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Carcinoma Larynx

Larynx Ca frequent malignancies in ENT: The second most common malignancy of the head and nec !merica: the order of 1 "#$ Ci%to &angun usumo 'os%ital ("#C&) and the "#$ *r$ #utomo: sequence + after the N,C and %aranasal sinus tumors -n the "#$ 'asan #adi in (2..+): 12$/0

!N!T1&2 !N* ,'2#-1L132 larynx






Lym%hatic #ystem


&en: ;omen "atio < +$4: 1 "#C& (19/.=19/4) < 144 cases> 7: 1 Canada < 5: 1 -taly < +2: 1 /40 ? smo ing @ alcohol ,! 6ieAs: 940 squamous cell carcinoma

Common: the glottis Northern Euro%ean countries: ? 540 (glottis)B +40 (su%ra / suCglotis)$ #outhern Euro%ean countries: ? 5/0 (glottis)B +20 (su%ra / suCglotis)$ !merica: ? 5.0 (glottis)B 4.0 (su%ra / suCglotis)$

= N1T 2ET DN1;N = "is factors: #mo ing Consum%tion of alcohol "adioacti8e rays *eficiency of 8itamins 6irus infection (',6)

Clinical Sym tom!

'oarseness EloAn Taste %ro% -m%aired sAalloAing Lum%s Nec

3eneral ENT examination Nec %al%ation F%%er airAay oCstruction Local examination: laryngosco%yB tra eos o%iB Cronchosco%y

Indirec Laryn#o!$o y

direc Laryn#o!$o y

#oft Tissue Nec !ssess airAay CT=#can !ccurately assess the extension of tumor (thyroid cartilageB %re e%iglottisB lim%he) *etecting secondary %rimary tumors &"!ssessing s%ecial extension suCgloti from %rimary to on 6ocal Cords



T( Limited 1 side su%raglotisB 8ocalist normal cord mo8ement T) Exit from 1 side su%raglotisB 8ocalist normal cord mo8ement T* limited in the larynxB chordae fixation 8ocalist / %ost ri oid extensionB the medial Aall of the sinus %iriformis or %re= e%iglottisB and erosion innercortex thyroid cartilage
T+a T+,


The in8asion came out through the thyroid cartilage and larynx or out

,re8erteCra s%ace in8asionB carotid arteryB or mediastinal structures


T( Limited to 8ocalist cordB can in8ol8e the commissures T) E stensi e su%raglotis/suCglotis/aCnormal cord mo8ement



Limited in the larynx Aith cord fixation 8ocalist The in8asion came out of the glottis through the thyroid cartilage and / or exit larynx


T+, ,re8erteCra s%ace in8asionB the carotid arteryB or mediastinal structures


T( Limited to suCglotisB 8ocalist cord mo8ement Aas normal Extensions to the cord singerB 8ocalist cord mo8ement is T) normal or slightly disturCed T* Limited in the larynxB 8ocalist cord fixation The in8asion came out suCglotis through thyroid cartilage and larynx or out



T+, ,re8erteCra s%ace in8asionB the carotid arteryB or mediastinal structures


Nx N. N( N) N*

can not %al%aCle lym%h nodes

no lym%h node metastases in the nec region

#ingle i%silateral lym%h nodesB si7e G+cm

- N2a: metastasis in 1 side of the lym%h nodesB si7e G5 cm - N2C: &ulti%le i%silateral metastasesB si7e G5 cm - N2c: Cilateral or contra lateral metastasisB si7e G5 cm

lym%h nodes Aith si7es larger than 5 cm



No distant metastases


-t Aas found distant metastases

Sta#e ----6! -6E -6C T T1 T2 T+ T1=+ T1=+ T4a T4C !ny T !ny T N No N. N. N1 N2 N. !ny N N+ !ny N M &o &. &. &. &. &1 &. &. &1


Fnli e e8ery flashlight *e%ending on the location of %rimary tumorB stage -n general: surgeryB radiationB chemothera%yB and chemoradiation (comCination)$ stage -: radiationB if it fails L, / LT #tage --: L, / LT #tage ---: Aith / Aithout N1: LT Aith or Aithout the HN* / "N* folloAed Cy radiation #tage -6: Aithout N / &: LT I HN* folloAed Cy radiation 1ther: radiothera%y and chemothera%y

