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UNIT : 5


Visible light is varying wavelength of

electromagnetic waves from 380nm (violet) to 760nm(red). Measurement of light : Light has four measures. Which are 1) Luminous intensity - Point of source brightness or dullness

2) Luminous flux - Flow of light

3 ) Illuminance - Light reaching the surface

4) Luminance - Light reflected by surface.

Light-from sources of origin to reaching area


Luminous intensity -Candela

Luminous flux - Lumen

Illumination - Lux Luminance - Lambert

In environment , sources of light very widely in the intensity of their emission of light .

Common high intensity sources are sun and lasers , electric weildings , lamps . Broadly sources of light can be divided into two groups 1) Natural sources 2) Artificial sources

Natural source

Artificial sources
Laser , Carbon arc Lamps , Electric weildings

Sun is the natural source of light and is

accompanied by heat . There are a number of factors which affect the natural illumination . These are.

1) Weather 2)Time of the day 3) Season 4) Design , location and orientation of building 5) Atmospheric pollution

Methods to improve Natural light illumination :

1) Proper location , design and orientation of building 2) Removal of obstructions .

Properly planned buildings

Direction of rooms Windows of appropriate size Interiors of rooms

Methods to improve Natural light illumination

Obstruction Removal

North facing rooms receive less direct sunlight and are cooler while the south facing rooms receive more intense light and are warmer. Tall windows penetrate more light in rooms but broader windows diffuse more light. Windows size appropriate to room,will provide appropriate illumination.

1) Proper location, design & orientation of building :Careful designing of the building related to room facing directions, windows of appropriate size according to purpose of room and interiors of room is required. To achieve uniform lighting , wherever possible , schools, factories, buildings & laboratories should be north or south oriented as in east & west facing buildings / rooms , windows shades are used to protect direct entry of sunlight.

Illumination is subject to variation in east & west facing buildings. To achieve illumination of light in rooms, windows size, shape & location of window opening is most important. While talking about interiors of rooms, proper illumination is achieved if the ceiling is white & walls of upper portion are of light color & lower portion of dark tint.

Natural light is best achieved through placement of windows, skylight reflections and penetration and door ways.

2) Removal of obstruction:One of the important way to achieve natural light illumination is removal of obstruction in the part of flow of light to rooms .

Advantages of having Natural light

1) Reduce bilirubin level in case of premature infants having hyper bilirubinemia. 2) Maintains the biological rhythm of body. 3) Stimulates melanin synthesis. 4) Activates the precursers of vitamin D. 5) Maintain the adrenocortical secretion.

Artificial light is required when there is less

or no natural light because of weather or time of day. With the advanced technology , artificial light can be produced by using tungstum filaments lamps or fluorescent lamps. Even lasers and electric weldings or carbon arc produce artificial light.Depending on the type of projection of light towards working area or upward or downward & of reflection basis, it is divided into 5 types.

Direct lighting Directindirect lighting Semi direct lighting

Artificial light

Semi indirect lighting

Indirect lighting

Direct lighting : *99-100% light projected

to working area .

Semi direct lighting: *10-40% projected

upward, which is reflected back on the object.

Indirect light : *90-100 % projected

towards ceiling or wall.

Semi indirect light: *60-90 % light

upward projected * Rest of light projected downwards

Direct indirect light: * Equally


Criteria For Good Lighting

For proper visualisation of an object,

good light is required otherwise there will be strain on eyes. Following is the criteria for good light :-. A) Proper illumination B) Uniform distribution C) Not to bright light D) Absence of flickering E) No sharp shadows or contrasting shadows

Proper illumination : Proper illumination of

light will enable to know the details of an object without putting too much strain on eyes . The illumination requirement differs depending upon the area but 15-20 foot candles is the basic minimum requirement for satisfactory vision. Illumination requirements :
Satisfactory vision Stairs Corridors 15-20 foot candles without eye strain 5 foot candles 100 foot candles

Uniform distribution : The light should fall

over the whole area of work with the same intensity , so that there can be proper uniform distribution of light and a person is able to perform the work without any eyes strain .


too bright light : As bright light causes

constriction of pupils , thereby putting more of strain to eye to see an object in detail. Because of less area of visualisation created by constricted pupils , sometimes glare light unable a person to visualise the objects. Bright light reduces the critical vision ability , so the light should not be too bright.

Absence of flickering: There should not be

any flickering any light , it should come from a constant source. Flickering light unable a person to focus on the object and even more strain is put on the eye , because of presence & absence of light alternatively on the object .

No sharp or contrast shadows : Sharp shadows of

objects produced by light can cause confusion and these should not be present in field of vision , but slight shadows dont create problems.

Criteria for poor lighting : 1) Too bright light

2 ) Too little illumination 3) Thermal effect of light

Too bright light : To bright light can

injure the eye through photochemical reaction in retina . If an individual has sustained exposure exceeding 0.1 mw/cm2 , then the chances of having blue light injury and an exposure of more than 10w/cm2 for even a small period of time can cause retinal burn depending upon image size.

Too little illumination : If illumination is not

adequate , then the individuals can have eye strain and seasonal effective disorders.

Thermal effect of light :

Too much heat caused by light can cause injury to iritis , lens , cornea and skin due to exposure to laser radiations produced by an artificial laser light .

Effect on health :- Poor lighting has

effect on health. > Eye strain > Annoyance > Discomfort > Accidents > Injury to eye burn > Retinal

Prevention of Effect of Poor Lighting : > Proper illumination

> Appropriate training > Proper design of buildings > Proper design of equipments > Protective eye shields > Not to look directly to sources of light which are large and bright enough to cause retinal damage such as solar eclipse. > Avoid looking directly to high intensity sources such as lasers or carbon arc > Proper

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