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Evaluations of your practical work 20/03/2014 LO Review Homework: Evaluation Q3 & Q4

The next evaluation Questions 3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? 4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
YOU MUST - discuss what media institution (major/independent) might distribute your product. YOU SHOULD- consider whether this product would be distributed in Britain only or might be distributed internationally. YOU COULD consider what the best means of distributing your product cinema first, TV first or internet
Websites to help

4.Who would be the audience for your media product?

YOU MUST identify the demographic groups you are seeking to target as your primary audience is this for teenagers, older adults, all ages, is it for males or females or both? Is it all for all teenagers or just for some?

YOU SHOULD consider psychographic factors such as tastes in films and popular culture are Does your audience feedback suggest you have produced something that would attract this target audience?
YOU COULD identify secondary audiences for your product and discuss how you would reach these secondary audiences


You have 10 mins to log onto your production company blogs and upload your evaluation of Questions 3&4 so far. Those who did not complete Q1 &2 last week will need to upload now.

Using the revised review sheets look at another groups evaluation Q3/4 and complete a review
We will re-group at the end to critique your evaluations and pass back feedback sheets.

The next evaluation Questions

5. How did you attract/address your audience? 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

5.How did you attract/address your audience?

YOU MUST discuss how the mise-en-scene should be appealing to your target audience. YOU SHOULD discuss what your audience feedback reveals did your decisions help the audience to engage as you wanted? YOU COULD discuss how various elements of narrative theory have informed the decisions you have taken in the construction of your sequence .

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
YOU MUST - Discuss what you have learnt about how to use the camera, how to work in front of the camera and what you have learnt about how to use the Mac and iMovie to edit your work. YOU SHOULD discuss how your skills in production work have developed since the start of the course. YOU COULD- consider what you need to improve upon with regards to use of technologies in production work.


Keep hold of the review sheets from the lesson today. You will need to have Q1 4 completed. Q4-6 Will need to be in progress. Anyone who isnt at this stage by the 27th will have to see Mr. Holloway. Ask/email me if you get stuck!

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