O erati/e T0era y

,artial Laryngectomy 1$ Laryngectomy %artial 8ertical / 'emilaryngectomy (L,6) 2$ Laryngectomy %artial hori7ontal (Js *3") Laryngectomy Total

Partial Laryn#ectomy

Larin#e$tomy artial /erti$al 1 0emilarin#e$tomi %LP2'

!n act of %artial resection of one or Coth 8ocal cords Aith or Aithout anterior commissures and thyroid cartilage This o%erating technique Cegan less used after an increase in radiothera%y technique and comCination Aith chemothera%y and the introduction of techniques laryngectomy su%racricoid

Larin#e$tomi ar!ial /erti$al 1 0emilarin#e$tomi %LP2'

1$ 2$ +$ 4$ 4$ Cordectomy Laryngectomy %arsial frontal Laryngectomy %arsial lateral Laryngectomy %arsial frontolateral Laryngectomy %arsial frontolateral ex%anded

Laryn#ectomi ar!ial /erti$al 1 0emilaryn#ectomy %LP2'

1$ !ction cordectomyB laringectomy %artial frontalB %artial lateral laringectomy = Tumors larynx on one side of the 8ocal cords = The tumor has not reached the anterior commissures = #u%raglotis tumor stage 2$ !ction laryngectomy %artial frontolateral: = Ex%ansion into the anterior commissures = Ex%ansion into the contralateral 8ocal cordB Aithout fixation

Laryn#ectomi ar!ial /erti$al 1 0emilaryn#ectomy %LP2'

+$ !ction laryngectomy frontolateral %artial ex%anded: = Ex%ansion suCglotis (G2=+ mm) = The ex%ansion to one of the %rocessus 8ocalis cart$ aritenoid

Com lication
- Ereathy 8oice - Laryngeal stenosis - Histula - !s%iration - *islocation - Edema treated Aith C12 laser - #uCcutaneous em%hysema installation of drains

Laryn#ectomy artial 0ori3ontal %LP"'

E%iglotectomy ,artial Laringectomy su%raglotis ,artial Laringectomy su%racricoid Aith Cricohyoidoe%igloto%lexy$

Laryn#ectomy artial 0ori3ontal %LP"'

E%yglotectomy !ctions: Tumor limited to the e%iglottis$ !ction L, su%raglotis: Tumor su%raglotis @ glottis (not yet on the anterior commissures) !ction L, su%racricoid Aith Cricohyoide%igloto%lexy: = 3lottis Cilateral tumorsB T1B ant$ commissures (I/=) = 3lottis unilateral tumorB T1B ant$ commissures (I) = Tumor glottis uni / CilateralB T2B im%aired 8ocal cord mo8ement (I/=)

- !ritenoid i%silateral cartilage fixation - Ex%ansion of the tumor to suCglotis - ,atients Aith %ost=radiation - ,resurgery res%iratory disturCance

Laryn#ectomy S4 ra#loti$

Laryn#ectomy S4 racricoid 5it0 crico0yoide i#loto le$!i

Ad/anta#e! Laryn#ectomy S4 racricoid

1$ ;ider o%erating field 2$ Eetter outcome in Cilateral glottis tumors +$ The %atient can Creathe Aithout a tracheostomy

Com lication
- !s%iration - Histula - The difficulty of e8aluation of recurrence - Condritis Cricoid cartilage - *ys%hagia

Total Laryn#ectomy

lift the entire structure of the larynx from the u%%er limit (e%iglottis @ os hioid) until the loAer limit (tracheal rings)

- Laryngeal tumor stage --- @ -6 - #tage - @ -- are recurrentB the failure of radiation thera%y - Can Ce conducted Aith radical nec dissection or functional - Limit cutting ring ex%ansion of tumor into the trachea suCglotis area

O eration! roced4re total Laryn#ectomy


Di!ection 6la S4, lati!ma

Incition 7a!cia o/er M8 SCM

Incition Stra m4!cle

C4ttin# I!t0m4! and !e aration T0yroid

Se aration o! 0yoid

C4ttin# trac0ea

P0aryn#eal m4co!a i! !e arated 7rom t0e t4mor97ree !ide

De7ect a7ter remo/al o7 larynx

Se5in# Oe!o 0a#4!

