the leader of the free French in a crisis situation.

Transformational leaders lead by motivating by their followers. Leaders appeal to their followers' ideals and morals to motivate them in accomplishing their tasks. Basically, these kinds of leaders empower their followers using their own beliefs and personal strengths.

BILL GATES (Co founder of Microsoft)

A transformational leader is someone who can see the big picture one such person is Bill Gates. His role was of Chief Architect at Microsoft placing a huge burden on his shoulders some might say that Bill Gates has not only shaped the computer industry through his leadership at Microsoft but also he has provided countless opportunities to other individuals who have themselves started companies of their own to bring innovation to market Interestingly, today companies not thought as innovative actually had someone who could seethe big picture leading the company

WALT DISNEY ( Co founder of THE WALT DISNEY company)

Walt Disney possessed transformational leadership qualities in that he was always seeking to improve his knowledge base and take advantage of new opportunities. For example, he developed a new idea for an amusement park, which he termed a theme park, which offered not just exciting rides, but an entire entertainment experience which, like his movies, did not challenge his visitors, but offered them a reassuring and consistent entertainment experience (Furman 1119B0986). Disneyland, which opened in 1955, changed the amusement park business and set the stage for a transformation in the entertainment industry.

The quiet leader leads by example. They do not tell people what to do. They do not force people to do things that they are not willing to do. They do not give loud speeches, sweeping statements and clear cut orders. They do what needs to be done, inspiring their followers to do the same.

KING GEORGE VI ( King of united kingdom and British dominions from 1936 1952)
The approach of king George vi was the anthesis of the classic charismatic leader in which he based his success not on ego and force of character but on his thoughts and actions. His actions spoke louder than words. According to him ego and aggression were neither necessary nor constructive

In servant leadership, the leader takes care of the needs of his followers first before they take care of their own. Instead of acting like a king to their subordinates, leaders act as servants. The leader feels that they need to serve their followers rather than force upon them what they want.

GEORGE WASHINGTON( First president of united states)

George Washington is a classic and best example of a servant leader. A story is told that during the American Revolution a man in civilian clothes rode past a group of soldiers repairing a small defensive barrier. Their leader was shouting instructions, but making no attempt to help them. Asked by the rider, he responded with great dignity, Sir, I am a corporal! The stranger apologized, dismounted, and proceeded to help the exhausted soldiers. The job done, he turned to the corporal and said, Mr. Corporal, next time you have a job like this and not enough men to do it, go to your commander-in-chief and I will come and help you again. The man was none other than George Washington.

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