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What can you observe from this video clip?

Why do animals need to Protect themselves from danger/attack By enemies??

- Animals cannot produce their own food. - They need to look for food and may have to compete with others for food. - Animals which lose out in the competition for food will die faster than other animals. - There will be a drop in their population. - Thus animals have their own special characteristics and behaviour to survive and protect them from danger and enemies.


Hard Scales

Sharp Claws

Poisonous Stings

Specific Characteristics


Curling Up

Hard Shells


The spines on a porcupine fish stick out when its body expand

Porcupines have sharp spines on their bodies to keep enemies at bay. They raise their long, sharp spines when their enemies advance towards them


The body of fishes are covered with scales

Crocodiles have hard scales to protect their bodies from injuries

The bodies of snails, crab and clams and covered with hard shells.

Snails and tortoises retract their heads and legs into the shells when they are attacked by enemies.


The octopus and squid squirt black ink to confuse their enemies so that they can escape

Sharp claws

Lions, cats and bears have sharp and strong claws while eagles have talons to protect themselves and their young from their enemies


Millipedes and pangolins can curl their bodies up so that their enemies cannot attack them

Grasshoppers, praying mantises and other leaf insects have body colour that is similar to their environment. They can hide from their enemies

Chameleons can change their body colour to match their surroundings. Their enemies cannot see them easily


Bees and wasps also use stings to weaken their enemies

Scorpions have poisonous stings on their tails to attack and kill their enemies

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Identify the special characteristics and behaviours of the animals that help to protect them from danger

A. Spines
B. Hard Scales

C. Camouflage D. Hard Shells

A. Sharp claws

B. Smokescreen

C. Curling up

D. Poisonous stings

A. Spines B. Smokescreen C. Camouflage D. Hard Shells

A. Sharp Claws B. Smokescreen C. Camouflage D. Hard Shells

A. Spines B. Smokescreen C. Poisonous Stings D. Sharp Claws

Curls up X Covered by hard into a ball scales

What animal could X be?

A. A pangolin B. A snake C. A chameleon D. A scorpion

Confuse their enemy with black screen

Camouflage well with the surrounding

What animal could X be?

A. A leopard B. A chameleon C. An octopus D. A lion

Thick fur

Thick layers X of fat under the skin

A. An eagle B. A wasp C. A goat D. A polar bear

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