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This event tests the knowledge and skills of participants in the field of Industrial Relations.

Qualities that would be tested are Negotiation skills Communication Knowledge of the subject Analytical skills The event would consist of 2 rounds Preliminary Round Online quiz for 15 minutes and a short write-up on CHALLENGES FACING IR CURRENT INDIAN BUSINESS SCENARIO Final Phase in college premises for the shortlisted teams

Six shortlisted teams based on the performance of Preliminary Round. Three rounds with each round testing different skill sets for IR. Cumulative scores would decide the winner. Basic Rules of FINAL PHASE

Each team would have 3 members at the maximum (Gender diversity preferred). The scores for each round would be awarded by the eminent professors of XLRI. The teams would be judged on specific skills required for the different rounds. The competition is open only for B-school students.

ROUND 1: For any IR manager, the skill of Negotiations is imperative. The first round will test the Negotiations skills of the participants Six teams would be divided into 3 groups (each group consisting of 2 teams). In each group, one team would represent the Employees and the other group would represent the Management and vice-versa. The Employees would have to negotiate with the management demanding pay hike and recreational facilities in office. This negotiation round would last for 30 minutes and the teams would be judged on Negotiation and Communication skills.

ROUND 2: Each team would be directed to a person (from FIREAX team) representing a fictitious company. This person would tell them a short story (reflecting an IR case) for 10 minutes. The team would be given another 10 minutes to ask questions relating to the story (to collect as much data as they can) to that person. The team would then use this data and prepare a good case for the story. This case should have perspectives from different actors and also the teams analysis and their learnings. The length of the entire case (including the analysis) should not be more than 2 pages. The team would be given an hour to prepare their case after data collection. The teams would be evaluated on the conceptual skills and their presentation of the case.


Any IR manager needs to have the ability to analyze and conceptualize difficult situations. The best way of testing this skill is to give them a case and trigger their analyzing skills. In this round, the teams would be given a case which would have complex problems with moral dilemma. The ability of the participants to come out with an analysis will determine their competency. The focus on these case-lets would be the moral dilemma and the reaction of the participants to handle such scenarios. This round will be of 45 minutes duration.

Online publicity

XLRI website Ensemble website Telegraph of Jamshedpur Edition Radio partners.

Media House

Brochures, bill boards, Posters Hot air balloons with our Event name printed on it. Budget for Promotion process - Rs. 25,000/-

What is Ensemble?

Ensemble, the annual international business summit of XLRI, is one of the leading Business Summits in India. It is a melting point of industry leaders, prominent thinkers and the wide plethora of talent across the Indian MBA landscape. It attracts participation from over 20 reputed B-Schools of India with footfall more than 3000 students. It showcases the talent of best future managers and entrepreneurs of India and brings out the potential of the participants by challenging their business acumen and social sensitivity of the leaders of tomorrow.


My Way or Highway is the flagship IR Event of Ensemble. This event is designed to test the different aspects of IR. This event evaluates the competencies of the participants by testing their communication, negotiation, analyzing and conceptualizing skills in addition to their knowledge of fundamental IR concepts. This is an all-round assessment of managerial capabilities with focus on IR specific areas. The prize money for the event is Rs.1,00,000/-

Why Sponsor???

My Way or Highway is a part of Ensemble (of XLRI) which is one of the best B-School Management fests in India. Association with this event will bring in a lot of publicity and visibility for the company.
Association with the event will increase the brand value of the company. This event would be covered by the media all over India and would give a major brand boost to the company. The logo and brand of the company would be printed on the bill-boards, posters and brochures. With participation from top 20 B-Schools and over 300 brilliant students, the company gets the opportunity to assess the future managerial quality of India under one roof. It would also provide an opportunity for the company to have an insight into the talent of the future managers of India and also discover their potential. This will help in the future recruitment decisions of the company.

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