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How do I learn?

Session 1

Module Aims
This module aims to help students to make the most of their studies in Higher Education, to develop skills associated with being lifelong learners and improve their self-confidence as learners. Students will develop their reflective practice and gain a practical understanding of curriculum developments, especially in relation to computing and Primary Languages.

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Learning Outcomes
develop autonomy in and take responsibility for their own learning including reflecting upon strengths and areas for development; demonstrate an applied understanding of a contemporary curriculum development demonstrate computational thinking through processes including: decomposition; logical reasoning; and developing algorithms Make discerning use of digital content to achieve specific goals

Pebble Pad

Learning Network Groups

Session aims
To identify the appropriate tools required for successful learning in Higher Education To consider critical reading strategies and apply new techniques to reading a key text

Learning tool kit

Map the tools you plan to utilise as you engage with learning in HE.

What does it mean to read critically?

Critical reading is concentrated, active, engaged reading. At its core, critical reading involves annotating a text: underlining and writing key words in the margins.

Asking questions as you read

How is the text organised? e.g headings, paragraphing, structure, What evidence does it refer to? What do you already know about the subject? What initial questions do you have or what would you like to find out? What are the main ideas? What are the implications of the ideas? Who wrote the article and why? What type of source is it? How do we know it is valid? Is the evidence fact, research, opinion or personal experience? Do you have questions that are unanswered in the reading? What other perspectives are there in the reading? How can we capture this? Making notes, writing questions , highlighting,

How do I respond to the Geake paper?

What are the main ideas? What are the implications of the ideas? Who wrote the article and why? What type of source is it? How do we know it is valid? Is the evidence fact, research, opinion or personal experience? Do you have questions that are unanswered in the reading?

How might learning in HE differ from my experiences so far?

All about me
Write an All about me statement (1,000 words max). Save this as a text document (e.g. MS Word) in readiness for uploading to PebblePad next week.

From the tools identified on your group mindmap, identify three skills that you as an individual need to develop.

Independent Task
Read: ng/writing-resources/critical-reading

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