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Monsters, Killers & Misconceptions

Mr. Cruz ESL ML Fall13

This monster is

Frankenstein is the name of the eccentric doctor, Victor Frankenstein, who creates a living creature from the parts of the dead! Written by Mary Shelly in 1818, at the age of 19. Modern Prometheus (brought fire to humans). Mad Scientist concept.

This monster is

Son of Dracul- Original Vampire (Wampyr) named made popular by Bram Stoker in 1897. Drinks human blood, is immortal, can transform into a bat or mist, has supernatural strenght and can hypnotize people. Historical influences- Vlad Dracula aka Vlad the Impaler Romanian King who killed 10,000 of his opposition by placing them on wooden spikes

Real life Vampires

Porphyria- inability to produce heme a major component in red blood cells
Consumption of blood Photosensitivity Raised gums (giving appearance of larger canines) (dark in color) Pale skin Allergic to garlic

People would need to ingest blood to survive Xeroderma pigmentosum- severe burning of the skin caused by UV light (the others)

This monster is
The Wolfman!

Lycanthrope- Greek for Wolf-man Collection of folklore from various cultures. Transform into wolf-like creatures on a full moon; killed by silver and wolfsbane. Native American Skin-Walkers Change into animals (most often a wolf) to protect the tribe or as a curse

Real life wolf man

Hypertrichosis (Ambras syndrome)- excessive hair growth throught the body Macrodontis- Enlarged teeth

This monster is

A reanimated corpse- living dead-different than vampires Catalepsy- State which person appears to be dead but isnt. Would be buried alive and attempt to RISE from the GRAVE!!

Man-like creature that lives in caves and has a taste for human flesh!

The Bogeyman
Mythical creatures that lives underneath childrens beds or closets Story told to scare children into going to bed

Creature that eats dead people
Found in graveyards

Creature that lives under bridges and eats animals and people.

Creature of Mischief (does bad things)

Slasher Flicks
Scary movies that deal with killers (serial or crazy)

Ed Gein
Inspiration for leatherface Low IQ Created human skin mask

John Gacy
Killed 100s of young men after having relations with them

Psychopath vs Sociopath
Psychopath is crazy-hears voices to do bad things.

Psychopath vs Sociopath
Sociopaths have no empathy- they do not care about doing bad things to others.

Real Psychopaths
Jeffrey Dahmer- (TCM-Like) House of Horrors

Real Sociopaths
Ted Bundy- killed and raped numerous women (30 known)

And most scary of all

The Killer BABY!!!! AHHHHHH


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