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Charlotte Walkett

What you get on front covers

1. Masthead Web-links? Ears? 2. Menu strip

8. Selling Line or Banner

9. Tagline

3. Cover Line
14. kicker

10. Feature Article Photo

11. Headline 4. Secondary Lead

12. Anchorage 13. Flash 5. Plug

6. Graphic Feature or Puff

7. Caption

15. Bar Code 16. Date Line

The masthead tells you that the magazine is a music magazine, and specifically a rock one. The meaning added with the interaction between the anchorage and photos, is that the anchorage gives away what the main article will be about, as its a quote from the band in the images interview. The lifestyles hinted by the taglines and kickers, are that music is all you need in your life , the same goes for the kickers, they are all listed bands, suggesting that again all you need is music, as they dont specify what the article is about with the band, just that they are in the magazine this month. The language used is mostly quotes or bands featured in the magazine, this suggests that the magazine content will mostly be to the point, as they kind of give away what the issue will be about. I think that the most important thing on the cover is the feature article photo, this is because it gives you some insight to what the magazine is about, for example if you had an image of some clothes, this would suggest that the magazine is about fashion. The feature article image will also help to get people to buy the issue, as if they see something that seems interesting, they are likely to buy it. The tone/type of language used throughout the magazine, is informal, as it uses words that a teenager may use.

How front covers are conceived and laid out

Indirect mode of address can be mysterious, lively, sombre

Direct mode of address can appear in yer face, serious, warm

Creates a wacky, fun image, sharing an identity with the reader that offers the independence of indie music.
Enigma what are they getting up to now?

There is no colour scheme used on the house design, it changes according to the image. The only colour pattern seen is the one on the free cd case. It appears that the colour has no meaning, as it just looks like the colours were chosen to make the text stand out against the background. About 5 different fonts have been used on the magazine, the font can be linked with the conventions as it seems like the text is kind of in your face, as its in a font large enough to read, and all written in capital letters. The look and feel created by the home design, is that the magazine will be informative, as there are a lot of things that will be features in the magazine on the cover, giving the impression that there are a lot of things to read about. The photographic techniques seen throughout the magazine covers, seem to be either a full body shot or a mid shot, with the frontman of the band in the middle of the shot, followed by the other band members stood behind them, but next to the frontman. The overall look presented throughout the covers is enticing, this is because of the quotes seen around the page, this makes you question what has been asked or said before in order for the quote to be said, so it entices you to want to carry on reading. The theme used seems to be more modern, as the colours and the way the magazine is set out would suggest this. Also the type of bands seen on the cover would suggest, as they are newish bands with young members. The enigma causes the reader to ask questions, this is because not much is given away with certain images or kickers, as to why the band is featured in the magazine, it is just listed that there is an article with them in it. The rule of thirds is not consistent throughout the magazine covers, this is because of the different shot positions that the bands have been in for the image to be taken, but the general shot seems to have the frontman/woman in the centre third, followed by the band members in the right third mostly, and maybe one person in the left third. The mastheads position is consistent throughout the magazine covers, which is at the top, across the width of the page. The headline is usually positioned in the middle third or the right middle third. There doesnt seem to be a lot of dead/white space on the cover, as it covered with an image or some text. The items on the cover are spread out, but they are blocky, this is because of the colours used, as they are block colours because they dont have any shading or texture. The magazine is designed as it is because I think that the publishers are trying to entice you to buy the magazine, and to entice you they put as many names of popular bands on the cover as they possibly can without the magazine looking tacky or messy. I think that the magazine is poster style, this is because of the large image used of the main feature article, as it takes up most of the page, and because of the overall layout. The style of the magazine does not follow the typical conventions such as the name of the magazine being in the top left corner, and the main feature article being spread across the width of the page and in the centre, but it does have the typical conventions of the kickers followed by a quote or explanation underneath it.

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