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American Civil War

1861 1865 United states of America X Confederate states of America

- Main resons

- Context
- Facts (timeline)

- Personalities
- Curiosities

- Questions

Main reasons
Against slavery (North)

For the traditions and rural way of life (South)

To keep United States united (North)

Industrial revolution (England ) 1820/1840.

Two different ideologies:

>> South Cotton grower, most of the workers was slavery, a few people keeping the whole money. >> North Industrial, clothing producer , woman starting to work.

September 1850 A new law was publish, telling that a owner of a slave, could take him back if escape (north or south). And even a free afro American, could be sell it again. Revolt at North, abolish newpapper start to talk about this issue to the population. People at north start to be worried and revolted as well.

1852 Uncle Toms Cabin After the bible, is the most sell book of the century. Telling a strong message against slavery. Representing how the north population started to become political conscious.

On July 5, 1852, Douglass gave a speech at an event

commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence, held at Rochester's Corinthian Hall. It was biting oratory, in which the speaker told his audience, "This Fourth of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn." And he asked them, "Do you mean, citizens, to mock me, by asking me to speak to-day?"
Against the slavery, John Brow start to attack the forces from south, as a way of protest. A hero to the north, a terrorist to the South
1859 - Died after try to take the Harpers Berry arsenal (Virginia).

February 1859 An unknown candidate won the

republic elections to run the presidency. December 6th 1860 Lincon became president of the USA.
The south new the intentions of Lincon (abolitionist), and felt with no representation at the government.

December 1860 An unknown candidate won the

republic elections to run the presidency. February 1860 Lincon became president of the USA.
The south new the intentions of Lincoln (abolitionist), and felt with no representation at the government.

December 20th 1860 North Carolina declare independency. Ten more (south) states make the same just after, forming the Confederate States of America. Jefferson Daves, declared president of the Confederation.

Five weeks later, started the first combat.

North 2 millions soldiers; South 800 thousand soldiers. Bloodiest war High technology weapons x old war strategies.
The south new the intentions of Lincoln (abolitionist), and felt with no representation at the government.

The war was a threat for Lincoln. But how to end over?

Answer: Logistic, communications. - Railroad, a secret weapon. > 7 days against 2 months. Fast repositions of supply. - 60,000 miles built by Lincoln orders during the Civil War.

The industry to serve the war machine: Cotton fabrics

turn to rifle and ammo production.

Use of Telegraph for the first time in a war. Lines connected around the battle zones to Lincolns office. At the same time, railroads and telegraph poles were buid, one beside other. Lincoln made an agreement with the railroad companies, to keep the control of the lines during the war. So, he could transport troops.

January 1st 1863 Lincoln declared the abolition of

slavery. Right after this declaration, 200,000 afro Americans listed to fight the war against south. Lincoln inaugurate Gettysburg Cemetery, the first war cemetery, built for the 43 soldiers without name.

1864 The elections are coming The war is exhausting all the country. Lincoln prepare a final battle to end the war. Edward Sherman was the General responsible. Total war Concept is created. 1865 Gen. Lee (south), declare the redemption of Confederation.

One week later, Lincoln was shoot, and died.

Frederick Douglas Activist for the right of afro American.

John Brow Revolutionary for the abolish of Slavery

Clara Barton Found the Red Cross of America.

During the civil war, 60.000 escape from the south, a loss of 50 million dollars for the owners. First modern war, right after the industrial revolutions.

During the civil war, 60.000 escape from the south, a loss of 50 million dollars for the owners.

20,000 woman volunteered to serve as a nurse during the war. The Brome discovery reduce to almost 0% the tax of gangrene at the end of war. Funeral agents made a lot of money, rescuing the bodies from the battleground.

Before the war, South was responsible for 2/3 of world cotton production. More than 600,000 soldiers died (2% of American population). Its boodly war ever to USA. Its more than the sum of all soldiers died in the other wars that USA participated. For the first time, post service start to deliver the letter from the soldiers.

Made by: John Azevedo Contact:

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