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Music Therapy

Chapter 21

Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens.
-Maria Von Trapp

An Historical Perspective of Music Therapy

Music as a form of healing is ageless From tribal drumming to medieval court minstrels, every culture has used music for relaxation and healing. The expression, music soothes the savage beast is renowned the world over as a simple truth The National Music Therapy Association was founded in 1950

Music Therapy
Music therapy is defined as the systematic application of music by the music therapist to bring about helpful changes in the emotional or physical health of the client. And the ability to experience an altered state of physical arousal and subsequent mood by processing a progression of musical notes of varying tone, rhythm, and instrumentation for a pleasing effect.

From Sound to Noise to Music

Sound is measured in Hertz (Hz) Hz measures the vibrations/second Sounds are recorded in decibels (dB) dB = the air pressure detected by the human ear

The Dynamics of Music*

Tone Intensity Harmony Rhythm Pitch Timbre Interval Perceptual Quality

*All these factors are involved in musics ability to promote relaxation

Music as a Relaxation Technique

Theories of Music Therapy: Biochemical Theory Entrainment Theory Metaphysical Theory

Music as a Relaxation Technique

The Biochemical Theory states that music is a sensory stimulus that is processed through the sense of hearing. Sound vibrations are chemically changed into nervous impulses that activate either the sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system.

Music as a Relaxation Technique

The Entrainment Theory, based on a law of physics, suggests that oscillations produced by music are received by the human energy field and the various physiological systems and organs entrain with or resonate with the given Hz (oscillation) of the music.

Music as a Relaxation Technique

The Metaphysical Theory suggests that music and song have a transcending quality that provides a direct communication with the divine. Music is divine in nature Many musicians say that when they compose, they are eavesdropping on the thoughts of God (e.g., Mozart, Beethoven, Paul McCartney).

Music Therapy
For music therapy to be fully effective as a relaxation technique, it is best that the music be instrumental (without lyrics). Type of music selected, listening environment, posture, and attitude also affect the quality of the relaxation response.

Physiological Effects of Relaxing Music

Decreases resting heart rate Decreases resting blood pressure Decreases muscle tension Decreases other metabolic parameters associated with the stress response

Psychological Effects of Music

Music has a profound ability to effect ones mood whether its a lullaby or a rock concert

Music Therapy & Chronic Pain

Two Theories:
1. Music serves as a pleasant distraction from pain 2. Healing vibrations entrain a healing effect to reduce pain 7.8 Hz is thought to be the vibration of homeostasis Dolphins and whales sing at 7.8 Hz

Steps to Initiate Music Therapy

Make a good musical selection Create a good listening environment Create your own mix of relaxing songs Select songs without words/lyrics that could engage left brain to run amok with emotions.

Best Application of Music Therapy

Listening to instrumental music can be a form of meditation It should be done without distractions (e.g., cell phones, TV, etc.) Playing an instrument also qualifies as music therapy Singing also qualifies as music therapy (so does whistling!)

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