Se5in# !toma

:o4nd Clo!4re

Po!to erati/e care

1$ 2$ +$ 4$ 4$ ,atients do not sAalloA 3i8ing antiCiotics Eating @ drin ing through N3T The test drin %rior to the release of N3T !8oid the occurrence of infection (ase%sis and antise%sis)

Com lication
- Histula and surgical Aound infections - Tracheostomal recurrence - 'y%othyroidism @ hi%o%aratiroidism - ,e%tic ulcer - ,haringoeso%hagus stenosis - Tracheitis

2oice Re0a,ilitation
There are + ty%es of s%eech rehaCilitation is %ossiCle to do: 1. Esophageal speech 2. Electrolaryngeal speech 3. Tracheoesophageal speech (tracheoesophageal puncture technique)

Esophageal speech
,atient deli8ers air into the eso%hagus due to the %ressure of intra thora al &edical "ehaCilitation Fnit needed long time to train 740 ex%erienced failure

Tracheoesophageal speech (tracheoesophageal puncture technique)

,rothesis that connects the trachea and eso%hagus The sound %roduced Cy means of 8iCrating segments faringoesofageal Then the 8oice on the articulated Aith the tongue in the oral ca8ity TE, insertion techniques are %rimarily tAo Aays: (simultaneously or in a secondary laryngectomy 5 Aee s after laryngectomy

Tracheoesophageal speech (tracheoesophageal puncture technique)

1 The ad8antage of su%%ly air from the lungsB fonasi natural sounding and rehaCilitation carried out 2 Aee s %ost surgery 2$ The disad8antage = !dditional o%erations = ,rosthesis must Ce maintained = !s%irations Ahen lea ing = Ex%ensi8e (K 1+.=19.)

Electrolaryn#eal ! eec0
Transcer8i al and intraoral Electromechanical 8iCration to generate sound -ntra oral iL a small tuCe %laced in the %osterior ca8ity oris and sound deli8ered later articulated

Electrolaryngeal speech

Nec Ty%e Equi%ment %laced on the nec s in under the chin or the chee s channeled into oro%aring 8oice and articulated in a normal

Electrolaryngeal speech
!d8antages: = "a%id rehaCilitation = Easy maintenance = *uraCle (2=1. years) = Commercially a8ailaCle *isad8antages : = Less natural sound quality = *e%ending on Cattery %oAer = Ex%ensi8e 424 dollars = -ntra oral ty%e must maintain hygiene

TE"-&! D!#-'

#emoga Eermanfaat

C!"! ,E&!#!N3!N

(8 EM-RIOLOGI ; Te i cranial < Laryn#otraceal #roo/e < ,ronc04! dan $iri %* (1) min##4 ' !edan#$an te i di!tal

Laryn#otrac0eal o,litera!i dan re$an4li!a! oe!o 0a#4! dan adit4! larynx rimiti7 ,ranc0ial I2 dan 28


Adit4! larynx cela0 ,er,ent4$ < T < ; 9 < "y o,rac0ial eminence < e i#loti! 9 Arytenoid yan# mem,ent4$ =4#a ton=olan C4nei7orme dan Cornic4lata Otot larynx ertama ; interarytenoid erye i#lottica> ericoarytenoid o!terior dan ericot0yroid

P0y!iolo#y Larynx
Hunction Honasi ,rotection Hunction "es%iratory Hunction Circulation Hunction Hunction Hixation #AalloAing Hunction Hunction Cough Hunction E s%e torasi Hunction Emotion

at0o 0y!iolo#y

imCalance CetAeen stimulating and inhiCit cell groAth %4+ tumor su%%ressor gene mutation ToCacco smo e contains aromatic hydrocarCons formed nitro%olycyclic 7 methyl guanine and 4 aminoCi%henyl on guanine nucleotide gi8es carcinoma ty%e and descri%tion

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